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##Speedball ##Recreational (Intense) ##30 Minutes ## ##Speedballing (alternativ ##ely known as snowballin ##g or powerballing) is a ## term commonly referrin

##g to the intravenous us ##e of heroin or morphine ## and cocaine together i ##n the same syringe. Thi ##s is a potentially incr ##edible and powerful exp ##erience: the cocaine ac ##ts as a stimulant, rais ##ing the pulse, but its ##effects wear off more q ##uickly than those of ei ##ther heroin or morphine ##, which in turn slow th ##e heart down. As a resu ##lt, it is possible to e ##xperience a delayed fee ##ling of binaural "overd ##ose" when the stimulant ## wears off and the full ## effects of the morphin ##e are felt in isolation ##. This is recommended f ##or experienced dosers o ##nly, and recommended ri ##te of passage include b ##oth the heroin and coca ##ine doses separate, followed in closer succession, before you attempt this done. -SE brainprep: pink/10 150+6.9/90 cocainestim: pink/5 150+2.7/95 morphinestim: pink/0 150+.95/100 alloff: NOW brainprep +00:05:00 brainprep -> +00:07:00 cocainestim +00:20:00 cocainestim -> +00:22:00 morphinestim +00:29:00 morphinestim -> +00:30:00 alloff

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