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##White Sage ##Spiritual (Strong) ##20 Minutes ## ##We have designed this do ##se to act as a tool in ##a smudging

ceremony, wi ##th the added benefits o ##f after effects and str ##ong feeling. Smudging ##is a ritual way to clea ##nse a person, place or ##an object of negative e ##nergies, spirits or inf ##luences. The smudging c ##eremony involves experi ##encing the dose while f ##ocusing on the negative ## energy. Your transfer ##red thoughts tuned thro ##ugh our process will cl ##eanse the negative leav ##ing a really strange fe ##eling of extreme relaxa ##tion. One of our most spiritual and powerful doses. -SE cleanseneg: pink/50 300+8.8/50 relaxationadvanced: pink/20 300+5.2/00 alloff: NOW cleanseneg +00:04:00 cleanseneg -> +00:06:30 relaxationadvanced +00:10:30 relaxationadvanced -> +00:20:00 alloff

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