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Didymus Good Morning Do you have all 16 bolts now?

No, i don't have it yet, i will keep searching for it and i will let you know any time today, but please consider it as missing item so far and try to get some from there just in case i don't find any ASAP

Krishna has confirmed the gas alarm was picked by Roger and should be in the container offshore. Please verify and confirm back I have verified it and couldn't find it yet, but i found : DRAGER X-Zone 5000 inside the Spare CNTR- Where it is gonna be used exactly? Also confirm you have a chemical injection pump skid offshore Yes, Chemical Injection pump skid is onboard and it has been function tested already.

Do you have sling set for CWJ offshore? No. CWJ and its sling are not onboard yet. It has been sent already or still in town ? If not . please make sure IT has: 1- The LIFTING Clamp on it, 2- The 2 way Slings for the umbilical Loops ( Umbilical clamps are onboard) 3- Gates are fitted with theirs respective bolts 4- The Qc anti- rotation pins are all in place Needed for FHD: 1- FHD Platform bars ( QTY= 4) and its chains 2 - The platform pins or Bolts to attach the platform to the FHD bean ( ARIKPO KNOWS HOW IS IT) 3- top test cap sling and its lifting eyes + Shackles(Certified ones and color coded). ( ARIKPO KNOWS HOW IS IT) needed for TFA: Long air hose (15m to 20 m long if possible) or send multiple short ones.

Rig Update

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