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00 - Analgesic, antipyretic, non steroidal anti-in la!!atory "NSAID#


- $ild pain - %e&er - R'e(!atic diseases "e)cept go(t# - *++ !g and ,++ nig ta-lets. Also co!es in /++ nig ta-lets,

Presentation Dosage

- Pain and fever C'ild0 1+ !g23g2day in / or 4 di&ided doses Ad(lt0 * to / g2day in / or 4 di&ided doses * year 8 !ont's , years *, 3g * *28 ta- ) / *28 ta- ) / *, years /, 3g / ta- ) / * ta- ) / ?
2t .

^^^~^^^^^^5666566666 A7E + 9EI7:T *++ !g ta-let /++ nig ta-let ,++ !g ta-let

4 kg

;< 6 6


== AD>LT *

~~ -

*24 ta- ) / * *28 ta- ) /

* ta- ) /

- Rheumatic diseases C'ild @ 8+ 3g0 ,+ to *++ !g23g2day in 4 di&ided doses Ad(lt0 / to 1 g2day in 4 di&ided doses - $a)i!(! dose0 c'ild0 *++ !g23g2dayA ad(lt0 1 g2day D(ration0 pain arid fever: * to / daysA rheumatic diseases: according to clinical response.

Centra-indications, adverse effects, precautions

- Do not ad!inister to patients Bit' allergy to aspirin and NSAID, peptic (lcer, coag(lation disorders, 'ae!orr'ageA se&ere renal, 'epatic or cardiac i!pair!ent. - Do not ad!inister to c'ildren less t'an one year "(se paraceta!ol#. - Ad!inister Bit' ca(tion to elderly patients or patients Bit' ast'!a. - Do not e)ceed indicated doses, partic(larly in c'ildren and elderly patients. Into)ications are se&ere, possi-ly atal - $ay ca(se0 C allergic reactions, epigastric pain, peptic (lcer, 'ae!orr'ageA C diDDiness, tinnit(s "early signs o o&erdose#. %or all cases a-o&e, stop aspirin and (se paraceta!ol - Do not co!-ine Bit' !et'otre)ate, anticoag(lants and NSAID. - $onitor co!-ination Bit' ins(lin "increased 'ypoglycae!ia# and corticosteroids. - Pregnancy: not recommended during the first 5 months; CONTR -!N"!C T#" from the $eginning of the %ih month &use paracetamo'( - )reast-feeding: avoid &use paracetamo'(- In c'ildren less t'an *1 years, pre era-ly (se paraceta!ol - Ta3e d(ring !eals, pre era-ly Bit' a lot o Bater, - %or t'e treat!ent o !oderate pain, it is reco!!ended to co!-ine aspirin Bit' codeine or tra!adol C ^*+C+,- Aspirin !ay -e ad!inistered or its antiplatelet e ects in secondary pre&ention o at'erot'ro!-osis, at a dose o .5 to /++ !g daily. = /torage: $e'o0 152C - Ep"o not use if ta$'ets have a strong sme'' of vinegar3 s'ight vinegar sme'' is a'0ays present3



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