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There are 3 basic periods of prenatal development: A.

Germinal Period 8 to 10 days to 2 weeks; ends with egg attachment to uterine wall. Cleavage the mitotic division of the zygote into several cells; begins at 24 hours after conception. Division rates are different and this yields heterogeneity variability in the rate of change of different parts. 1. As cleavage occurs, a cluster of cells called the morula take shape in the zona pellucida. After the 5th day post-conception,

the cells begin taking in nutrients; this is the first interaction with the environment (the fallopian tube). 2. A fluid filled cavity forms in the morula thus facilitating the change into a blastocyst hollow sphere of cells. The blastocyst has two kinds of cells. One set of small cells are the inner cell mass, which gives rise to the organisms, whereas the other set of flat cells surrounding the inner cell mass called the trophoblast, form a protective barrier b/w the inner cell mass and the environment. 3. As the blastocyst moves further into the uterus, the trophoblast cells branch out into the mothers uterus to the blood vessels. This begins implantation, the process by which the blastocyst becomes attached to the uterus. This action marks the transition to the embryonic period. B. Embryonic Period up to 8 weeks; ends when all major organs have formed. The embryo is surrounded by the amnion, a thin, tough, transparent membrane that holds the amniotic fluid, which protects the embryo from damaging movements. 1. Surrounding the amnion is the chorion, the precursor to the placenta, a complex organ of tissue from mom and embryo that acts as a filter allowing oxygen, nutrients, and waste to be exchanged. Waste is filtered through moms kidneys and excreted. 2. While the trophoblast is forming the placenta and other membranes, the inner cell mass is busy evolving into organs. Then the inner cell mass separates into two layers: a. ectoderm outer; skin, nails, teeth, eye lens, inner ear, and nervous system b. endoderm inner; digestive system and lungs Then a third layer develops b/w these two: c. mesoderm middle; muscles, circulatory system & inner skin

3. Organogenesis process of organ formation that takes place during first two prenatal months. 4. Human growth follows two patterns from now until adolescence: a. cephalocaudal head to toe (arms then legs) b. proximodistal inside to out (shoulder before wrists) C. Fetal Period from 9 weeks to birth (30 weeks); bones harden and infant is able to survive outside mother. At 17 to 18 weeks fetal activity declines as the higher regions of the brain develop. This period of inhibited activity persists until six months. Then activity increases. 1. At this point the fetus experiences endogenous (internal to fetus) and exogenous (external) movement. Movement is essential for limb development. Adverse Factors Affecting Fetal Development Although the womb provides protection, the fetus remains indirectly connected to the outside world through its mother. Several factors that are linked to the mother can harm the fetus: Poor nutrition Use of alcohol Smoking Use of certain prescription or over-the-counter drugs Use of recreational drugs such as cocaine, sedatives, and narcotics X-rays and other kinds of radiation Ingested toxins, such as lead Illnesses such as AIDS, German measles, syphilis, cholera, smallpox, mumps, or severe flu Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Mothers who drink heavily during pregnancy may have babies with fetal alcohol syndrome. Babies with this syndrome may have problems such as

slow physical growth, small head size, heart defects, irritability, hyperactivity, mental retardation, or slowed motor development.

Resources: Berk, L. E. (2013).Child development. (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Mossler, R.A. (2011). Child and adolescent development. Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

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