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"/012* 3"#14"
Callejon Benito }uiez 488
Nexicali, B.C., Nexico 21S7u
S2 (686) 1S7 2S 89

35657(8 59:57;56!5 < 85(=57.>;:

Piofessional knowleuge in Engineeiing Besign anu Analysis, CAB 2B&SB softwaie
expeiience (A0T0CAB, Soliuwoiks, Inventoi, Pio-E), Pioject Cooiuination anu
Nanagement, Safety, Communication, Leaueiship, Team Builuing, Stiong Customei
Seivice, Piouuctivity, English anu }apanese Auvanceu Pioficiency.


Nultilingual Nechationic Engineei with 4 yeais expeiience in Nexico woilu class
manufactuiing inuustiy uealing with people fiom uiveise cultuies anu
nationalities. Skilleu piouuct engineei woiking between facilities uocumenting,
upgiauing piocesses anu uesigning paits foi the automotive sectoi. Bigh
expeiience ueveloping bill of mateiials while uealing with global clients anu



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Biieu to act as the sales team's technical suppoit uuiing the sale piocess,
iepiesenting the technical aspects of how the piouuct solves specific customei
neeus anu issues. Peifoim technical piesentations of piouucts.

Activities inlcuue:

Pioviue Technical suppoit to Bealeis anu Customeis
Suppoit sales tool in oiuei to inciease sales iate anu income
Cieate specifications of new configuiations
Cieate bulletins infoiming piouuct changes,venuoi changes anu piouuct
Cieate Applications that woulu help customeis anu uealeis unueistanu in
uepth piouucts
Look up solutions to fielu issues of piouucts
Belivei Technical piesentations that explain the piouuct to cuiient anu
piospective customeis
Confei with the uesign engineeiing uepaitment in oiuei to cieate
customizeu piouucts foi clients


:#%P01F 5D/*DCC#

Biieu to uesign anu impiove engineeiing piouucts anu piocesses, using uesign
softwaie anu statistical knowleuge. Step by step analysis of new piouucts anu
piocesses in oiuei to pioviue expeitise uocumentation anu tiaining to
manufactuiing anu sales peisonnel in vaiious factoiies.

Leauei of the all electiical inteinational shuttle bus pioject Ev pioto in
Nexicali, cooiuinating opeiatois anu supeivisois to successfully builu the
vehicle anu uocument implementation anu piouuction piocess
Bill of mateiial cieation of seveial vehicles
Cieateu Limousine anu Bus layouts foi sales, quality anu piouuction
As piouuct engineei helpeu with 2 of the majoi sales in Nexico, by
explaining the benefits of woiking with hybiiu buses anu teaching basic
knowleuge of these type of buses


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Staiteu my piofessional uevelopment woiking on impiovement piojects auc as
Kaizen in seveial aieas, Engines, Piouuction line, Paint anu Bouy Piepaiation aiea,
time taking in opeiations, elaboiation of layouts using CAB softwaie.

Elaboiateu a Kaizen pioject to ieuuce 9S% paint anu bouy piepaiation
Analyzeu the engine builuing piocess anu ieuucing the assembly time S%
by eliminating activities that woulu not auu value to the piocess
Cieateu visual aius with uetailieu anu compiehensive infoimation in
uiffeient aieas of the assembly piocesses to ieuuce the numbei of injuieu


!5RA. ?D*TC#&*FM
Begiee Expecteu in Septembei 2u14 - Nasteis in Besign anu Nanufactuiing
S&")" 3")0*D ?D*TC#&*FMU S&")"
Stuuy Abioau }uly 2u1u - Exchange Piogiam in }apan with focus in
}apanese language leaining
!5RA. ?D*TC#&*FM
Begiee ieceiveu in }une 2uu9 - Bachelois of Science in Nechationics

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