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Article Title: Decibel Hell Author/Source: Environews A: List the major ideas, concepts or key points- point by point

Today, it is difficult to escape sound completely. 120 million people worldwide have disabling hearing difficulties. There are other health effects of too much volume Growing noise pollution has different causes: population growth, rural land to urban sprawl. Lack of anti-noise regulations, electronics, vehicles and airports EPA identified transportation as the most persuasive outdoor noise source More than 100 million people in the United States are exposed to noise sources from traffic near their homes. Sound intensity is measured in decibels (dB) Unit-A dB is used to indicate how humans hear a given sound Zero dBA is the point at which a person begins to hear sound Mark Stephenson at National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health says that his agency's definition of hazardous noise is sound that exceeds the time-weighted average of 85 dBA, meaning average noise exposure measured over an eight-hour work day. "Sound exposure level" accounts for variations in sound from movement to movement "Equivalent sound level" is the value of a steady sound with the same dBA sound energy as that contained in a time-varying sound. 30 million workers are exposed to hazardous sound levels on the job in USA Industries have high number of workers exposed to loud sounds: construction, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, utilities, transportation and military. Noise is a difficult problem to monitor There is no evidence to suggest things have gotten any quieter for residents Noise affect quality of life Secondhand noise is used to describe noise that is experienced by people who did not produce it. Activists say that the effects on people are similar to secondhand smoke Secondhand noise can have a negative effect in the workplace. Workers get exposure to noise not from what they're doing but also from what is going on around them Electricians have a reputation as being a member of a quiet trade, but if they work near a jackhammer it would have a harmful effect There are household tools and appliances that can produce harmful sound levels. Dishwashers, vacuums and hair dryers can reach or exceed 90 dBA Industrialized society has spawned ubiquitous entertainment and sport industries with their boom boxes, surround sound movie theaters, loud TV commercials and louder commercials at sports stadiums Drag Racing set a record of 177 dB in 2002 Countryside is also impacted by noise pollution, 75% of farmworkers have hearing problems, the result of long-term exposure to loud equipment

Noise in Japan is also affecting the quality of life. (loudspeaker messages forced many citizens to wear earplugs) In Europe, 65% of the population is exposed to ambient sound levels above 55dBA while 17% exposed to level above 65 dbA. Noise is everywhere and experts expect no decrease in noise levels, given the powerful impact of technology on modern life. Scientific studies over the years confirmed that exposure to certain levels of sound can damage hearing. Exposure can actually change the structure of hair cells in inner ear, resulting in hearing loss. It can cause tinnitus, a ringing, roaring buzzing or clicking in the ears 12 million Americans suffer from Tinnitus with 1 million experiencing it to the extent that it interferes with daily activities 90% coal miners have hearing impairments by 52 compared to 9% of general population 70% male metal/nonmetal miners will experience hearing impairment by 60. Females tend to have better hearing than males Half of all construction workers have some degree of hearing loss By 25, the average carpenter's hearing is equivalent to a healthy 50 year old male that hasn't been exposed to noise Hearing loss is irreversible William Luxford, medical director of House Ear Clinic of St. Vincent Medical Center in LA points out that when exposure to noise is stopped, hearing loss stops. Changing environment can improve person's hearing health Changing environment would be wise and healthy Audiologists blame disturbing development on youth's penchant for listening to loud music with headphones In July 2001, researchers from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 12.5% of American Children have noise-induced hearing threshold shifts, dulled hearing in one or both ears. Most children with noise-induced hearing threshold shifts have only limited hearing damage Continued exposure can lead to difficulties with high-frequency sound discrimination For the baby boom generation, change of environment may be too late Nonauditory effects of noise exposure are effects that don't cause hearing loss but can still be measured, such as elevated blood pressure, loss of sleep, increased heart rate and changes to brain chemistry. It can lead to increased drug use and accidents These effects were noted as early as 1930 in a study by E.L Smith and D.L Laird Results showed that exposure to noise caused stomach contractions in healthy human beings. excessive noise exposure could lead to hearing loss in newborns and disrupt natural growth and development of premature infants As children grow they are exposed to sounds that can threaten their health and cause learning problems

Noise exposure has been shown to affect learning ability. Unwanted sound is most annoying at times when people expect to rest or sleep, that it can interrupt or delay sleep and that it can have subtle effects on sleep Airports have become a flash point for community frustration over noise pollution. Money is being made from disturbing the peace. Anti-noise activists say that Europe and Asia are more advanced than the US in combating noise Noise Control Act of 1972 empowered the EPA to determine noise limits to protect the public health and welfare and to est. a noise control office. In 1982, the Reagan administration defunded the office. Governments, communities,and organizations worldwide will need to be creative and aggressive in addressing what will certainly continue to be one of the 21st centurys most important environmental health issues. B: Summarize the AUTHORs main point or idea- at LEAST 1-2 paragraphs Noise pollution affects all aspects of life from your daily life and also while you sleep. Noise is something that can't be escaped completely. In the workplace, you can be creating the noise yourself or even the people around you can be making noise that affects your health. Not only that, but household tools and appliances like dishwashers can be loud enough to effect health. Noise is known to cause people to go deaf overtime. It can also cause tinnitus, which is a roaring or clicking in your ears. Not only does noise affect your ears, it can also effect many other parts of your body. It can cause elevated blood pressure, loss of sleep, increased heart rate and changes to brain chemistry. It can affect their learning ability too. One of the solutions presented in this article is to move into an environment that can improve the person's hearing health. Many people from all over the place are trying to fight the noise pollution. There have been many complaints to airports about the loud noise that goes through their ears day and night. There have been legislations to prevent noise pollution, but they have been turned down. Even so, nations in Europe and Asia are more advanced than the United States is in combating noise. C: Write a reaction paragraph to the article stating your own thoughts on the topic, using specific citations from the article to support your views I agree with the statement that noise pollution is something that cannot be stopped completely. Noise comes from everywhere, from humans, electronics, cars and animals. Since we cannot live with some of the items that give off noise, I think it is impossible to prevent noise altogether. The United States should create laws that limit the levels of sound at certain times of days. At night, the levels of noise should be way low unless authorized. The governments should also find ways to move airports to places that have no residency so there's less complaints and safer environments. So what? Noise pollution harms health not only in hearing but in all places of the body. It comes from cars, airports, tools, household items and more.

Says who? William Luxford Mark Stephenson What if...? Noise pollution wasn't a complaint in the world? Less combat and activists against noise pollution. What does this remind of? Secondhand smoke reminds me of secondhand noise. They both aren't created by you, but can still harm you.

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