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Event The Second International Congress of Teachers of DeafMutes. Date 6th 11th September 1880. Venue(s) Regid Istitutio Tecnico di Santa Marta, Milan, Italy (for the Congress); Royal Institution for the Deaf and Dumb Poor of the Province and Royal School for the Poor, both of Milan (for the demonstrations).

Number of Delegates Although the attendance numbers may have varied each day, 164 was generally the average. Countries Represented 87 Italians, 53 French, 8 British, 5 Americans, 3 Swedish, 1 Belgian and 1 German. The rest remains unknown. Number of Deaf Delegates Only 2 James Denison, Principal of the Columbian Institute in Washington DC, USA and Claudius ForestierDirector of Lyon School for the Deaf, France. Aim of Congress 1) To push and vote for the Pure Oral Method to be used in the instruction of the deaf and to discourage sign language in the education of the deaf. 2) To monopolise deaf education and remove deaf teachers. No of Resolutions Passed 8, especially the two topmost Resolutions 1 & 2.

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Nick Sturley 2005-10. All Rights Reserved. Website Design: Nick Sturley. No part of this website, the text and images can be reproduced without the consent. However the text in th Milan 1880 History & The Congress are OPEN source material and therefore can be used for any purposes

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