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Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction


Steady Heat Conduction In Plane Walls 3-1C (a) If the lateral surfaces of the rod are insulated, the heat transfer surface area of the cylindrical rod is the bottom or the top surface area of the rod, As = D 2 / 4 . (b) If the top and the bottom surfaces of the rod are insulated, the heat transfer area of the rod is the lateral surface area of the rod, A = DL . 3-2C In steady heat conduction, the rate of heat transfer into the wall is equal to the rate of heat transfer out of it. Also, the temperature at any point in the wall remains constant. Therefore, the ener y content of the wall does not chan e durin steady heat conduction. !owe"er, the temperature alon the wall and thus the ener y content of the wall will chan e durin transient conduction. 3-3C The temperature distribution in a plane wall will be a strai ht line durin dimensional heat transfer with constant wall thermal conducti"ity. steady and one

3-4C The thermal resistance of a medium represents the resistance of that medium a ainst heat transfer. 3-5C The combined heat transfer coefficient represents the combined effects of radiation and con"ection heat transfers on a surface, and is defined as hcombined # hcon"ection $ hradiation. It offers the con"enience of incorporatin the effects of radiation in the con"ection heat transfer coefficient, and to i nore radiation in heat transfer calculations. 3-6C %es. The con"ection resistance can be defined as the in"erse of the con"ection heat transfer coefficient per unit surface area since it is defined as Rconv = &/ (hA) . 3-7C The con"ection and the radiation resistances at a surface are parallel since both the con"ection and radiation heat transfers occur simultaneously. 3-8C 'or a surface of A at which the con"ection and radiation heat transfer coefficients are hconv and hrad , the sin le equi"alent heat transfer coefficient is heqv = hconv + hrad when the medium and the surroundin surfaces are at the same temperature. Then the equi"alent thermal resistance will be Reqv = &/ (heqv A) . 3-9C The thermal resistance networ( associated with a fi"e)layer composite wall in"ol"es fi"e sin le)layer resistances connected in series. is (nown, the temperature drop across any layer can be 3-10C *nce the rate of heat transfer Q = QR determined by multiplyin heat transfer rate by the thermal resistance across that layer, T
layer layer


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-11C The temperature of each surface in this case can be determined from = (T T ) / R Q Ts& = T& (QR & s& & s& & s& ) = (T T ) / R Q Ts2 = T 2 + (QR s2 2 s 2 2 s2 2 ) where Ri is the thermal resistance between the en"ironment and surface i. 3-12C %es, it is. 3-13C The window lass which consists of two 4 mm thic( lass sheets pressed ti htly a ainst each other will probably ha"e thermal contact resistance which ser"es as an additional thermal resistance to heat transfer throu h window, and thus the heat transfer rate will be smaller relati"e to the one which consists of a sin le , mm thic( lass sheet.
= hA (T T ) . In steady heat 3-14C -on"ection heat transfer throu h the wall is e.pressed as Q s s transfer, heat transfer rate to the wall and from the wall are equal. Therefore at the outer surface which has con"ection heat transfer coefficient three times that of the inner surface will e.perience three times smaller temperature drop compared to the inner surface. Therefore, at the outer surface, the temperature will be closer to the surroundin air temperature.

3-15C The new desi n introduces the thermal resistance of the copper layer in addition to the thermal resistance of the aluminum which has the same "alue for both desi ns. Therefore, the new desi n will be a poorer conductor of heat. 3-16C The blan(et will introduce additional resistance to heat transfer and slow down the heat ain of the drin( wrapped in a blan(et. Therefore, the drin( left on a table will warm up faster.

3-17 The two surfaces of a wall are maintained at specified temperatures. The rate of heat loss throu h the wall is to be determined. Assumptions 1 !eat transfer throu h the wall is steady since the surface temperatures remain constant at the specified "alues. 2 !eat transfer is one)dimensional since any si nificant temperature radients will e.ist in the direction from the indoors to the outdoors. 3 Thermal conducti"ity is constant. Properties The thermal conducti"ity is i"en to be k # /., 0/m1-. Analysis The surface area of the wall and the rate of heat loss throu h the wall are A = (4 m) (2 m) = 24 m 2 = kA T& T2 = (/., 0 / m. -)(24 m 2 ) (&4 2) - = 512 W Q L /.+ m &4L#/.+ m 0all



Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-18 The two surfaces of a window are maintained at specified temperatures. The rate of heat loss throu h the window and the inner surface temperature are to be determined. Assumptions 1 !eat transfer throu h the window is steady since the surface temperatures remain constant at the specified "alues. 2 !eat transfer is one)dimensional since any si nificant temperature radients will e.ist in the direction from the indoors to the outdoors. 3 Thermal conducti"ity is constant. 4 !eat transfer by radiation is ne li ible. Properties The thermal conducti"ity of the lass is i"en to be k # /.3, 0/m1-. Analysis The area of the window and the indi"idual resistances are A = (&2 . m) (2 m) = 2.4 m 2 7lass L

& & = = /./4&23 -/0 h& A (&/ 0/m 2 .-)(2.4 m 2 ) L /.//2 m R lass = = = /.//+2& -/0 T& k& A (/.3, 0/m.-) (2.4 m 2 ) & & R o = R conv, 2 = = = /./&223 -/0 2 h2 A ( 24 0/m .-)( 2.4 m 2 ) Rtotal = R conv,& + R glass + Rconv, 2 Ri R i = R conv,& = = /./4&23 + /.//+2& + /./&223 = /./2&44 -/0 T&
= T& T 2 = 524 ( 4)6 - = 471 W Q Rtotal /./2&44 - / 0 The inner surface temperature of the window lass can be determined from The steady rate of heat transfer throu h window lass is then

R lass



= T& T& Q T& = T& QR conv ,& = 24 - ( 43& 0)(/./4&23 - / 0) = 4.4 C Rconv ,&


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-19 A double)pane window consists of two +)mm thic( layers of lass separated by a &2)mm wide sta nant air space. 'or specified indoors and outdoors temperatures, the rate of heat loss throu h the window and the inner surface temperature of the window are to be determined. Assumptions 1 !eat transfer throu h the window is steady since the indoor and outdoor temperatures remain constant at the specified "alues. 2 !eat transfer is one)dimensional since any si nificant temperature radients will e.ist in the direction from the indoors to the outdoors. 3 Thermal conducti"ities of the lass and air are constant. 4 !eat transfer by radiation is ne li ible. Properties The thermal conducti"ity of the lass and air are i"en to be k lass # /.3, 0/m1- and kair # /./22 0/m1-. Analysis The area of the window and the indi"idual resistances are A = (&2 . m) (2 m) = 2.4 m 2

& & = = /./4&3 -/0 2 h& A (&/ 0/m .-)(2.4 m 2 ) L /.//+ m R& = R+ = R lass = & = = /.//&2 -/0 k& A (/.3, 0/m.-)( 2.4 m 2 ) Air L /./&2 m R2 = Rair = 2 = = /.&82+ -/0 k2 A (/./22 0/m.-)(2.4 m 2 ) & & Ro = Rconv,2 = = = /./&23 o -/0 2 o h2 A (24 0/m . -)( 2.4 m 2 ) Rtotal = Rconv,& + 2 R& + R2 + Rconv,2 = /./4&3 + 2(/.//&2 ) + /.&82+ + /./&23 Ri = Rconv,& = = /.24+8 -/0
The steady rate of heat transfer throu h window lass then becomes T& T T 5 24 (4)6Ri R& R2 R+ Ro

= Q




= 114 W


The inner surface temperature of the window lass can be determined from
o = T& T& R Q T& = T& Q conv ,& = 24 - (&&4 0)(/./4&3-/0) # 19.2C R conv,&


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-20 A double)pane window consists of two +)mm thic( layers of lass separated by an e"acuated space. 'or specified indoors and outdoors temperatures, the rate of heat loss throu h the window and the inner surface temperature of the window are to be determined. Assumptions 1 !eat transfer throu h the window is steady since the indoor and outdoor temperatures remain constant at the specified "alues. 2 !eat transfer is one)dimensional since any si nificant temperature radients will e.ist in the direction from the indoors to the outdoors. 3 Thermal conducti"ities of the lass and air are constant. 4 !eat transfer by radiation is ne li ible. Properties The thermal conducti"ity of the lass is i"en to be k lass # /.3, 0/m1-. Analysis !eat cannot be conducted throu h an e"acuated space since the thermal conducti"ity of "acuum is 9ero (no medium to conduct heat) and thus its thermal resistance is 9ero. Therefore, if radiation is disre arded, the heat transfer throu h the window will be 9ero. Then the answer of this problem is zero since the problem states to disre ard radiation. Discussion In reality, heat will be transferred between the lasses by radiation. 0e do not (now the inner surface temperatures of windows. In order to determine radiation heat resistance we assume them to be 41- and &41-, respecti"ely, and ta(e the <acuum emissi"ity to be &. Then indi"idual resistances are A = (&2 . m) (2 m) = 2.4 m 2

& & = = /./4&3 -/0 2 h& A (&/ 0/m .-)( 2.4 m 2 ) L /.//+ m R& = R+ = R lass = & = = /.//&2 -/0 k& A (/.3, 0/m.-) (2.4 m 2 ) Ri = Rconv ,& = R rad = = &

A(Ts + Tsurr 2 )(Ts + Tsurr )









&(4.23 &/ , 0/m 2 .: 4 )( 2.4 m 2 )5 2,, 2 + 23, 2 652,, + 23,6K + = /./,&/ -/0 & & R o = Rconv , 2 = = = /./&23 -/0 2 h2 A ( 24 0/m .-)( 2.4 m 2 ) Rtotal = Rconv ,& + 2 R& + R rad + Rconv, 2 = /./4&3 + 2(/.//&2) + /./,&/ + /./&23 = /.&422 -/0
The steady rate of heat transfer throu h window lass then becomes = T& T 2 = 524 ( 4)6 - = 203 W Q Rtotal /&422 . - / 0 The inner surface temperature of the window lass can be determined from = T& T& Q T& = T& QR conv ,& = 24 - ( 2/+ 0)(/./4&3 - / 0) = 15.5 C Rconv ,& ;imilarly, the inner surface temperatures of the lasses are calculated to be &4.2 and )&.2 - (we had assumed them to be &4 and 4 - when determinin the radiation resistance). 0e can impro"e the result obtained by ree"aluatin the radiation resistance and repeatin the calculations.


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-21 "GIVEN" A=1.2*2 "[m ^2 ] " L_glass=3 "[mm ]" k_glass=0.78 "[W/m- ]" "L_a!"=12 [mm]# $a"am%&%" &' (% )a"!%*" +_!,-!,!&._1 =2 / "[ ]" +_!,-!,!&._2 =- 0 "[ ]" 1_1=10 "[W/m ^2 - ]" 1_2=20 "[W/m ^2 - ]" "2342E3+IE5" k_a!"=6',*76&!)!&.8A!"#+ =209 "ANAL:5I5" 3_6',)_1=1/81_1*A9 3_glass=8L_glass* ',)%"&8m m# m99/8k_glass*A9 3_a!"=8L_a!"* ',)%"&8m m# m99/8k_a!"*A9 3_6',)_2=1/81_2*A9 3_&'&al =3_6',)_1 ;2 *3_glass;3_a!" ;3_6',)_2 <_*'& =8+_!,-!,!&._1- +_!,-!,!&._29/3_&'&al Lair [mm] 2 4 2 , &/ &2 &4 &2 &, 2/ Q [W] +/3., 22,.2 &,&., &4/.8 &28 &&2.2 88.8+ ,8.,2 ,&.43 34.3

300 300 200

$ !W#

200 100 100 00 2









Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-22E The inner and outer surfaces of the walls of an electrically heated house remain at specified temperatures durin a winter day. The amount of heat lost from the house that day and its its cost are to be determined. Assumptions 1 !eat transfer throu h the walls is steady since the surface temperatures of the walls remain constant at the specified "alues durin the time period considered. 2 !eat transfer is one) dimensional since any si nificant temperature radients will e.ist in the direction from the indoors to the outdoors. 3 Thermal conducti"ity of the walls is constant. Properties The thermal conducti"ity of the bric( wall is i"en to be k # /.4/ =tu/h ft1'. Analysis 0e consider heat loss throu h the walls only. The total heat transfer area is A = 2(4/ 8 + +/ 8) = &22/ ft 2 The rate of heat loss durin the daytime is T& T2 (44 44) ' Q = (/.4/ =tu / h.ft. ')(&22/ ft 2 ) = 4/4/ =tu / h day = kA L & ft The rate of heat loss durin ni httime is 0all L

Q ni


T T2 = kA & L = (/.4/ =tu/h.ft.')(&22/ ft 2 )

T& T2

(44 +4)= &/,/,/ =tu/h & ft

The amount of heat loss from the house that ni ht will be = Q t = &/Q + &4Q Q Q = Q day night = (&/ h) (4/4/ =tu / h) + (&4 h)(&/,/,/ =tu / h) t = 191,520 Btu Then the cost of this heat loss for that day becomes
Cost = (&8&,42/ / +4&2 (0h )(>/./8 / (0h) = $5.05

3-23 A cylindrical resistor on a circuit board dissipates /.&4 0 of power steadily in a specified en"ironment. The amount of heat dissipated in 24 h, the surface heat flu., and the surface temperature of the resistor are to be determined. Assumptions 1 ;teady operatin conditions e.ist. 2 !eat is transferred uniformly from all surfaces of the resistor. Analysis (a) The amount of heat this resistor dissipates durin a 24)hour period is
Q =Q t =(/.&4 0)(24 h) =3.6 Wh

(b) The heat flu. on the surface of the resistor is

As = 2
= q

D 2

+ DL = 2

(/.//+ m) 2

+ (/.//+ m)(/./&2 m) = /.///&23 m

?esistor /.&4 0

Q /.&4 0 = = 1179 W m 2 As /.///&23 m 2

(c) The surface temperature of the resistor can be determined from Q /.&4 0 = hA (T T ) Q T s = T + = = 171C s s 2 hAs (&&38 0/m .-)(/.///&23 m 2 )


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-24 A power transistor dissipates /.2 0 of power steadily in a specified en"ironment. The amount of heat dissipated in 24 h, the surface heat flu., and the surface temperature of the resistor are to be determined. Assumptions 1 ;teady operatin conditions e.ist. 2 !eat is transferred uniformly from all surfaces of the transistor. Analysis (a) The amount of heat this transistor dissipates durin a 24)hour period is
Q =Q t =(/.2 0)(24 h) =4., 0h =0.0048 !Wh

(b) The heat flu. on the surface of the transistor is

Air, +/-

As = 2

+ DL 4 (/.//4 m) 2 =2 + (/.//4 m)(/.//4 m) = /.///&/2& m 2 4

Q /.2 0 = = 1959 W m 2 2 As /.///&/2& m

D 2

@ower Transistor /.2 0

= q

(c) The surface temperature of the transistor can be determined from Q /.2 0 = hA (T T ) Q T s = T + = = 193C s s 2 hAs (&, 0/m .-)(/.///&/2& m 2 )

3-25 A circuit board houses &// chips, each dissipatin /./3 0. The surface heat flu., the surface temperature of the chips, and the thermal resistance between the surface of the board and the coolin medium are to be determined. Assumptions 1 ;teady operatin conditions e.ist. 2 !eat transfer from the bac( surface of the board is ne li ible. 2 !eat is transferred uniformly from the entire front surface. Analysis (a) The heat flu. on the surface of the circuit board is

As = (/.&2 m)(/.&, m) = /./2&2 m 2 Q (&// /./3) 0 = q = = 3%' W&" % As /./2&2 m 2

(b) The surface temperature of the chips is = hA (T T ) Q
s s

T -hips Ts

Ts = T +

Q (&// /./3) 0 = 4/- $ = (%)'C hAs (&/ 0/m 2 .-)(/./2&2 m 2 )

(c) The thermal resistance is

R conv =

& & = = ')*3 C&W 2 hAs (&/ 0/m .-)(/./2&2 m 2 )


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-26 A person is dissipatin heat at a rate of &4/ 0 by natural con"ection and radiation to the surroundin air and surfaces. 'or a i"en deep body temperature, the outer s(in temperature is to be determined. Assumptions 1 ;teady operatin conditions e.ist. 2 The heat transfer coefficient is constant and uniform o"er the entire e.posed surface of the person. 3 The surroundin surfaces are at the same temperature as the indoor air temperature. 4 !eat eneration within the /.4)cm thic( outer layer of the tissue is ne li ible. Properties The thermal conducti"ity of the tissue near the s(in is i"en to be k # /.+ 0/m1-. Analysis The s(in temperature can be determined directly from Ts(in


= kA T& Tskin Q L QL (&4/ 0)(/.//4 m) T skin = T& = +3- = 3+)+C kA (/.+ 0/m.-)(&.3 m 2 )

3-27 !eat is transferred steadily to the boilin water in an aluminum pan. The inner surface temperature of the bottom of the pan is i"en. The boilin heat transfer coefficient and the outer surface temperature of the bottom of the pan are to be determined. Assumptions 1 ;teady operatin conditions e.ist. 2 !eat transfer is one)dimensional since the thic(ness of the bottom of the pan is small relati"e to its diameter. 3 The thermal conducti"ity of the pan is constant. Properties The thermal conducti"ity of the aluminum pan is i"en to be k # 2+3 0/m1-. Analysis (a) The boilin heat transfer coefficient is

As =

D 2 (/.24 m) 2 = = /./48& m 2 4 4

= hA (T T ) Q s s Q ,// 0 h= = = 1254 W m 2 .C As (Ts T ) (/./48& m 2 )(&/, 84)-

84&/,2// 0

/.4 cm

(b) The outer surface temperature of the bottom of the pan is

= kA T s ,outer Ts ,inner Q L L Q (,// 0)(/.//4 m) Ts ,outer = T s ,inner& + = &/,- $ = 108.3C kA (2+3 0/m.-)(/./48& m 2 )


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-28E A wall is constructed of two layers of sheetroc( with fiber lass insulation in between. The thermal resistance of the wall and its ?)"alue of insulation are to be determined. Assumptions 1 !eat transfer throu h the wall is one)dimensional. 2 Thermal conducti"ities are constant. Properties The thermal conducti"ities are i"en to be ksheetroc( # /.&/ =tu/h ft1' and kinsulation # /./2/ =tu/h ft1'. Analysis (a) The surface area of the wall is not i"en and thus we consider a unit surface area (A # & ft2). Then the R)"alue of insulation of the wall becomes equi"alent to its thermal resistance, which is determined from.

R sheetrock = R& = R+ = R fiberglass = R 2 =

L& /.4 / &2 ft = = /.4&3 ft 2 .'.h/=tu L& k& (/.&/ =tu/h.ft.')



L2 4 / &2 ft = = 2/.,+ ft 2 .'.h/=tu k2 (/./2/ =tu/h.ft.')

R& R2 R+

Rtotal = 2 R& + R 2 = 2 /.4&3 + 2/.,+ = 21.66 ft 2 . F.h/Btu

(b) Therefore, this is appro.imately a R-22 wall in An lish units.


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-29 The roof of a house with a as furnace consists of +)cm thic( concrete that is losin heat to the outdoors by radiation and con"ection. The rate of heat transfer throu h the roof and the money lost throu h the roof that ni ht durin a &4 hour period are to be determined. Assumptions 1 ;teady operatin conditions e.ist. 2 The emissi"ity and thermal conducti"ity of the roof are constant. Properties The thermal conducti"ity of the concrete is i"en to be Ts(y # &// : k # 2 0/m-. The emissi"ity of both surfaces of the roof is i"en to be /.8. Tair #&/Analysis 0hen the surroundin surface temperature is different L#&4 cm than the ambient temperature, the thermal resistances networ( approach becomes cumbersome in problems that in"ol"e radiation. Therefore, we will use a different but intuiti"e Tin#2/approach. In steady operation, heat transfer from the room to the roof (by con"ection and radiation) must be equal to the heat transfer from the roof to the surroundin s (by con"ection and radiation), that must be equal to the heat transfer throu h the roof by conduction. That is,
=Q Q room to roof, con" $ rad = Q roof, cond = Q roof
to surroundin s, con" $ rad

Ta(in the inner and outer surface temperatures of the roof to be Ts,in quantities abo"e can be e.pressed as

and Ts,out , respecti"ely, the

4 4 2 2 Q room to roof, con" $ rad = hi A(Troom T s ,in ) + A (Troom T s ,in ) = (4 0/m .-)(+// m )(2/ T s ,in )-

+ (/.8)(+// m 2 )(4.23 &/ , 0/m 2 .: 4 ) (2/ + 23+ :) 4 (Ts ,in + 23+ :) 4

T s ,in Ts ,out Ts ,in T s ,out Q = ( 2 0/m.-)(+// m 2 ) roof, cond = kA L /.&4 m
4 4 2 2 Q roof to surr, con"$rad = ho A( Ts,out Tsurr ) + A ( Ts ,out Tsurr ) = (&2 0 / m . -)(+// m )( Ts ,out &/) -

+ (/.8)(+// m2 )(4.23 &/ , 0 / m2 .: 4 ) (Ts,out + 23+ :) 4 (&// :) 4 ;ol"in the equations abo"e simultaneously i"es
=37"440 W, T Q C, and T s ,out = 2.& s ,in =7.3

The total amount of natural as consumption durin a &4)hour period is

Q gas =

t Qtotal Q (+3.44/ (B/s)(&4 +2// s) & therm = = = 22.+2 therms /.,/ /.,/ /.,/ &/4,4// (B

'inally, the money lost throu h the roof durin that period is
Coney lost = (22.+2 therms)(>/.2/ / therm) = $13.4


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-30 An e.posed hot surface of an industrial natural as furnace is to be insulated to reduce the heat loss throu h that section of the wall by 8/ percent. The thic(ness of the insulation that needs to be used is to be determined. Also, the len th of time it will ta(e for the insulation to pay for itself from the ener y it sa"es will be determined. Assumptions 1 !eat transfer throu h the wall is steady and one)dimensional. 2 Thermal conducti"ities are constant. 3 The furnace operates continuously. 4 The i"en heat transfer coefficient accounts for the radiation effects. Properties The thermal conducti"ity of the lass wool insulation is i"en to be k # /./+, 0/m1-. Analysis The rate of heat transfer without insulation is A = (2 m)(&.4 m) = + m 2 = hA(T T ) = (&/ 0 / m 2 . -)(+ m 2 )(,/ +/) - = &4// 0 Q s In order to reduce heat loss by 8/D, the new heat transfer rate and thermal resistance must be = /&/ Q . &4// 0 = &4/ 0 T (,/ +/) = T Q Rtotal = = = /.+++ - / 0 Rtotal &4/ 0 Q and in order to ha"e this thermal resistance, the thic(ness of insulation must be Rinsulation Ts L Ro T Insulation

Rtotal = R con" + Rinsulation = =


& L + hA kA

& L + = /.+++ -/0 2 (&/ 0/m .-)(+ m ) (/./+, 0/m.-)(+ m 2 ) L = /./+4 m = 3.4 #m
Eotin that heat is sa"ed at a rate of /.8 &4// # &+4/ 0 and the furnace operates continuously and thus +2424 # ,32/ h per year, and that the furnace efficiency is 3,D, the amount of natural as sa"ed per year is

Aner y ;a"ed =
The money sa"ed is

Q t (&.+4/ (B/s)(,32/ h) +2// s & therm saved = = 4&3.4 therms fficiency /.3, & h &/4,4// (B

Coney sa"ed = ( Aner y ;a"ed)(-ost of ener y) = (4&3.4 therms)(>/.44 / therm) = >2,4.4 (per year) The insulation will pay for its cost of >24/ in @aybac( period = which is less than one year. Coney spent >24/ = = 0.88 $r Coney sa"ed >2,4.4 / yr


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-31 An e.posed hot surface of an industrial natural as furnace is to be insulated to reduce the heat loss throu h that section of the wall by 8/ percent. The thic(ness of the insulation that needs to be used is to be determined. Also, the len th of time it will ta(e for the insulation to pay for itself from the ener y it sa"es will be determined. Assumptions 1 !eat transfer throu h the wall is steady and one)dimensional. 2 Thermal conducti"ities are constant. 3 The furnace operates continuously. 4 The i"en heat transfer coefficients accounts for the radiation effects. Properties The thermal conducti"ity of the e.panded perlite insulation is i"en to be k # /./42 0/m1-. Analysis The rate of heat transfer without insulation is A = (2 m)(&.4 m) = + m 2 = hA(T T ) = (&/ 0 / m 2 . -)(+ m 2 )(,/ +/) - = &4// 0 Q s In order to reduce heat loss by 8/D, the new heat transfer rate and thermal resistance must be = /&/ Q . &4// 0 = &4/ 0 T (,/ +/) = T Q Rtotal = = = /.+++ - / 0 Rtotal &4/ 0 Q and in order to ha"e this thermal resistance, the thic(ness of insulation must be

Insulation Ro


Rtotal = R con" + Rinsulation = = &


& L + hA kA

(&/ 0/m .-)(+ m ) L = /./43 m = 4.7 #m

L (/./42 0/m.-)(+ m 2 )

= /.+++ -/0

Eotin that heat is sa"ed at a rate of /.8 &4// # &+4/ 0 and the furnace operates continuously and thus +2424 # ,32/ h per year, and that the furnace efficiency is 3,D, the amount of natural as sa"ed per year is

Aner y ;a"ed =
The money sa"ed is

Q t (&.+4/ (B/s)(,32/ h) +2// s & therm saved = = 4&3.4 therms fficiency /.3, & h &/4,4// (B

Coney sa"ed = ( Aner y ;a"ed)(-ost of ener y) = (4&3.4 therms)(>/.44 / therm) = >2,4.4 (per year) The insulation will pay for its cost of >24/ in @aybac( period = which is less than one year. Coney spent >24/ = = 0.88 $r Coney sa"ed >2,4.4 / yr


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-32 "GIVEN" A=2*1.0 "[m ^2 ] " +_s=80 "[ ]" +_!,-!,!&. = 3 0 "[ ]" 1=10 "[W/m ^2 - ]" "k_!,s=0.038 [W/m- ]# $a"am%&%" &' (% )a"!%*" -_"%*76% =0.>0 "ANAL:5I5" <_*'&_'l* =1 *A*8+_s-+_!,-!,!&.9 <_*'&_,%?=81- -_"%*76%9*<_*'&_'l* <_*'&_,%?=8+_s- +_!,-!,!&.9/3_&'&al 3_&'&al =3_6',) ;3_!,s 3_6',)=1/81*A9 3_!,s=8L_!,s* ',)%"&86m# m99/8k_!,s*A9 "L_!,s !s !, 6m" !i%& [W m.C] /./2 /./24 /./+ /./+4 /./4 /./44 /./4 /./44 /./2 /./24 /./3 /./34 /./, Li%& [#m] &., 2.24 2.3 +.&4 +.2 4./4 4.4 4.84 4.4 4.,4 2.+ 2.34 3.2

8 7 =


0 / 3 2 1 0.02







,ins !W&"-C#


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-33E Two of the walls of a house ha"e no windows while the other two walls ha"e 4 windows each. The ratio of heat transfer throu h the walls with and without windows is to be determined. Assumptions 1 !eat transfer throu h the walls and the windows is steady and one)dimensional. 2 Thermal conducti"ities are constant. 3 Any direct radiation ain or loss throu h the windows is ne li ible. 4 !eat transfer coefficients are constant and uniform o"er the entire surface. Properties The thermal conducti"ity of the lass is i"en to be k lass # /.44 =tu/h.ft 1'. The ?)"alue of the wall is i"en to be &8 h.ft 21'/=tu. Analysis The thermal resistances throu h the wall without windows are
A = (&2 ft)(4/ ft) = 4,/ m 2

0all L

Ri = R wall = Ro = Rtotal ,&

& & = = /.//&/4&3 h '/=tu 2 hi A ( 2 =tu/h.ft .')( 4,/ ft 2 ) L &8 hft 2 '/=tu = = /./+84, h '/=tu kA ( 4,/ m 2 )

T& & & = = / . ///42 h '/=tu ho A ( 4 =tu/h.ft 2 .')( 4,/ ft 2 ) = Ri + R !all + Ro = /.//&/4&3 + /./+84, + /.///42 = /./4&&4&3 h '/=tu Ri Rwall Ro

The thermal resistances throu h the wall with windows are

A!indo!s = 4(+ 4) = 2/ ft R 2 = R glass =

A!all = Atotal A!indo!s = 4,/ 2/ = 42/ ft 2 L /.24 / &2 ft R lass = = /.///33&2 h '/=tu kA (/.44 =tu/h.ft.')(2/ ft 2 ) Ri Rwall L &8 h.ft 2 .'/=tu R 4 = R !all = = = /./4424 h '/=tu kA (42/ ft 2 ) & & & & & = + = + R eqv = /.///32 h '/=tu Reqv R glass R !all /.///33&2 /./4424 Rtotal , 2 = Ri + Reqv + Ro = /.//&/43 + /.///32 + /.///42 = /.//2+23 h '/=tu
Then the ratio of the heat transfer throu h the walls with and without windows becomes Q T / Rtotal ,2 Rtotal ,& /./4&&4&3 total ,2 = = = = 17.7 /.//2+23 Qtotal ,& T / Rtotal ,& Rtotal ,2



Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-34 Two of the walls of a house ha"e no windows while the other two walls ha"e sin le) or double)pane windows. The a"era e rate of heat transfer throu h each wall, and the amount of money this household will sa"e per heatin season by con"ertin the sin le pane windows to double pane windows are to be determined. Assumptions 1 !eat transfer throu h the window is steady since the indoor and outdoor temperatures remain constant at the specified "alues. 2 !eat transfer is one)dimensional since any si nificant temperature radients will e.ist in the direction from the indoors to the outdoors. 3 Thermal conducti"ities of the lass and air are constant. 4 !eat transfer by radiation is disre arded. Properties The thermal conducti"ities are i"en to be k # /./22 0/m 1- for air, and /.3, 0/m 1- for lass. Analysis The rate of heat transfer throu h each wall can be determined by applyin thermal resistance networ(. The con"ection resistances at the inner and outer surfaces are common in all cases. Wa''& (itho)t (i%*o(& +

Ri = R wall =

& & = = /.//+43& -/0 2 hi A (3 0/m .-)(&/ 4 m 2 )


0all L

L wall R value 2.+& m -/0 = = = /./4334 -/0 kA A (&/ 4 m 2 ) & & Ro = = = /.//&223 -/0 ho A (&4 0/m 2 .-)(&/ 4 m 2 )

R total = Ri + R wall + Ro = /.//+43& + /./4334 + /.//&223 = /./228,, -/0


= T& T2 = ( 22 ,)- = 222.3 W Q Rtotal /./228,,-/0




Wa'' (ith &i%,'e pa%e (i%*o(&+

Ri = R wall = R

& & = = /.//&3,2 -/0 2 hi A (3 0/m .-)(2/ 4 m 2 )

& Req"

L wall R value 2.+& m 2 -/0 = = = /./+++,2 -/0 kA A (2/ 4) 4(&.2 &.,) m 2 L lass /.//4 m = = = /.//282, -/0 kA (/.3, 0/m 2 . o -)(&.2 &.,)m 2 R lass & & & & o = +4 = +4 Reqv = /.///4, -/0 R wall R lass /./+++,2 /.//282, Ri Rwall & & = = /.///,++ -/0 2 ho A (&4 0/m .-)(2/ 4 m 2 ) = Ri + Req" + Ro = /.//&3,2 + /.///4,+ + /.///,++ = /.//+2/2 -/0


Ro = R total

= T& T2 = (22 ,)- = 4372 W Q R total /.//+2/2-/0


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 4th (a'' (ith *o)-'e pa%e (i%*o(&+ R lass Ri Rair R lass Ro


R wall = R

R air

L wall R value 2.+& m 2 -/0 = = = /./+++,2 -/0 kA A (2/ 4) 4(&.2 &.,) m 2 L lass /.//4 m = = = /.//282, -/0 kA (/.3, 0/m 2 .-)(&.2 &.,) m 2 L /./&4 m = air = = /.223/84 -/0 kA (/./22 0/m 2 .o -)(&.2 &.,)m 2

R window = 2 R & R eq" = &

+ R air = 2 /.//282, + /.223/84 = /.23+/+ -/0 & R window = & & +4 R eq" = /./2/3&3 -/0 /./+++,2 /.23+/+

R wall


R total = Ri + R eq" + R o = /.//&3,2 + /./2/3&3 + /.///,++ = /./2+++2 -/0


= T& T2 = (22 ,)- = 600 W Q R total /./2+++2-/0

The rate of heat transfer which will be sa"ed if the sin le pane windows are con"erted to double pane windows is

Q sa"e = Q sin le Q double = 4+32 2// = +332 0

pane pane

The amount of ener y and money sa"ed durin a 3)month lon heatin season by switchin from sin le pane to double pane windows become Q =Q t = (+.332 (0)(3 +/ 24 h) # &8,/&& (0h

Coney sa"in s # (Aner y sa"ed)(Fnit cost of ener y) # (&8,/&& (0h)(>/./,/(0h) # $1521


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-35 The wall of a refri erator is constructed of fiber lass insulation sandwiched between two layers of sheet metal. The minimum thic(ness of insulation that needs to be used in the wall in order to a"oid condensation on the outer surfaces is to be determined. Assumptions 1 !eat transfer throu h the refri erator walls is steady since the temperatures of the food compartment and the (itchen air remain constant at the specified "alues. 2 !eat transfer is one) dimensional. 3 Thermal conducti"ities are constant. 4 !eat transfer coefficients account for the radiation effects. Properties The thermal conducti"ities are i"en to be k # &4.& 0/m1- for sheet metal and /./+4 0/m 1for fiber lass insulation. Analysis The minimum thic(ness of insulation can be determined by assumin the outer surface temperature of the refri erator to be &/-. In steady operation, the rate of heat transfer throu h the refri erator wall is constant, and thus heat transfer between the room and the refri erated space is equal to the heat transfer between the room and the outer surface of the refri erator. -onsiderin a unit surface area,
2 2 = h A(T Q o room Ts,out ) = ( 8 0 / m . -)(& m )( 24 2/) - # 44 0 Fsin the thermal resistance networ(, heat transfer between the room and the refri erated space can be e.pressed as


& mm

& mm

T T refrig = room Q Rtotal / A = Q T room T refrig

& L L & + 2 + + ho k k hi metal insulation








;ubstitutin , 44 0 / m 2 = (24 +) & 2 /.//& m L & + + + 2 2 2 8 0 / m . - &4.& 0 / m . - /./+4 0 / m . - 4 0 / m 2 . -

;ol" in for L, the minimum thic(ness of insulation is determined to be L # /.//44 m # 0.45 #m


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-36 "GIVEN" k_!,s=0.030 "[W/m- ]# $a"am%&%" &' (% )a"!%*" L_m%&al = 0.001 "[m]" k_m%&al = 1 0.1 "[W/m- ]# $a"am%&%" &' (% )a"!%*" +_"%-"!g = 3 "[ ]" +_k!&61%, = 2 0 "[ ]" 1_!=/ "[W/m ^2 - ]" 1_'=> "[W/m ^2 - ]" +_s_'7& =2 0 "[ ]" "ANAL:5I5" A=1 "[m ^2 ] # a 7,!& s7"-a6% a"%a !s 6',s!*%"%*" <_*'& =1_'*A*8+_k!&61%,- +_s_'7&9 <_*'& =8+_k!&61%,- +_"%-"!g9/3_&'&al 3_&'&al =3_6',)_!;2 *3_m%&al ;3_!,s;3_6',)_' 3_6',)_!=1/81_!*A9 3_m%&al =L_m%&al/8k_m%&al*A9 3_!,s=8L_!,s* ',)%"&86m# m99/8k_!,s*A9 "L_!,s !s !, 6m" 3_6',)_'=1/81_'*A9 !i%& [W m.C] /./2 /./24 /./+ /./+4 /./4 /./44 /./4 /./44 /./2 /./24 /./3 /./34 /./, !meta' [W m.C] &/ +/.4+ 4&./4 3&.4, 82.&& &&2.2 &++.2 &4+.3 &34.2 &84.3 2&4.+ 2+4., 242.+ 232., 283.4 +&3.8 ++,.4 +4,.8 +38.4 4// Li%& [#m] /.244+ /.+&8& /.+,28 /.442, /.4&/2 /.4344 /.2+,2 /.3/2 /.3248 /.,283 /.,8+4 /.843+ &./2& Li%& [#m] /.4424 /.443 /.443& /.443& /.443& /.4432 /.4432 /.4432 /.4432 /.4432 /.4432 /.4432 /.4432 /.4432 /.4432 /.4432 /.4432 /.4432 /.4432 /.4432


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction

1.1 1 0.> 0.8


0.7 0.= 0.0 0./ 0.3 0.2 0.02 0.03 0.0/ 0.00 0.0= 0.07 0.08

,ins !W&"-C#






0.//=0 0









,"etal !W&"-C#


Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-37 !eat is to be conducted alon a circuit board with a copper layer on one side. The percenta es of heat conduction alon the copper and epo.y layers as well as the effecti"e thermal conducti"ity of the board are to be determined. Assumptions 1 ;teady operatin conditions e.ist. 2 !eat transfer is one)dimensional since heat transfer from the side surfaces is disre arded 3 Thermal conducti"ities are constant. Properties The thermal conducti"ities are i"en to be k # +,2 0/m 1- for copper and /.22 0/m 1- for epo.y layers. Analysis 0e ta(e the len th in the direction of heat transfer to be L and the width of the board to be !. Then heat conduction alon this two)layer board can be e.pressed as
T T T =Q Q + kA = ( kt ) copper + (kt ) epo.y ! copper + Q epo.y = kA L copper L epo.y L

!eat conduction alon an Gequi"alentH board of thic(ness t # tcopper $ tepo.y and thermal conducti"ity keff can be e.pressed as

T T = Q = k eff (t copper + t epo.y ) ! kA L board L

;ettin the two relations abo"e equal to each other and sol"in for the effecti"e conducti"ity i"es k eff (t copper + t epo.y ) = ( kt ) copper + ( kt ) epo.y k eff = ( kt ) copper + ( kt ) epo.y t copper + t epo.y

Eote that heat conduction is proportional to kt. ;ubstitutin , the fractions of heat conducted alon the copper and epo.y layers as well as the effecti"e thermal conducti"ity of the board are determined to be ( kt ) co""er = (+,2 0 / m. -)(/.///& m) = /./+,2 0/ ( kt ) e"o#y = (/.22 0 / m. -)(/.//&2 m) = /.///+&2 0/ ( kt ) total = ( kt ) co""er + ( kt ) e"o#y = /./+,2 + /.///+&2 = /./+,8&2 0/ f e"o#y = f co""er = and k eff ( kt ) e"o#y ( kt ) total ( kt ) co""er ( kt ) total = = /.///+&2 = /.//, = 0.8% /./+,8&2 /./+,2 = /.882 = 99.2% /./+,8&2



(+,2 /.///& + /.22 /.//&2) 0/ = = 29.9 W m. C (/.///& + /.//&2) m




Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction 3-38E A thin copper plate is sandwiched between two layers of epo.y boards. The effecti"e thermal conducti"ity of the board alon its 8 in lon side and the fraction of the heat conducted throu h copper alon that side are to be determined. Assumptions 1 ;teady operatin conditions e.ist. 2 !eat transfer is one)dimensional since heat transfer from the side surfaces are disre arded 3 Thermal conducti"ities are constant. Properties The thermal conducti"ities are i"en to be k # 22+ =tu/h ft1' for copper and /.&4 =tu/h ft1' for epo.y layers. Analysis 0e ta(e the len th in the direction of heat transfer to be L and the width of the board to be !. Then heat conduction alon this two)layer plate can be e.pressed as (we treat the two layers of epo.y as a sin le layer that is twice as thic()
T T T =Q Q + kA = ( kt ) copper + (kt ) epo.y ! copper + Q epo.y = kA L copper L epo.y L

!eat conduction alon an Gequi"alentH plate of thic( ness t # tcopper $ tepo.y and thermal conducti"ity keff can be e.pressed as

T T = Q = k eff (t copper + t epo.y ) ! kA L L board

;ettin the two relations abo"e equal to each other and sol"in for the effecti"e conducti"ity i"es k eff (t copper + t epo.y ) = ( kt ) copper + ( kt ) epo.y k eff = ( kt ) copper + ( kt ) epo.y t copper + t epo.y

Eote that heat conduction is proportional to kt. ;ubstitutin , the fraction of heat conducted alon the copper layer and the effecti"e thermal conducti"ity of the plate are determined to be ( kt ) copper = (22+ =tu / h.ft. ')(/./+ / &2 ft) = /.4434 =tu / h. ' ( kt ) epo.y = 2(/&4 . =tu / h. ft. ')(/.&/ &2 ft) = /.//24 =tu / h. ' ( kt ) total = ( kt ) copper + ( kt ) epo.y = (/.4434 + /.//24) = /.42 =tu / h. ' and Apo.y -opper


k eff =

( kt ) copper + ( kt ) epo.y t copper + t epo.y

$ tepo.y Ts t#opper $ tepo.y

/.42 =tu/h.' = = 29.2 /t) h.0t 2 .. 5(/./+ / &2) + 2(/.& / &2)6 ft

f copper = ( kt ) copper ( kt ) total = /.4434 = /.882 = 99.61 /.42


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