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Prof. Dr Joyce Mary Adam de Paula e Silva Email : joyce@rc.unesp.

br Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) So Paulo, Brazil


Joyce Mary Adam de Paula e Silva is Professor at the

Department of Education Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)- campus Rio Claro/So Paulo. Vice-coordinate of Master and Doctorate in Education. Coordinate the Research Group Education, Youth and Violence; member associated at CAREF(Centre Aminois de Recherche en Education e Formation) France. Research themes: educational politices and power relationships; school violence; young people and social inclusion.

The imaginary of teachers about their students

Two policies implemented in SP/Brazil using

conflict mediation in the schools, based on restorative justice.




Group interviews and group dynamics (Two

schools: 32 teachers)
Documentary analysis

Social Imaginary as a theoretical framework (Baczko,

1984; Castoriadis, 1982).


The collective representations, idea-image of global

The social imaginary legitimised practices and


Contradiction between individuals and institutions.

Baczko, B. Les imaginaires sociaux: memoires et espoirs collectifs (Paris: Payot,



Institutions are socially sanctioned symbolic

networks that combine in varying proportions a functional component and an imaginary component.

Castoriadis, C. A Instituicao Imaginaria da Sociedade (R de J: 2a. Edicao, Paz e

Terra, 1982).

Power relations Conflicts Policies.

Social production of insecurity (social relations and


Fear of crime with weakening of social ties Precariousness and insecurity in labour relations Individual responsibility for failure.
Sennett, R. La cultura del nuevo capitalismo (Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 2006). Taylor, C. Imaginarios Sociales Modernos (Barcelona: Paids, 2006). Bauman,

Z. (2009) Confiana e Medo Na Cidade. R de J: Zahar.


We, at least in countries that claim to be advanced,

live in societies that arguably are among the safest that ever existed. 'We feel insecure, threatened and afraid, more inclined to panic and more interested in anything that has to do with peace of mind and security than the members of most other societies we know.
Robert Castel in Bauman, Z. Confianca e medo na cidade (R de J: Zahar, 2009)


Students attitudes Disinterest in knowledge Lack of respect for the school and the teachers Verbal aggression Some cases of physical aggression Frequent bullying Fear of students.






The youth of today is more violent because in my school

there was more respect between people than nowadays we see on most students. In my day the students respected parents and consequently teachers and colleagues. In the past the school didn't have these problems of violence and there was a greater concern with the educational and learning part. Today students have no limits and the parents don't care about the education of children. When I remember my school I remember the taste for study and respect for teachers. Today all I see is a lack of respect.



Families encourage students to study Professional guidance to troubleshoot Learning of ethics at home, not at school.

Yesterday's image of school and students, better than todays ... Nostalgia



Higher : 4,1% Sometimes: 6,0%

Never: 89,9 %



Physical aggression to teachers, employees or school

68,52 %



3,6 %

2,4 %

34 %

60 %



The image presented is that 1) students are victims of broken families, the media, and the system.

2) The students are subjects without a future and uninterested in knowledge.

3) The school (as institution) works with an imagined school, fair and egalitarian and with students who don't fit this pattern. The school is like an island of virtues surrounded by ignorance. (Dubet & Bellat - 2000).


4) The imaginary of insecurity presents the individual accountability for the condition of life, promoting a menacing image of youth from the outskirts to society. 5) This imaginary contributes to a gap between teachers and students and a non-consideration of the perspectives and condition of the life of these students.

6) This fact leads school to the elaboration of strategies and systems of defence rather than proposals for students involvement and hosts the school institution, as the posters presented here ilustrate.
7) This aspect leads school to "judicialisation of the relationships. ( Mucchiell,2010)
MUCCHIELL,L. Notre Socieet est-elle plus Violente? Revue Sciences Humaines.comhttp://www.scienceshumaines.com/notre-societe-est-elle-plus-violente-_fr_25031.html


Justice and education project: a partnership to citizenship

Although involving education professionals in their implementation, it has the justice system as its structure Professionals linked to the judiciary system train mediators, as well as having the control of the implementation process of the project.


Dependence on the judiciary for the training

Courses too long(80 hours). Distance from the reality of schools.

Melo, E., Ednir, M. and Yazbek, V. (2008) Justia Restaurativa e Comunitria em So Caetano do Sul. So Paulo: CECIP


This policy was implemented by the Secretary

of Education of the State of So Paulo in partnership with Secretariat of Public Safety.

Documents analysed: Manual of School Protection and Promotion

of Citizenship General Norms for Conduct in School.



The first section of the Manual, What is what (SEE,

2009a, pp. 9-18), defines the concepts of citizenship, violence (gender, family, and domestic), conflict, abuse, sexual exploitation, crime, misdemeanour, infraction, theft, burglary, verbal aggression, bullying, prejudice, discrimination, racism, drugs, addiction, peace, the Culture of Peace, and the Rights of Children and Adolescents.
These concepts are based more on the knowledge of the

Law, rather than on the educational approach.



The School and Community Mediation course to Teachers

of the public schools.


To improve skills that allow the diagnose about violence.

To develop projects that promote democratic, peaceful,

and safe schools, effectively inserted in located communities. To promote alternative conflict-resolution practices, regarding diversity and pluralism of ideas.


Social Imaginary of insecurity contributes to constructing

a representation of danger in the school environment leading to weakening of ties

The focus on the police and the justice system reinforces

the judicialisation of relationships in the schools

Partnership between the Secretariats of Education and of

Public Security reveals a punitive manner of thinking and acting about security in schools.



As MacCluskey et al. (2008) reminds us, the language

used by the justice system, such as offender and victim, is derived from criminal justice and the correlated psychological perspectives, therefore making these terms inadequate when utilised for the school organisation.

McCluskey, G., Lloyd, G. Stead, J., Kane, J., Riddel, L., and Weedon, E. (2008) I was dead restorative today: from restorative justice to restorative approaches in school. Cambridge Journal of Education. Vol. 38, No. 2, June , 199216.






Reinforce democratic relationships in schools with the

participation of all members of the school

Promote frequent reflections between teachers,

principal, and staff of schools in order to analyse the character of the most frequent conflicts
Discuss really dangerous situations and false images

constructed by the influences of the feeling of insecurity.



Think of the conflict as part of a democratic

Use real restorative approaches to negotiate conflicts

in schools that include all sectors of the schools, analysing differents points of view and power relations.

McCluskey, G., Lloyd, G. Stead, J., Kane, J., Riddel, L., and Weedon, E. (2008) I was dead restorative today: from restorative justice to restorative approaches in school. Cambridge Journal of Education. Vol. 38, No. 2, June , 199216.
Cremin, H. et al. Restorative Approaches to Conflict in Schools: Interdisciplinary

perspectives on whole school approaches to managing relationships. London.Routlege, 2013.



Adorno, S.; Pasinato, W. (2011) A justia no tempo, o tempo da justica. Revista Tempo Social, v. 19, n. 2, Nov. 2007. Disponvel em: <http://www.scielo.br/cgibin/wxis.exe/iah/>. Accessed 28 September de 2010. Baczo, B. (1984) Les Imaginaires Sociaux. Memoires et Eespoirs Collectifs. Paris: Payot. Bauman, S. (2009) Confiana e Medo Na Cidade. R de J: Zahar. Castoriadis, C. A (1982) Instituicao Imaginaria da Sociedade. 2nd ed. R deJ: Paz e Terra.
Cremin, H. et al. Restorative Approaches to Conflict in Schools: Interdisciplinary

perspectives on whole school approaches to managing relationships. London.Routlege, 2013.

Dubet,F. and Duru-Bellat, M. (2000). L'hypocrisie Scolaire. Pour un Collge Enfin Dmocratique. Paris: Seuil. Gonalves, L. and Spsito, M.. (2002). Iniciativas pblicas de reduo da violncia escolar no Brasil. Research Tablets, n. 115, maro, 101-138.


McCluskey, G., Lloyd, G. Stead, J., Kane, J., Riddel, L., and Weedon, E. (2008) I was dead restorative today: from restorative justice to restorative approaches in school. Cambridge Journal of Education. Vol. 38, No. 2, June , 199216.
Melo, E., Ednir, M. and Yazbek, V. (2008) Justia Restaurativa e Comunitria em So Caetano do Sul. So Paulo: CECIP. Mucchiell,L. Notre Socieet est-elle plus Violente? Revue Sciences Humaines.comhttp://www.scienceshumaines.com/notre-societe-est-elle-plus-violente_fr_25031.html Mullet, J. and Amstutz, L.(2012). Disciplina Restaurativa para Escola. So Paulo: Palas Athena. Sennett, R. (2006). La Cultura del Nuevo Capitalismo. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama.

Zehr, H. (2008). Trocando as Lentes: Um Novo Foco Sobre o Crime e a Justia. So Paulo: Palas Athena.




Adam, J. and Salles, L. (2013) School Organizational Climate and Violence in the School: Case Study of Two Brazilian Schools. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences. vol. 106, pp. 2323-2332. Adam, J. and Scotuzzi, C. (2013) Violence and Conflict in Schools: Analysis of Proposals based on Restorative Justice in Brazil. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences. vol. 106, pp. 3312-3319. Scotuzzi, C. and Silva, J. (2012) School protection system: protecting who, from whom? Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences. vol. 55, pp. 429-434.

Silva, J. (2011) A Construcao da identidade de diretores: discurso oficial e pratica.. Educacao em Revista. UFMG. Impresso. vol. 27, pp. 211-230.
Silva, J. and Salles, L. (2011) Violencia Na Escola: Abordagens Tericas e Propostas de Preveno. Educar em Revista, Impresso. vol . 2, pp. 217-232.

Silva, J. and Salles, L. (2011) Imaginario, Cultura Global e violncia escolar. Educacao (Rio Claro. Online). v. 21, pp. 45-62.
Taylor, C. Imaginrios Sociales Modernos. Barcelona. Paids, 2006.


Thank you

Email: joyce@rc.unesp.br



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