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Legal and Ethical Issues Legal and Ethical is about the protection of yourself and your brand.

There are laws that regulate and protect the online society. Despite the online community being virtual, people still have to follow the rules. Copyright This involves the intellectual properties of my brand, as I have created a product where I have created my own logos, designs, and photographs. At the bottom of my website, I have included copyright notes to prevent anyone from taking my ideas. Privacy This is so I protect any personal details that I may have included on my website about myself or other people through the Data Protection Act. I do not have any personal details of myself or any other people on my website. Defamation This is so I do not include any statements on my website that do not show a negative representation of anyone that I include on my website, whether it be Slander or Libel. My website does not include any of this. Child Protection My website would need to be protected from any content that is considered inappropriate for children to view. My website does not include any inappropriate content for children, so I would not need to take any precautions regarding this factor. Ethical This makes sure that I follow the ASAs rules and regulations and do not make any bold or untrue statements about my product in order to promote it. I have not included any untrue statements about my product on my website.

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