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The magic word

A certain word sleeps in the shadow of a rare book. How to disenchant it? It is lifes password the worlds password I will search for it.

I will search for it all my life all over the world. If the encounter is late, if I cant find it,

I dont lose heart, I keep searching. I keep searching, and my search will remain being my word.

Translated into English by Wagner Miranda ___________________________________________________ Original text in Portuguese:

A palavra mgica

Certa palavra dorme na sombra de um livro raro. Como desencant-la? a senha da vida a senha do mundo. Vou procur-la. Vou procur-la a vida inteira no mundo todo. Se tarda o encontro, se no a encontro, no desanimo, procuro sempre. Procuro sempre, e minha procura ficar sendo minha palavra. Carlos Drummond de Andrade

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