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Centro de Explicaes Lda.

Ingls 8 Ano Ficha de Reviso Simple Past

Nome: _________________________________________________ Data: ___/___/___

Put these words in order and make sentences. Use the simple past.
1. table / big / to be / the.
2. Paul / where / to be?
3. teachers / where / to be / the?
4. born / in / I / Australia / to be.
5. a / to have / of / Kate / friends / lot.
6. old / she / to be / how.
7. did / how / presents / have / many / she.
8. money / his / to find / he / pocket / the / in.
9. toast / at / they / to eat / some / and / breakfast / cheese.
10. to see / in / the / we / sky / a / helicopter.
11. to say / important / we / only / things.

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