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Wine Color

Wine color helps us simplify the world of wine into three basic families - red, white, and rose. Read the text and complete the sentences with the words provided.

a) blossoms: floresce b) terroir: terroir c) pressing: compresso d) step of maturity: passo de maturidade e) traits: caractersticas f) hue: tonalidade

You can playfully gauge by the wine's color (and clarity) what type of wine it is, what type of grapes were used in making it, how old the wine is, how long and in what form its been aged (if at all), along with many more 1)______________.

To start with, there are three most basic colors to wine, but within those basic colors, a whole spectrum of coloration helps us understand at what stage in a wine's life we happen to find it: There's RED wine, which while young is purple-toned, then 2) _____________ to a ruby-tone, then a orange-brown tone during its last 3) _________________. There's WHITE wine, that can be almost as clear as water when first bottled after fermentation, and will slowly develop a happy yellow, or more mature golden 4) _______________as time passes. Then there's ROSE wine, which follows its own line of coloration, depending on type of grape, 5) _________________ method, etc. Other things, besides age, are factors in a wine's color, such as grape varietals used, pressing methods, aging method, even its vintage and 6) ________________. But no need to worry about all that. If you get to that point of wine expertise, pat yourself on the back! For the rest of you wine lovers out there - as long as you're not color-blind, you can confidently check this wine term off your list from your very first wine encounter.

Wine Tasting Notes: Wine Terms for Color:

2- Read and match the wine color terms with their Portuguese equivalents.

1) black 2) blond 3) brick 4) brown 5) cherry 6) citron 7) dark 8) gold 9) green 10) inky 11) lemon 12) magenta 13) olive 14) pink 15) plum 16) purple 17) red 18) rose 19) ruby 20) scarlet 21) straw 22) sunset 23) tawny 24) violet 25) yellow

a) castanho b) palha c) cereja d) amarelo e) ameixa f) verde g) limo h) tawny i) vermelho j) escuro k) escarlate l) citrino m) roxo n) louro o) cor de tijolo p) preto q) dourado r) retinto s) rosado t) tom de rosa v) azeitona w) violeta x) pr do sol y) rubi z) magenta

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