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c. 3100 BC c.

3100 BC AD 1799

Cuneiform – ancient
writing using symbols on Menes unites Upper and
clay tablets Rosetta Stone discovered
Lower Egypt
2686-2160 BC c. 1792-1750 BC c. 1500 BC

Old Kingdom Stonehenge completed

King Hammurabi
rules Babylon
c. 1250 BC c. 800 BC c. 776 BC

The fiercest warriors in

Greece came from
Troy is destroyed Sparta. First Olympic Games
753 BC 605 – 562 BC c. 560 – 480 BC

Romulus kills Remus Nebuchadnezzar II

rebuilds Babylon Siddhartha Gautama
& establishes Rome
(the Buddha) lives
551 BC 221 – 210 BC 500 – 300 BC

Qin Shi Huangdi rules as The Golden Age

Confucius is born China’s first emporer of Greece
509 BC 336 – 323 BC 300 BC – AD 550

Alexander the Great

Rome becomes a republic The Hopewell People
rules Greece
146 BC AD 72 – 80 49 BC

Hannibal of Carthage Julius Caesar takes

leads fight against Rome Colosseum is built control of Rome
27 BC c. 4 BC – AD 30 AD 79

Augustus becomes the Mt Vesuvius erupted

Jesus lived on Earth burying Pompeii alive
first Emperor of Rome
AD 312 AD 476 431 BC – 404 BC

Visigoth chief, Odoacer,

Emperor Constantine is King of Italy – ending Peloponnesian War –
makes Christianity legal the Roman Empire Sparta vs. Athens
384 – 322 BC 427 – 347 BC 460 BC

Aristotle Plato Hippocrates

c. 800 BC 470 – 399 BC 70 – 19 BC

Homer Socrates Virgil

c. 168 BC 581 – 497 BC

Judas Maccabaeus

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