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TRANS 6: PICORNAVIRIDAE 2 types: Enterovirus: Poliovirus, Coxsackie A & B virus, Echovirus, Rhinovirus: causes URT infection & common

cold ____________________________________________________ Picornaviridae - naked, (+)ssRNA, icosahedral - stable to adverse conditions of environment and gut - spreads easily and retains infectivity 4 MAJOR POLYPEPTIDES : VP1,2,3,4 >> from large precursor protein VP1 & 3 - major Ab-binding sites VP4- internal protein causes: infection in humans and lower animals ranging from - poliomyelitis, aseptic meningitis, common cold ____________________________________________________ REPLICATION virion attached to receptors in plasma membrane-> binding triggers conformationa l change-> viral RNA is released-> viral RNA associates with ribosomes-> transla tion occurs via capsid-independent mech-> RNA is translated into a polyprotein ( coat & replication proteins)-> polyprotein is cleaved into fragments-> productio n of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase-> synthesis of new viral RNA-> synthesis of ne w (+) strands Coat precursor : P1 -> cleaved to form aggregates of VP0,1,3 ____________________________________________________ Enterovirus - Poliovirus, Coxsackie A&B virus, Echovirus, Enterovirus - (+)ssRNA, icosahedral, naked - don't target the gut and don't have GIT symptoms ____________________________________________________

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