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Formation of Policy Alternative Paper

Formation of Policy Alternative Paper Ryan Monette (fc7863 004307498) Wayne State University SW 4710 Dr. Cassandra Bowers 12/04 /13

Formation of Policy Alternative Paper

Formation of Policy Alternative Paper

The education system in America is under great scrutiny by its citizens. Despite many efforts, there are still issues present with the system. These issues raise concern with citizens around the country. One of the most recent attempts at fixing the system was by President George George W. Bush. President

W. Bushs attempt at fixing the system was the No Child

Left Behind Act The No Child Left Behind Act George W. Bush developed the No Child Left Behind policy. President George W. Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act into law on January 8, 2002 No Child Left Behind requires all of the public schools that are receiving federal funding to conduct a state-wide standardized test to all students annually. Schools that receive Title I funding though the

Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) must reach a certain amount of progress each year in test scores. When the schools results are repeatedly poor, steps are taken to improve the school. After five years, if results do not turn around, the school will commonly be closed. The standardized test

consists of having students

Formation of Policy Alternative Paper

answer questions from the subjects of reading, math, and science in accordance to their level of education. It is

optional for states to include other subject areas on their tests, but additional subjects are not mandated by (NCLB). Issues with No Child Left Behind Many people question whether or not No Child Left Behind is an effective policy that can help drive the education system in the right direction. When people question the policy, it is because they see the flaws that have presented themselves with this policy in effect. Those that are meant to benefit from the No Child Left Behind Act are students who live in low-income areas, and minority populations. The schools these students attend are given more funding to give them a better education. However, these are the same students that also suffer because while their school may be getting more funding, the schools with well-off children are also getting more funding which results in their scores increasing as well, which in theory would keep the gap this program intended to close, open. Special education has been used as a scapegoat for schools not meeting the requirements of the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). Due to the

NCLB testing, the percentage of students with disabilities dropping out has increased, the opposite Formation of Policy Alternative Paper 4

of what the act is intended to do (Cole, 2006).

Another group

that suffers is immigrants that do not speak and/or understand English very well. Most states do not give out the standardized (Crawford, 2004).

tests in any language besides English. New policy alternative

In Helen McKenzies article Education in Canada: Current Issues she poses the following question which I believe relates to the American education system: Is education to be viewed as an industry, producing graduates and potential employees as needed for professional occupations, business and industry? If so, the standards of excellence required may be adjusted by market forces. Alternatively, do the goals of education include learning of a wider nature, the development of critical thinking, a preparation for good citizenship, an understanding of cultures, history and moral values, and the encouragement of artistic and creative potential? I would like to propose a new policy on education in America. I call it the American Education Act. The American Education Act is made to improve on the No Child Left behind Act. One of the biggest issues with the No Child Left Behind Act is that it calls for group accountability rather than individual student attention. No Child Left Behind incentives schools to

focus more on the school receiving a good test score overall. Schools looking to increase test scores could tempt schools to sweep the struggling students Formation of Policy Alternative Paper 5

under the rug which leads to students falling behind, which is what the policy is working to prevent. This can give the impression that the individual student who is struggling, is not as important as the entire schools test scores. A population that struggles with standardized testing is the special ed population. Under the Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), it is mandated that students with disabilities participate in state assessments.("Special Education: The Forgotten Issue in No Child Left Behind Reform | Brookings Institution", n.d.)Students with disabilities should not be forced to take the same tests that general education students take. The American Education Act would address this issue. The American Education Act would adopt an idea Darrell M. West came up with. He believes lawmakers should adopt an assessment system that uses computerized adaptive tests (CAT). Adaptive assessments create a custom test for each student based on their answers to test questions. Using an adaptive test vitiates the need for an alternate assessment because it administers test items at the students real grade level. This removes the need to

administer a fixed form test with simpler questions. Adaptive testing also has built in presentation and response accommodations. This flexibility allows all students to take Formation of Policy Alternative Paper 6

the same exam. ("Special Education: The Forgotten Issue in No Child Left Behind Reform | Brookings Institution", n.d.) Another issue that the American Education Act would address that No Child Left Behind doesnt is the issue of non-english speaking students. Many States only distribute standardized tests in English. So if an immigrant comes to America and has to take a standardized test, this student is set up to fail. This problem would be solved if adaptive tests were implicated. Another issue No Child Left Behind neglects to address is the achievement gap between poor schools and well off schools. Schools in low-income areas are given more funding to help better their education experience. Even though low-income schools are receiving more funding, well-off schools are also getting more funding for the results on their test scores and for the things they are doing right. This keeps the achievement gap open. The American Education Act would focus the governments spending on increasing quality in high-risk schools. Feasibility computerized

When developing a policy, it is important to take into account the feasibility. According to Dictionary.com, feasibility is defined as capable of being done, effected, Formation of Policy Alternative Paper 7

or accomplished. Taking this into account, I do not believe that the American Education Act is entirely feasible. Education reform is a hot button issue in the United States. After seeing the effects of No Child Left Behind, I believe that Americans are going to be very skeptical of any proposed policies. It would be extremely difficult to have a law like this pass in congress. Goals, Implementation and Feelings The American Education Act supports my goals of equality and justice. The American Education act works at leveling the playing field and closing the achievement gap. It provides justice to those who have been disadvantaged by standardized testing and enables schools to educate students based on individual education levels. Implementing the American Education act would be a difficult process. In order to make it law, the bill would have to be approved by congress and the senate. Once it has the two branches approval it is sent to the president for his approval or veto. This is a very lengthy and difficult process. I feel that the American Education Act is not the perfect

solution, but it is a step in the right direction on improving education in America. Formation of Policy Alternative Paper 7

Education in America is a very complex system. One change in the way things operate could affect millions of people. There are many different opinions on what direction it should be guided in and along with opinions is a lot of pressure to do something about the failing system.

References Archived: Executive Summary of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. (2004, February 10). http://www2.ed.gov/nclb/overview/intro/execsumm.html Bracey, G. W. (2005, June). No Child Left Behind: Where Does the Money Go? http://epsl.asu.edu/epru/documents/EPSL-0506-114-EPRU.p df Cody, A. (2009, September 24). Current Education Reform: The Triumph of Ideology over Evidence - Living in Dialogue Education Week Teacher. http://blogs.edweek.org/teachers/living-in-dialogue/200 9/09/current_education_reform_the_t.html Cohn, E. (2000). Education at a GlanceOECD Indicators 1998 Edition. Economics of Education Review. doi:10.1016/S0272-7757(99)00047-3 Cole, S. (2006, November 15). Report: No Child Left Behind is out of step with special education: IU News Room: Indiana University. http://newsinfo.iu.edu/news/page/normal/4379.html Crawford, J. (2004, September 14). No Child Left Behind: Misguided Approach to School A ccountability for English Language Learners. http://www.nabe.org/Resources/Documents/NCLB%20page/NA B E_on_NCLB.pdf Dolby, N., & Rahman, A. (2008). Research in international education. Review of Educational Research, 78(3), 676-726. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy.lib.wayne.edu/docview / 214120913?accountid=14925

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