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Dunellen High School

Course Syllabus Instructor Ms. Thompson E-mail ThompsonK@dunellenschools.org Course Room Honors Geometry 104

COURSE OVERVIEW: Honors Geometry is a one-year course. The goal of this course is to provide students with a well-rounded knowledge of theoretical, applied, and visual aspects of Euclidean Geometry. There will be both lecture and hands on learning. Students will complete quizzes, tests, technology projects, and cooperative group activities. Students will also be required to complete assignments on required readings. REQUIRED SUPPLIES: Pencils NO PENS Notebook Paper (College Ruled) Calculator (TI Instruments)

3-ring Binder (1) 5 Binder dividers

GRADING POLICY: See Student Agenda for Grading Scale. Students grades consist of tests (35%), quizzes (25%), homework (20%), class work/participation (10%) and warm ups (10%) EXTRA-HELP: Please do not hesitate to come see me if you need extra help. I am available for after school help. Please check with me to see if I could accommodate you. You may also contact me through email at thompsonk@dunellenschools.org

Dunellen High School


Course Syllabus

STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: You have the responsibility of doing your best in school to study, learn and be productive. You should also respect other students right to good education so that as a class we may all reach our learning goals. ATTENDANCE & LATENESS: Regular attendance and punctuality are critical. Students are expected to be in their assigned seat when the bell rings ready to learn. Late to class less then five (5) minutes will results in a quarter cut. A total of 4 quarter cuts equals one (1) cut. CONSEQUENCES: 1st offense: Verbal warning 2nd offense: Detention and call home 3rd offense: Detention, call home and referral WARM-UPS: Everyday, students are to be in their seats when the bell rings and being working on the Warm-Up problem. Students are required to show ALL work on how they found their answer. Warm-ups are to be completed on their weekly Warm Up sheet and corrected as we go over them in class. Warm Ups will be collected everyday for a grade: 2 points for each day (Rubric: 2pts- Correct answer and showed all work. 1pt Correct answer with no work. 0 pts Incorrect) HOMEWORK & CLASS WORK: Homework and class work will be a vital part of this course. Homework assignments will be checked daily and must be completed, meaning all problems are attempted, to get the full points. Class work will be collected at various times and graded. All assignments should be labeled and dated. If an assignment is not

Dunellen High School


Course Syllabus turned in when collected, it will go in the grade book as a zero. LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTED. Homework assignments, quizzes, and tests will be written on the board each day. You are responsible for recording the assignments in your agenda book to help you plan ahead and to remind you of the work that is due.

MAKE-UP POLICY: Students are required to complete missed work due to absences from school. Students will be given one (1) day for each day absent to make up work. Students are responsible to find out what material was covered during class and obtain any handouts, notes, or class work. Students are encouraged to have a buddy in class to use as a resource. CELL PHONES/I-PODS ETC: As per school policy no electronic or personal communication devices are to be on during the school day. It must be kept away in a locker, backpack or handbag. If the electronic device is seen or heard it can be confiscated.

** All student hand book policies also apply please be familiar with them **

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