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Abdulmohsen Alhamrani English 121 Oct24, 2013 Summary analysis draft#2

The Myth of Multitasking

According to the author Christine Rosen who has PHD degree from Harvard University and she wrote an article about the Myth of Multitasking, says everyone has the same amount time to achieve whatever he or she wants. However, the author reports that because people sometimes do not have enough time if they are going to do two things in the same time. Thus, the author strongly believes that the steady and dissipated attention to one thing in a certain number of times is significant flag of a superior genius as hurry, bustle, and agitation are never failing symptoms of a weak and frivolous mind. The thesis statement of this article is people currently tend to do many things in the same time to save more time. Rosen realizes that hurry, bustle, and agitation have become part of our life. So that, she believes that people now a day get used to be hurry, bustle, and agitation. The tendency of these actions and attitudes because the demand on time currently is totally different than it was, because almost everything we need to do today depends on our time. Therefore, people today try to do as many things as possible in the same time in order to save more time. Rosen starts her article explaining history of the word multitasking which is the majority of her article is going to be about. For instance, people in the past used to refer a word multitasking in skill section of resume. The author includes this example in order to show a word multitasking has been used from long time ago. The result of this indication was effective enough because it indicates that the author is going to discuss

about a problem that has been existing form long time. Usually, people concentrate about time management especially businessmen because time management play huge role to their investment. So that, the author decides to promote the article by a report that is posted by BBC, which is one of, reliable sources in British. The report discusses about workers who distracted by E-mail and cell phone usually fall in IQ more than twice that found in marijuana. The author provides the article with this specific study in order to demonstrate that workers who easily distracted by these devices, such as cell phone, will not able to focus on their task effectively. In addition, Rosen promotes the article by quoting from one of the best doctors in the treatment of attention deficit Mythical activity in which people believe they can perform two or more tasks simultaneously. The reason from the quotation is to vary her sources and convince the reader more because you specifically quote from someone who is doctor and specialize in her or his major. In reality, this way of convincing is really effective because you give the reader a variety of different sources, such as quotation and studies to make your article more credible source. On the other hand, the author covers another drawback of the multitasking, which is about economy. The author tends to covers many negative aspects of multitasking to demonstrate that multitasking is not only harmful in specific field it could be harmful in many different fields, such as economy. The reason that the author covers many negative aspects of multitasking to aware the reader that multitasking might has negative impact on you in many different fields, such economy. In Fact, when the writer discusses about specific subject and give studies about this but different fields like what Rosen did with the pervious example she talks about multitasking but in the economic filed, that could be effective enough because it points out that the writer did

good research about the subject before she started writing the article. Multitasking phenomenon is vague term because it has a lot of meaning. The author tends to clarify the term by embracing different and efficient studies from neurologists and psychologists researcher. The author tries to convince the readers more by varying her sources to engross the reader to the article. For example, she includes studies of psychologist professor at University of Michigan about how brain works. The author includes this type of example to demonstrate that even psychologists researcher talk about drawback of multitasking and did at least research about. On the other hand, the author illustrates the effect of the multitasking on children and teenager in the future, which they will raise with an excess of new entertainment and educational technology. According to the author, new entertainment and educational technology means multitasking might change the way of how students learn new things. Also, the study that University States of California says Multitasking adversely affects how you learn even if you learn while multitasking that is less flexible and more specialized. Based on this study, our way of thinking in future is going to be changed. Multitasking is not only talking about your skills of doing two things in the same time. According to the author, there is new way of multitasking such as media multitasking, which means using a several different media such as television, the internet, video test and text message in the same time. An example of media multitasking is watching television and using computer in same time. The purpose of including this example, because the author wants to clarify that multitasking might have many techniques to deal with. Therefore, the author tends to use a variety of different sources to ware the reader about the drawback of multitasking. After these studies the author strongly believes that

the children will not do well in long run because they are messaging and texting in the same time and might have negative impact to their brains in the future. According to the author, there is relation between multitasking and paying attention. For example, People who have achieved great things often credit for their success a finely honed skill for paying attention. Therefore, if you want achieve anything you must pay attention to one thing only. Christine utilizes the article that is written by William James who is the great psychologist and who wrote at length about the varieties of human attention to promotes her concept and convinces the reader. In reality, the Strategy that the author used in the previous example might persuade the audience because the author cites from someone who is specialized in his field. Finally, the author concludes the article by giving some tips in order to avoid the distraction. For example, the author recommends some several books talk about how to restrict your distraction. Also, she strongly assumes that technology will advance and create a new invention that might help human being to avoid distraction. In sum, the way of the author concludes the article is effective enough because when you try to prevent someone of doing something, give him or her some tips at the end in order to stuck in their mind.

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