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ACS TigerTech Camps

Spend a Week Computer Camping at Jefferson Countys newest and largest Computer Science Academy.

Camp1: Game Design. Campers will be introduced to computer languages like SNAP and SCRATCH and learn both how to play and how to program games in their language. This camp will culminate in a mini LAN PARTY, which will mimic the environment, Fern Creek Computer Science students experience at our famous overnight TIGER-LANs. June Camp2: Build your first Computer: Campers will be instructed on the makeup of a 16-20 8:30 computer. They will be helped as they build their first computer which they can take Game Design 12:00 home at the end of the week. June 16 - 20 Camp3: Learn Linux on our Raspberry Pi: Campers will be instructed on the Linux Operating System as they build a computer which they will connect to the Raspberry Computer 8:30 Builder 12:00 PI pico computer. At the end of the week they will take both computers home to June advance their computing knowledge 22-27 Camp4: Preparing to be a Programmer Students: Campers will be introduced to Linux and 8:30 the Languages they will be taught at the Computer Science Academy at Fern Creek. Raspberry Pi 12:00 Each activity will be framed in a fun and educational way. We will also bring in June speakers from colleges and businesses to show the importance of the world of CS 22-27 Beginning 8:30 All camps will be staffed by our top Academy Computer Science students with a Programming 12:00 maximum child to Camp Counselor ratio of 3:1. All camps will be run by Certified Academy staff members. The camps will be held from June 16-20 and June 22-27 from 8:30 to 12:00 each day. Each camp will cost $125 with class size capped at 15. Camp perks will include a thumbdrive filled with content for that camp and a Cool Tech Camps T-shirt. ================ ================================================================================ REGISTRATION FORM FOR ACS TIGER TECH CAMPS Name of Camper ___________________________________ Middle School ___________________

Name of Parent/Guardian______________________________________Address _____________________________ Louisville, KY 402 ____ EMAIL: _______________________ I want to attend ___ Camp 1 ____ Camp2 ____ Camp3 ____ Camp4 @ $125 each

I am enclosing ___$125 or ___$250 for one or both weeks of camp made out to Fern Creek THS Please enclose your check and send to Fern Creek THS, 9115 Fern Creek Road, Louisville, KY 40291 For more information email Scott Horan at scott.horan2@jefferson.kyschools.us
To reserve a spot early you may fax this form to Fern Creek THS 485 8032 or email it back to the above email address

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