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ABSTRACT Brazil, during the past few years, has experienced a great growth in the civil construction business,

however, it is noticeable a deficiency in the managing system and building control. The planning of a build is fundamental for establishing goals and objectives for the entrepreneurship and control is essential for these goals and objectives are achieved. There are several tools that aid the building manager to execute a successful project. Through the simulation of a hypothetical setting of a managing software in the building of the Court of Law building in Xambre-PR, it is possible to verify and correct flaws and non-conformities in the building process and management of the construction company in question. Among the tools for planning and control, the managing software is the best and most viable option for mid and long term results.

Key Words: planning; building control; civil construction.

RESUMO O Brasil, nos ltimos anos, tem vivido um grande crescimento no setor da indstria da construo civil, porm perceptvel uma deficincia no sistema de planejamento e controle de obras. O planejamento de uma obra fundamental para que se consiga estabelecer metas e objetivos para o empreendimento; e o controle essencial para que essas metas e objetivos sejam alcanados. Existem vrias ferramentas que auxiliam o gestor da obra executar o projeto com xito. Atravs de uma simulao de implantao fictcia de um software de gerenciamento na obra do Frum da Comarca de Xambr/PR, possvel verificar e corrigir as falhas e no-conformidades no processo construtivo e gerenciador da construtora em questo. Dentre as ferramentas de

planejamento e controle, o software de gerenciamento a melhor e mais vivel opo para resultados mdio e longo prazo.

Palavra-chave: planejamento; controle de obras; construo civil.

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