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Chicken and Chickpea Casserole (L.G.I.

) Serves: 4 Ingredients: 3 medium sized chicken breasts 1 medium red onion 1 large/2 small carrots of a 15oz/4 1$ cu!s/2 1$ cu!s/3 g can of chick!eas "garbanzo beans#

g s%eetcorn g !assata "sieved tomatoes# or 14oz/4 g can of tomatoes

tables!oon bouillon or other stock 5 dashes of tabasco sauce 1 teas!oon lemon &uice !e!!er 'irections: 1( )ho! the onion into * sections "as sho%n# and break the la+ers a!!art as +ou !ut them into an oven!roof casserol dish( ,eal and cut the carrots into round slices about a -uarter of an inch thick( 2( )ut the chicken breast into small cubes and !ut into the dish %ith the carrot and all the other ingredients( 3( .i/ the ingredients together in the dish and then cover %ith a lid "or foil if +ou have no lid#( ,lace the dish in an oven !re0heated to 15 1)/3 12/3as .ark 4( )ook for 55 minutes then serve %ith +ogurt(

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