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Orange-Spice Bars Active Time: 30 Minutes Total Time: 1 Hour 10 Minutes Yield: 40 Bars The nuts and coconut

can be left out if you are worried about a choking hazard for young children. INGREDIENTS: 2 3 cu! butter 1 and 1 2 cu!s brown sugar "!acked# 2 eggs 1 teas!oon grated orange !eel 1 teas!oon grated le$on !eel 2 and 1 2 Tables!oons orange %uice 1 2 teas!oon &anilla 2 cu!s flour "sifted# 1 teas!oon baking soda 1 teas!oon cinna$on 1 2 teas!oon nut$eg 1 2 teas!oon salt 1 4 teas!oon clo&es 1 cu! cho!!ed walnuts 'or glaze( 2 cu!s confectioners sugar 2 ) 3 Tables!oons orange %uice 1 teas!oon grated orange !eel 1 teas!oon grated le$on !eel Optional( *oconut "flaked or grated# +,!rinkle with the coconut if you wishDIRECTIONS: *rea$ butter and brown sugar. .dd eggs/ grated !eel. orange %uice and &anilla. ,ift dry ingredients and add. Mi0 well. .dd walnuts. ,!read $i0ture in greased 10 0 11 %elly roll !an. Bake at 310 degrees '. for 20 ) 21 $inutes until to! is brown and s!rings back when touched. *ool 11 $inutes and s!read with glaze. *ut into bars. "Makes about 40#.

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