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John Freundel EDTC 640

The District Technology Training Plan for Carroll County Public Schools System

Introduction: The Carroll County Public school system has achie ed great le els of success in educating its students in the last decade! The school system has scored abo e state and national a erages in most state and federal assessment tests and as a result Carroll County has set itself a"art from many other counties in #aryland $#Dre"ortcard!org%! &s of '0(() nearly *0+ of all high school students ,ere ta-ing and "assing all the re.uired /S&s in the core curricular areas) ,hich is clearly a tremendous accom"lishment $#Dre"ortcard!org%! E en though /S&s are being "hased out in lieu of ne, Common Core assessments) in ,hate er form they may ta-e) if Carroll County is serious about continuing to im"ro e on these forms of assessments) then it must begin to im"lement a ne, strategy for training and e.ui""ing s-illed educators ,ith the -inds of technologies that they ,ill need to "re"are the current generation of students for success in this "ost industrial information age! Carroll County has made great in estments in educational technologies o er the "ast fe, years) but there has not been a coherently articulated "lan to the community of teachers) staff) "arents) or students as to ho, these e0"enditures and technologies are going to be integrated into the classroom! Overview of Technology in the County: 1hile Carroll County has made significant in estments in technology o er the last t,o decades) the e.uitable distribution of this e.ui"ment throughout the county is lac-ing! There are schools li-e #anchester 2alley /igh School that has the most u" to date com"uter technology) ,ith ,ireless ca"abilities) and there are schools li-e #ount &iry #iddle ,hich is being rebuilt due to its anti.uated infrastructure that sim"ly could not handle the retrofitting necessary to manage a modern information net,or-! 3ecause of these ine.uities in informational technology across the board) and a lac- of "ublically a ailable information on ,hich school has ,hat technology) it is a necessity that the county begin sur eying and collecting this data in order to "lan ,hat further in estments ,ill be needed! Needs Assessment: 4n the economic reality of '0(') ,ith budget shortfalls reaching into the millions of dollars) it is difficult to ma-e arguments for the Carroll County school system to continue to in est more money on technology! Purchasing more com"uters and more education technology is not ,hat Carroll County needs to be "reoccu"ied ,ith) instead the county needs to in est in getting teachers to use ,hat technology they ha e more efficiently and effecti ely in the classroom! 1hile it ,ould be ,onderful to ha e the financial ability to "ut a ceiling mounted 5CD "ro6ector and a Promethean smart board in e ery classroom) it is not a "ossibility right no, for the county! Carroll County needs to e aluate the strengths and ,ea-nesses of each school and determine ho, these schools can o"timi7e the technologies that they already ha e! The county is not lac-ing in com"uters) it is sim"ly lac-ing in the creati ity and the determination to get the most out of the technology already in the classroom!



For this reason) the best course of action that Carroll County Public Schools can ta-e is to in est in "rofessional de elo"ment to inform educators and hel" them become more familiar ,ith the technology that the county has "urchased o er the last decade! There are many strategies a ailable to ta-e ad antage of free or lo, cost internet "rograms using technology currently a ailable in the classroom! 1eb '!0 "rograms li-e ,i-is and blogs) ha e been sho,n to) 8attract students to school ,or-) meet indi idual learning needs) de elo" students9 critical thin-ing s-ills) "ro ide an alternati e learning en ironment) e0"and learning outside schools) and "re"are students for lifelong learning!:$Sue Chen '0((%! These "rograms are mostly free and could benefit any teacher at any le el) but these educators need to be made a,are and trained in the best "ractices of such technologies! The follo,ing District Technology Training Plan ,as ,ritten in order to de elo" the necessary base of technology -no,ledge that educators need to get the most out of the technologies currently a ailable! Goals for Tech Training (! '! ;! 4! #edia s"ecialists and technology leaders ,ithin Carroll County ,ill be able to ac.uire and "resent technology s-ills to faculty members in their schools! Carroll County educators and administrators ,ill be able to understand the use and effecti e a""lication of educational technology hard,are and soft,are in their classrooms! Carroll County educators and administrators ,ill be able to im"ro e communication ,ith sta-eholders through the use of the <oogle "roducts! Carroll County educators ,ill be able to successfully create and maintain class ,ebsites!

District Technology Training Plan Session Dates: Date=based on a""ro ed teacher PD for the '0('=(; school year >?'0 >?'( Technology Session (: Promethean 3oards and Promethean Planet soft,are Session ': 3logs?1i-is and other 1eb '!0 technologies=<logster) 2o-i) etc! Session ;: Podcasting and <oogle Docs Session 4: S-y Dri e and Thin-"ort Session A Session 6 Session B Facilitators Promethean @e"s Tech Ser ices Coordinators Tech Ser ices Coordinators Tech Ser ices Coordinators #edia S"ecialists) Team 5eaders and Tech Su"er isors #edia S"ecialists) Team 5eaders and Tech Su"er isors #edia S"ecialists) Team 5eaders and Tech Trainees #edia S"ecialists) Team 5eaders) Tech Su"er isors in the schools #edia S"ecialists) Team 5eaders) Tech Su"er isors in the schools #edia S"ecialists) Team 5eaders) Tech Su"er isors in the schools #edia S"ecialists) Team 5eaders) Tech Su"er isors in the schools Elementary) middle) and high schools faculty Elementary) middle) and high schools faculty Elementary) middle) and high schools faculty

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'?> C See &""endi0 ' for budget! !"lanation of Program:

Session >

Su"er isors #edia S"ecialists) Team 5eaders and Tech Su"er isors

Elementary) middle) and high schools faculty

To begin ,ith) Carroll County ,ill need to get a baseline measurement of ,hat s-ills and technology com"etencies its educators ha e in order to determine ,here it can best use its funds for PD! Dne such sur ey that Carroll County could use is through 4nsight ,hich has a sim"le user interface and aggregates the data for the user! 1ith this -no,ledge) Carroll County ,ill be able to get an understanding of ,hat -inds of technological strengths and ,ea-nesses its educators "ossess! The "rogram outlined abo e assumes that the ma6ority of Carroll County9s teachers are "roficient in basic #icrosoft suite technologies and therefore do not need to recei e training in this area! From sur eying the South Carroll /igh School staff) and using that as the basis for a benchmar- for the rest of the county) it is clear that educators are not nearly as "roficient ,ith current ,eb and interacti e technologies and are in need of e0tensi e "rofessional de elo"ment $see &""endi0 for e0am"le sur ey%! Dnly a handful of the >0 educators in the building currently ha e a class ,ebsite and fe,er still ha e made any -ind of use of ,i-is) blogs) "odcasts) etc! in their classrooms! 1hen as-ed ,hy they are not ma-ing use of these technologies) they state the difficulty of getting "ast tech ser ices fire,alls) not ha ing enough access to com"uters) and=most im"ortantly= not ha ing enough training or trained "eo"le to turn to for ad ice on the sub6ect! Esing this information) 4 ha e created a tech training "rogram that ,ill be the most cost effecti e for the county and beneficial for the teachers and their students! DTTP Ste" #: Identify arly Ado"ters the Previous S"ring 1ith the goal of training an entire county in ' ,ee-s) the need for -no,ledgeable technology users is im"erati e! This in mind) the media s"ecialists and tech s"ecialists for the county ,ill be the first to be contacted about the "rofessional de elo"ment! Enfortunately) there sim"ly are not enough of these indi iduals to sufficiently staff a ma6or "rofessional de elo"ment effort! To deal ,ith this shortfall) Carroll County must find those teachers ,ho ha e become early ado"ters of technology in their classrooms! The -ind of "ractical -no,ledge that these teachers offer on ho, to use a gi en technology in the classroom "ro es to be in aluable in a "rofessional de elo"ment situation! &s Doherty $'0((% discusses in his article) "rofessional de elo"ment needs to be centered on 8meaningful learning acti ities: that can create a 8conte0tual realism: that is 8intimately connected ,ith teaching "ractices!: Educators need to see ho, others ha e used these technologies) and they need to -no, ,hat to e0"ect in terms of "roblems that could de elo" ,hile using the "roduct! 3y ha ing media s"ecialists find such early ada"ters in the faculty ,ithin their buildings) and bring them on board ,ith the DTTP the county ,ould ha e enough staff to successfully carry out such a ma6or training "rocess! DTTP Ste" $: ducate the Trainers %&$'($) The first ,ee- bac- from summer acation is earmar-ed for "rofessional de elo"ment for all educators throughout Carroll County! During this time) media s"ecialists) team leaders) and those technology s"ecialists that ,ere


identified in Ste" ( ,ill re"ort to a ,ee-9s ,orth of training sessions on all of the hard,are and soft,are that ,ill be "resented to educators in "rofessional de elo"ment sessions throughout the year! Team leaders from the content areas of all the schools ,ill also need to be "resent on these days in order to be yet another le el of e0"ertise in a gi en technology to assist teachers in their de"artments ,ho are trying to use these technologies! 4t ,ill be assumed that the media and tech s"ecialists ,ill be some,hat s-illed in the "rograms and hard,are already) but they ,ill still need to be trained in effecti e methods of teaching these to"ics to others! #any of the educators that ,ere sur eyed in South Carroll mentioned ho, there ha e been many ,asted technology based "rofessional de elo"ment o""ortunities because the indi idual leading it ,as sim"ly not "re"ared to "resent the information in an effecti e ,ay to teachers! 4n these sessions) the trainees ,ill be instructed to allo, teachers a significant amount of time to actually ,or- ,ith the "rogram to create a finished "ro6ect by the end of the session! 4n this ,ay) teachers ,ill be able to gain first hand e0"erience and construct their o,n -no,ledge of ho, the "rogram ,or-s) instead of 6ust sitting bac- and listening to a "o,er "oint on the technology! D er the course of four days) media s"ecialists) team leaders) and the tech s"ecialists in the building ,ill recei e e0tensi e training on the use of Promethean boards) Promethean Planet) 1eb '!0 soft,are) "odcasting) <oogle Docs) Thin-"ort) and Carroll County9s ne, S-y Dri e! These sessions ,ill be held in three different locations ,ith each location catering to,ards a different le el of education=elementary) middle) high! The sessions dealing ,ith Promethean soft,are and hard,are ,ill re.uire the use of se eral Promethean em"loyees to train CCPS staff in the technology! Due to a "re=e0isting contract bet,een Promethean and CCPS these trainers ,ill not cost the county any additional fees! &side from these Promethean re"s) the rest of the "rogram can be run by /@ and Tech Ser ices as they ha e in the "ast) at no e0tra cost to the county! The only cost that the county ,ill accrue ,ill be the F(000 sti"end to all CCPS staff that are trained in Promethean technology and then lead PD! This is a "olicy of Carroll County schools to "ro ide teachers ,ith an incenti e to become leaders of "rofessional de elo"ment! De"ending on ,hat the county can afford) ,e could ha e any,here from * to (A staff recei e the training and "ro ide "rofessional de elo"ment for the county! DTTP Ste" ): ducating the ducators %&$*+ #'&% and #,+ $&% Training Sessions A=> ,ill be days in ,hich teachers from e ery le el of education ,ill re"ort to centrali7ed locations in order to learn about the arious -inds of technologies being "resented by media and tech s"ecialists! These days ,ill be bro-en into an &# and a P# "eriod) each consisting of a ; hour time slot! Each &# "eriod ,ill include (A to '0 minutes for getting schedules handed out and choosing courses to attend) and each P# "eriod ,ill ha e (A minutes for e aluation of the day9s to"ics $see &""endi0 A for a sam"le schedule%! Since there are too many "rograms to get through in one day of PD) teachers ,ill be e0"ected to choose the to"ics that are of the most interest and attend those sessions during the day! D er the course of the four days of training it ,ill be e0"ected that e ery teacher ,ill ha e attended as many different training sessions as they can! &lso) as the training sessions "rogress) the county ,ill ha e higher le el offerings for teachers ,ho ,ant to ha e more e0"eriences ,ith technologies that they are interested in using! To begin ,ith) ,e ,ill sim"ly introduce teachers to the basics of the "rograms as to not be o er,helming! Teachers ,ill be as-ed to "ractice the s-ills that they ha e learned so that the ne0t time they come to PD they ,ill be able to de elo" their abilities further! The last t,o days of training ,ill also ha e time set aside for teachers to ,or- ,ith their de"artments in order to


create content s"ecific a""lications for the technologies they ha e learned! The "lan ,ill allot for this -ind of de"artment training because many of the teachers sur eyed at South Carroll suggested that they ,ould li-e to ha e time to ,or- ,ith their de"artments to figure out ho, best to use a technology! There is not time in a "resentation to go o er ho, e ery "ossible sub6ect could ma-e the most of a technology) therefore) it is im"ortant that teachers be gi en the chance to ,or- ,ith the technology ,ith their colleagues to see if the "roduct is rele ant to the needs of their s"ecific class! To -ee" teachers interested in this e0tended PD) it is im"erati e that they ha e the ability to choose ,hat to"ics they find ,orth ,hile! 4n the same ,ay that students in a high school can be less in ol ed in classes that they ha e to ta-e ersus those classes that they get to ta-e oluntarily) educators in PD situations need to feel li-e they are choosing for themsel es and not being told by su"er isors ,hat they must do! To facilitate this) there ,ill be numerous offerings in the &# and P# sessions for the technologies that the county is "resenting! To teach these educators about information technologies) the "resenters ,ill ado"t a constructi ist a""roach that has been re"eatedly demonstrated to be affecti e in 8im"ro e$ing% student learning: on a gi en to"ic $Polly '0((%! 1hile there ,ill be a "eriod of time to,ards the beginning of the "eriod to introduce the gi en technology through the use of "o,er "oint or some other "resentation soft,are) the ma6ority of the time ,ill be budgeted in such a ,ay as to allo, teachers to create their o,n -no,ledge of the technology! Dne ma6or "roblem that "re ents teachers from a""lying ,hat they ha e learned in a gi en PD lesson is that they ,ere not gi en any time to "ractice it themsel es! Technology can be a frightening thing) es"ecially ,hen an entire lesson is riding on it! 4f a teacher feels comfortable ,ith the technology it is most li-ely because they ha e had time to "ractice it before bringing it into the classroom! These sessions ,ill ser e to facilitate "ractice using the technology in an en ironment ,here any .uestions or "roblems can be .uic-ly resol ed by the tech s"ecialists leading the acti ity or by other teachers in the session! Dther more s"ecific strategies that ,ill be used to further ad ance understanding of the technologies are as follo,s: Promethean -oard and Planet: &llo, teachers to "lay a Tri ial Pursuit?Jeo"ardy game ,ith the &cti e 2ote "roducts in order to brea- u" some of the monotony of the game) ha e some fun) and see ho, the "roduct could really get students interested in using the "roduct! Teachers ,ould also be bro-en into grou"s to search through the e0tensi e categories of materials "ro ided by Promethean Planet to "o"ulate a list of ,orth,hile "roducts for the teachers "resent in the session! -logs: Teachers ,ill create their o,n blog on 3logger!com! Teachers ,ill ,rite about things that are interesting to them and learn ho, to "ost comments) create @SS feeds) and brainstorm ,ays of using this technology in the classroom! .i/is: Teachers ,ho already ha e 1i-is for their classes ,ill "resent ,hat their classes ha e been able to achie e ,ith the use of this technology! &gain) each teacher in the session ,ill be "ut into a grou") and actually create a ,i-i about a gi en to"ic to be "resented to the grou" "resent in the session! Podcasts: Teachers ,ill learn the ,ays to use &udacity to create "odcasts in their classrooms! Teachers ,ho ha e used "odcasts "re iously ,ill "resent some of the better e0am"les of ,hat they ha e recei ed from their students as ,ell as "ro iding a list of hel"ful hints for ho, to be successful ,ith the "ro6ect! Thin/"ort: Carroll county has a license to use Thin-"ort as its host for teacher ,ebsites) yet the ma6ority of


teachers in the county still don9t ha e a ,ebsite for their class! Teachers ,ill be "laced into grou"s to become e0"erts in the arious different ser ices that are "ro ided by Thin-"ort in order to "resent ho, they could use these ser ices in their classrooms! Google Docs: Teachers ,ill be taught ho, to u"load and create documents through <oogle as ,ell as ho, to embed these documents into arious different ty"es of online sites! S/y Drive: Teachers ,ill be sho,n ho, to use the "roduct using screen casts so that it ,ill be a self "aced "rocess that they can then "ractice ,ith by sa ing other ,or- that they ha e created o er the course of the training session! The end goal of the session ,ill be to ha e the teachers confident in their abilities to teach the S-y Dri e system to their students! DTTP Ste" *: valuation of Process %&$*+ #'&% and #,+ $&% &t the end of e ery training session) teachers ,ill ha e (0=(A minutes to com"lete an online sur ey about their training for the day! The training staff ,ill use this information to ma-e any ad6ustments as necessary before the ne0t training session! The Tech @esources staff ,ill com"ile the data based on ,here the session ,as held to -no, ,hat le el the indi idual taught and ho, effecti e the acti ities ,ere for that le el of educator! There ,ill be se eral close and o"en ended .uestions that the staff ,ill sort through for commonalities! 4f the ma6ority of teachers are agreeing ,ith the statements "ro ided) then ,e -no, that the facilitator has done their 6ob ,ell! 4f ,e recei e more than '0+ negati e feedbac- about the "rogram) then ,e ,ill need to ree aluate the ,ay ,e ha e a""roached that lesson and ma-e changes to ensure the success of the ne0t PD! 1hen all of the training sessions ha e been com"leted there ,ill be a final sur ey sent to all educators in ol ed in order to e aluate the e0"erience as a ,hole and to determine ,hich to"ics ,ere the most beneficial based on ho, many ha e begun incor"orating the technology into their classrooms! The "rogram itself ,ill be considered a success if as a result of the training sessions >0+ of the res"ondents ac-no,ledge that they ha e used at least one of the technologies on a regular basis in their classroom! There ,ill al,ays be those teachers ,ho ,ill ha e no desire to change ,hat they ha e been doing for '0G years) and there ,ill be some ,ho are beginning teaching ,ho ha e e erything they can handle 6ust creating a lesson "lan e ery nightH therefore (00+ acce"tance of these technologies ,ill ne er ha""en! 4f there are >0+ res"onding in the affirmati e then one can ho"e that they ,ill continue to de elo" and use more forms of technology o er the succeeding years! 3y creating this mass distribution of technology ,e ,ill ho"efully ha e changed the ,ay that Carroll County teachers ha e used the technology that is a ailable to them in the most effecti e ,ays "ossible! 0esson Plan for a Day( Session 1: .or/sho" Title: Promethean and Promethean Planet in the Classroom Day 2 # Su34ect5s of the Day5s .or/sho": Elementary=/igh School teachers Prere.uisite Ino,ledge: Ino, ho, to search the internet) being "roficient ,ith ,ord "rocessing Content: This lesson ,ill be for an introduction to Promethean smart boards and the content a ailable on Promethean Planet! The Promethean board is an interacti e ,hite board that allo,s teachers and students to interact ,ith the information being discussed in the class! Promethean Planet is an online database of educational materials


that ha e been created by other teachers for use in their classrooms! These lesson ideas are free to do,nload and use in class due to Carroll County9s contract ,ith Promethean! Db6ecti es: Teachers ,ill be able to (! '! ;! E aluate effecti e uses for a Promethean Smartboard in their classrooms Summari7e method of ma-ing Promethean fli" boo-s @esearch and find lesson acti ities that ,ould be rele ant for their classes

/o, ,ill the lesson be taughtJ This acti ity has an hour and a half time slot because it is such an e0"ansi e to"ic and therefore needs more time for "ractice! To begin ,ith) the instructor ,ill introduce the "roduct9s features for those that ha e ne er used one! Then the teacher ,ill engage the class in a game of Tri ial Pursuit using the &cti e 2ote "eri"herals to get the grou" engaged in ,or-ing ,ith the Promethean 3oard! The instructor ,ill also ,al- around ,ith an &cti Slate to allo, students to interact ,ith the board remotely) and in so doing sho, another of its ca"abilities! Dnce the basics ha e been discussed) the instructor ,ill ha e the teachers "resent get together based on sub6ect areas to brainstorm ideas that could be ada"ted to ,or- ,ell ,ith the technology! The class ,ill use the interacti e board to "resent these ideas and discuss the "ros and cons of each! 1ith the last ;0 minutes of class) the instructor ,ill "resent the Promethean Planet ,ebsite and ha e the teachers) again ,or-ing ,ith their content area) find se eral good and se eral "oor resources that are a ailable on the ,ebsite! The grou"s ,ill ha e to e aluate the resources and decide for themsel es if the lessons are good or "oor .uality based on ho, ,ell the lessons utili7e the Promethean 3oard! Each grou" ,ill "resent their criteria and one good or "oor resource! &dditional #aterials: & screencast of the ste" by ste" "rocess for ma-ing a fli" boo- as ,ell as a ste" by ste" "rocess for do,nloading content from "romethean "lanet Promethean Planet Tri ial Pursuit Fli" booE aluation Strategies: 4nstructor ,ill gauge the effecti eness of the lesson on a .ui7 handed out at the end of the lesson! Teachers ,ill be "resented ,ith a resource from Promethean Planet and ,ill need to e aluate its features to determine if is or isn9t a good resource! The res"onses ,ill be discussed and the educators ,ill be gi en immediate feedbac- to see if they ,ere right! .or/sho" Title: 3logs Day #

Su34ects of the 0esson: Elementary=/igh School teachers Prere6uisite 7nowledge: 1ord "rocessing and internet usage Content: This lesson ,ill ser e as an introductory course for teachers on the mechanics of creating and maintaining a class blog! Teachers ,ill be e0"osed to se eral sites that host free educational blogs to see ,hat features ,ould be beneficial for their classes! Teachers ,ill also be ad ised in ho, to create an account and "ost their first blog! Db6ecti es: Teachers ,ill be able to



(! '! ;!

e aluate characteristics of a good class blog summari7e the "rocess of ma-ing a blog create an initial "ost for their o,n class blog

/o, ,ill this lesson be taughtJ This lesson ,ill ta-e "lace in a com"uter lab that ,ill allo, each teacher access to their o,n com"uter! Teachers ,ill ,atch a "o,er "oint "resentation on the reasons for including blogs in their classrooms! Teachers ,ill then brainstorm ,ays in ,hich a blog could be beneficial in their classrooms! Finally teachers ,ill follo, the "rocedures recorded onto a screen cast for the ste"s of ho, to create a blog! &dditional #aterials: Po,er "oint slides "rinted off Screen cast for blog ma-ing E aluation Strategies: The instructor ,ill host a brief discussion at the end of the session to assess the -no,ledge that the teachers ha e gained from the lesson! During this discussion) the instructor ,ill elicit res"onses regarding the effecti e uses of blogs in the classroom from the educators! 4f the educators are ca"able of ans,ering these .uestions then they ha e achie ed the necessary le el of com"rehension of the to"ic! .or/sho" Title: 1i-is Day #

Su34ects of the 0esson: Elementary=/igh School Teachers Prere6uisite 7nowledge: 1ord "rocessing) internet usage) collaborati e and constructi ist learning theories Content: 4n this lesson bloc-) teachers ,ill be learning ho, to use 1i-is in their classes for grou" assignments! Teachers ,ill be sho,n ideos on the use of ,i-is for student research "ro6ects as ,ell as learn about some of the research that has gone into finding out the ,ays in ,hich ,i-is benefit education! Teachers ,ill also be gi en a chance to ,or- collaborati ely to set u" a ,i-i account and to create a ,i-i for their grou" based on a to"ic u"on ,hich they ha e decided! Db6ecti es: Teachers ,ill be able to (! '! ;! summari7e the "rocess for creating a ,i-i e aluate the use of ,i-is in a classroom setting create a method of incor"orating a ,i-i into their s"ecific content and age classroom

/o, ,ill the lesson be taughtJ Teachers ,ill recei e bac-ground information on the incor"oration of ,i-is in the classroom through a "o,er "oint "resentation gi en by the lesson9s "roctor! Dnce the teachers ha e been gi en this information) they ,ill be "laced in grou"s to create a ,i-i of their o,n on ,i-is"aces!com! The "ur"ose of these ,i-is ,ill be to create a shared database of ,ays in ,hich ,i-is can be used in their classes! Teachers ,ill log in) set u") and begin "osting their ideas to the ,i-i in order to collaborati ely come to a conclusion about the "roduct! The teachers ,ill be using a ste" by ste" screen shot guide to hel" them na igate the introductory "arts of a ,i-i! The last segment of the lesson ,ill in ol e the different grou"s sharing their to" reasons for including ,i-is as one of their class acti ities!


&dditional #aterials: Screen shot ste" by ste" guide for creating ,i-is Po,er "oint for ,i-is E aluation Strategies: &t the end of the session the tech s"ecialist ,ho has been "resenting the material ,ill e aluate the methods for using ,i-is that ha e been created by the faculty! 4f the educators ha e brainstormed ideas that are challenging) collaborati e) and foster higher le el thin-ing s-ills based on 4STE standards) then the class ,as a success! 4f these ,i-i ideas are lac-ing) then these tech s"ecialists ,ill create a ne, lesson "lan for the ne0t session to remediate those educators that seemed to struggle the most ,ith the technology! .or/sho" Title: Google Docs Day #

Su34ects of the 0esson: Elementary=/igh School Teachers Prere6uisite 7nowledge: Educators ,ill need to be familiar ,ith email) ,ord "rocessing) "o,er "oint creation) and internet usage! Content: Educators ,ill be instructed on the suite of technology re"resented in <oogle Docs! Teachers ,ill create a <mail account if they ha e not already done so) and ,ill "ractice creating) u"loading) and editing the different forms of media that are a ailable through the "rogram! Teachers ,ill be re.uired to bring their school issued la"to"s to the class so that they ,ill be able to u"load some of their "a"ers) "o,er "oints) etc! that they ha e "re iously created! Teachers ,ill be sho,n ho, to share all of these documents o er arious forms of social media! Teachers ,ill s"ecifically learn about the embedding feature of <oogle Docs in order to assist them in the creation of content for the blogs and ,i-is that they ha e "re iously created in the training session! Db6ecti es: (! '! summari7e the "rocess for u"loading) creating) and editing media using the "rogram e aluate use of embeddable features for im"ro ing ,eb content

/o, ,ill the lesson be taughtJ 4nstructors ,ill lead large grou"s of teachers in media center labs so that the teachers "resent ,ill be able to log on to the internet and -ee" "ace ,ith the instruction! The teachers in the room ,ill be as-ed to create a ,ord document that identifies ; to"ics that they ,ould li-e to understand and be ca"able of im"lementing by the end of the lesson! Presenters ,ill then use la"to"s connected to 5CD "ro6ectors to sho, teachers ho, to create a <mail account and then ho, to access the <oogle Docs features of the "rogram! Dnce teachers are in <oogle Docs) the instructors ,ill sho, them ho, to u"load the document that they ha e 6ust created to <oogle Docs! Teachers ,ill then be gi en an assignment to create a "o,er "oint "resentation using the "rogram a ailable through <oogle! This "o,er "oint ,ill be based on ,hate er content the teachers ha e recently co ered in their classes! Teachers ,ill then be sho,n ho, to sa e and edit these "roducts) as ,ell as ho, to share them! 5astly teachers ,ill be re.uired to embed the "o,er "oint that they ha e 6ust created into the ,i-i "age that they created earlier in the day! The final com"onent of the lesson ,ill in ol e teachers being "ut into grou"s in order to create methods of incor"orating such a "roduct into their classrooms! There ,ill be t,o "arts to this final com"onent: /o, can <oogle Docs assist student learningH and



ho, can <oogle Docs ma-e communication among faculty and staff easier in your schoolJ Teachers ,ill res"ond to these "rom"ts by creating a "o,er "oint through <oogle Docs and then sharing it on the ,eb for their classmates to read and discuss! &dditional #aterials: Com"uter lab <oogle Doc9s 8/o, to: document E0it sur ey E aluation: &t the end of the session) each teacher ,ill fill out a brief .uestionnaire to determine ho, they ,ill use this technology in their classes! 3ased on the res"onses to this sur ey) the PD staff ,ill ,or- ,ith the tech leaders in each school to de ise more ,ays of incor"orating the use of <oogle docs into faculty meetings and communication among teachers in a building! .or/sho" Title: Thin/"ort and 8ou Day #

Su34ects of the 0esson: Elementary=/igh School Teachers Prere6uisite 7nowledge: 1ord "rocessing) internet usage Content: Teachers ,ill be sho,n ho, to ma-e a basic classroom ,ebsite in this lesson! They ,ill ,e ,or-ing at a com"uter lab ,ithin the building and ,ill follo, the "resentation by the tech ser ices de"artment on ho, to set a ,ebsite u" using Thin-"ort! For those teachers ,ho ha e already created a Thin-"ort account) they ,ill be allo,ed to u"date and manage their o,n accounts during this time! Db6ecti es: Teachers ,ill be able to: (! '! create a Thin-"ort account e aluate research on the effects of ha ing a classroom ,ebsite

/o, ,ill the lesson be taughtJ This lesson ,ill be held in a com"uter lab so that all indi iduals attending can access the internet and ,or- on creating an account! To begin ,ith the tech ser ices staff ,ill ha e teachers discuss among themsel es the reasons for ha ing a class ,ebsite and then share ,ith the grou"! These "oints ,ill then be corroborated by statistics gi en from research articles on the to"ic! &fter that the teachers ,ill follo, a ste" by ste" "rocess being demonstrated by the tech ser ices staff to set u" the ,ebsite! Teachers ,ill then set u" a home "age) a daily discussion "age for each class they teach) and a "age full of hel"ful lin-s that they ,ould recommend their students using! &dditional #aterials: Co"ies of ste" by ste" directions for setting u" a Thin-"ort account E aluation: The tech ser ices staff ,ill circulate and ma-e sure that all of the teachers are able to accom"lish the gi en tas- in the time allotted! 4f all of the teachers are able to finish and ha e an understanding of ho, to edit their class ,ebsite) then the lesson ,ill be a success! 4f teachers are unable to follo, the ste" by ste" directions and cannot finish the assignments) then the directions ,ill need to be edited and sent bac- out to the staff to allo, them to ,or- on the



,ebsites on their o,n! .or/sho" Title: .elcome to the S/y Drive Day #

Su34ects of the 0esson: Elementary=/igh School Teachers Prere6uisite 7nowledge: 4nternet -no,ledge) #icrosoft Suite technology Content: Educators in this ,or-sho" ,ill learn about CCPS9 ne, technology called the S-y Dri e! 4t is similar to #icrosoft and &""le9s cloud technology and ,ill allo, students in the CCPS system to sa e and access their ,orfrom any com"uter any,here in the ,orld! The teachers ,ill learn about the benefits of such a system as ,ell as the best use "ractices for the S-y Dri e! Db6ecti es: (! '! summari7e "rocess for sa ing material to the s-y dri e e aluate benefits of s-y dri e o er older system of sa ing data

/o, ,ill the lesson be taughtJ Educators ,ill be brought into a classroom that is outfitted ,ith 1iFi and told to bring their la"to"s ,ith them! Each educator ,ill follo, the directions of a tech ser ices staff member to create and start sa ing items to their o,n S-y dri e account! Since all students ,ill be using this technology ,ithin the year it ,ill be necessary for all teachers to be familiar ,ith it and be able to troubleshoot it if necessary! The tech ser ices instructor ,ill run through "ossible issues that students might ha e ,ith the "roduct and ,ill sho, the educators ho, to deal ,ith any such issues! &dditional #aterials: Kone E aluation: Teachers ,ill be called at random at the end of the class to describe ho, they ,ould go about trouble shooting a gi en "roblem to ma-e sure that they ha e understood the content of the lesson!

Concluding 9emar/s: Carroll County Public Schools is coming to an im"ortant time in its history! Education is changing) and our county must change ,ith it by ado"ting the s-ills of the technology age in the classroom! 4f the county sees fit to fund and carry out this "rofessional de elo"ment "lan) then CCPS ,ill be able to go into the future of the tech age ,ith confidence that Carroll County teachers ha e the s-ills and -no,ledge necessary to "re"are its students for success in the future! This training "rogramH ho,e er) is 6ust the first ste" to,ards -ee"ing CCPS staff ,ell trained in the use of technology! The county ,ill need to commit itself to funding similar ,or-sho"s e ery year to maintain and then u"date teacher9s s-ills in educational technologies! To -ee" Carroll County educators on "ar ,ith the rest of the state and country) CCPS ,ill need to ma-e technology based "rofessional de elo"ment a "riority for years to come! The "lan outlined here ,as designed to catch Carroll County u" ,ith the rest of the state! 4f ,e can im"lement these strategies) ,e should be able to sur"ass the rest of the state ,ith our ne0t round of "rofessional de elo"ment!



&""endi0 ( Teacher Technology Survey E0"lanation: 4 am gathering data for a grad "ro6ect in ,hich 4 am creating a county ,ide tech training "rogram! To do this) 4 need to -no, ,hat technologies teachers are comfortable and uncomfortable ,ith! Please ans,er the follo,ing .uestions and return them to me ,hen you are finished! Than- you! Section (: Do you ha e the follo,ing in your classroom: circle Les or Ko 5a"to" Les or Ko Des-to" Les or Ko 5CD "ro6ector Les or Ko Smart 3oard Les or Ko &cti Slate Les or Ko Com"uters for students Les or Ko /o, often ha e you used the follo,ing "rograms: 4ndicate by "lacing a chec- in the bo0 Technology &lmost Sometimes Ke er Po,er "oint 1ord "rocessor 4nternet research Class ,ebsite through Thin-"ort Class blog Class ,i-i Promethean Planet Dther: 4f there is some "rogram that you use in your classroom that is not on the list) "lease identify and mar- ho, often you use it Esual basis &lmost &l,ays

4f you use ,i-is?blogs?class ,ebsites?etc! "lease briefly e0"lain ,hy you use them in class!

4f you don9t use ,i-is?blogs?class ,ebsites?etc! "lease briefly e0"lain ,hy you don9t use them in class!

@es"ond to the follo,ing statement: 4 am com"etent in the use of a technology as the result of PD that 4 recei ed on it! Strongly &gree Some,hat agree Keutral Some,hat disagree Strongly Disagree 1hat is one suggestion you ,ould gi e for im"ro ing future "rofessional de elo"ment sessionsJ



&""endi0 ': 3udget

&s a result of "ree0isting contracts ,ith Promethean and Clinton 5earning Solutions) Carroll County Public schools currently does not ha e to "ay to ha e re"resentati es come out to these "rofessional de elo"ments! &lso) since these acti ities are already scheduled for in=ser ice days there ,ill be no e0"enditure for substitutes or for "rofessional de elo"ment funding! The only cost that ,ill be accrued ,ill be in training media s"ecialists in Promethean board so that they can teach the soft,are to others during the PD! The county ,ould choose (A media s"ecialists=A from each le el of ed= and train them in the soft,are! For becoming instructors they ,ould be entitled to a F(000 sti"end for the year! 3udget 3rea-do,n: F(A)000 for trained Promethean instructors FF'000 for all materials being co"ied and deli ered FA00 misc e0"enses) ie refreshments in the morning for "artici"ants F400 for "er diem of Promethean em"loyees at F(00 a day "er em"loyee Total: F(B)*00 &""endi0 ;: Each Session E aluation Sur ey Com"lete ersion can be found at= htt":??,,,!sur eymon-ey!com?s?55IM*1N ) e0cer"t "ro ided!



&""endi0 A: End of PD E aluation Sur ey for teachers= htt":??,,,!sur eymon-ey!com?s?;K65LCI

&""endi0 6: Training Schedule for Session A=> Session A >?'4 ::)1(::11 %(%:*1 %:1'(,:)1 4ntroduction and ob6ecti es &# P@D#ET/E&K 3logs #$:)'(#:#1 P# 1i-is #:$'($:'1

,:*'(#':$1 3logs

#':)'(##:#1 1i-is

P@D#ET/E&K $:#'($:11 Thin-"ort ):''():*1 S-y dri e ):*1(*:'' E aluation

<oogle Docs Thin-"ort S-y dri e

<oogle Docs

Session 6: (0?> ::)1(::11 %(%:*1 %:1'(,:)1 4ntroduction and ob6ecti es &# P@D#ET/E&K '!0 3logs for @eading #$:)'(#:#1 P# 1i-is Collab 5earning #:$'($:'1

,:*'(#':$1 3logs for @eading

#':)'(##:#1 1i-is Collab 5earning

P@D#ET/E&K '!0 $:#'($:11 Thin-"ort Personali7ation ):''():*1 <logs and 2o-is oh myO ):*1(*:'' E aluation

<oogle Docs for Students Thin-"ort Personali7ation <logs and 2o-is oh myO

<oogle Docs for Students

Session B: (0?(* ::)1(::11 %(%:*1 %:1'(,:)1 4ntroduction and ob6ecti es &# Elementary Time by Team Constructi e 5earning 1eb '!0 #$:)'(#:#1 Podcasting and CD@E #:$'($:'1



Constructi e Podcasting and 5earning 1eb CD@E '!0 Elementary Time by Team $:#'($:11 ):''():*1 ):*1(*:''




#iddle School by Team 1eb '!0 for &d anced 1i-is across content

1eb '!0 for &d anced

1i-is across content

E aluation

#iddle School by Team

Session >: '?> ::)1(::11 %(%:*1 %:1'(,:)1 4ntroduction and ob6ecti es &# /igh School by Team 1eb '!0 &ssessments #$:)'(#:#1 P# 4n.uiry 3ased 5essons and Social #edia #:$'($:'1

,:*'(#':$1 1eb '!0 &ssessments


4n.uiry 3ased 5essons and Social #edia /igh School by Team ):''():*1 ):*1(*:'' E aluation


2ertical Teaming by Content &rea

@eferences: Doherty) 4! $'0((%! E aluating the 4m"act of Professional De elo"ment on Teaching Practice: @esearch Findings and Future @esearch Directions! Online Submission Polly) D! J! $'0((%! E0amining /o, 5earner=Centered Professional De elo"ment 4nfluences TeachersP Es"oused and Enacted Practices! Journal Of Educational Research) 104$'%) ('0=(;0! Shu Chien PanFran-lin) T! $'0((%! 4n=Ser ice TeachersP Self=Efficacy) Professional De elo"ment) and 1eb '!0 Tools for 4ntegration! New Horizons In Education) 5 $;%) '>=40!



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