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Communications Packet
Description & Grading Rubric
WRTG 3040: Writing on/in Business and Society
D. Singer, Spring, 2014


Description & Purpose

This is the SECOND of the three PACKETS we will produce in this courseeach
one being groupings of materials weve designed to move us through a situation in
which were seeking a job to one in which weve gotten the job and have to perform
well in the professional community weve entered.

The FIRST packet, The Job Application Packet, was designed to help us learn
about/develop some content knowledge ABOUT the rhetorics and genres of job
applications, as well as to help us get some practice with the rhetorical situations,
writing processes, writing conventions/styles and mechanics of resumes, cover
letters, and job ads/postings.

Each Packet contributes to the Professional Writing Experiments portion of your
course grade (see below) and will help us develop a range of content knowledge
about The Genres and Rhetorics of/on/for The Job, as well as our understanding
of, and skills in, Writing Process, Management/Analysis of Rhetorical Situations,
and Writing Conventions/Mechanics and Style.

Your Digital Communications Packet will be developed between the end of
January and the beginning of March, will incorporate a range of research,
readings, writing experiments, and workshops, and, in the end, will include:

1) An Email Packet and Analysis,
2) A Personal-Professional FB Page and Analysis,
3) A Professional Video Introduction and Analysis
4) And an Analysis of Growth and Transfer-Ability.

***Optional Personal-Professional Website Workshop!

The PURPOSE of putting this material together, and learning about the rhetorics
and genres involved, is to help you develop the ability to gain some CONTROL over
(to take skillfully in hand, i.e. manipulate) your ONLINE/DIGITAL ETHOI
particularly in the predictable scenario in which a potential employer has placed
your Application Packet in the top 10% and is deciding whether to bring you in for
an interview!

Check your NOTES from the first two days of our work on this Packet to help you
REMEMBER what means!



(Contributing to the Professional Writing Experiments

portion of Your Course Grade, which is 20%)

Excellent (90+%)

By Reading/Analyzing your Digital Communications Packet & Analysis, I can see

that your materials appear successfully developed a complex and cohesive,
multi-text, multi-genre, multi-modal DIGITAL PRESENCE for yourself that
can help you secure a position for which you are/would be applying.

And, by Reading/Analyzing your Digital Communications Packet & Analysis, I

can see that your materials appear to consciously demonstrate some
observable growth in ALL FOUR of the following categories:

1. Extended and Practical Knowledge of Rhetorical Situation in Business

Writing in/and Social Environments (in this case, ___________________________

2. Extended and Practical Knowledge of Writing Processes in Business

Writing in/and Social Environments (in this case, ___________________________
3. Extended and Practical Knowledge of Writing Conventions/Mechanics
and Style in Business Writing in/and Social Environments (in this case,
4. Advanced (or Advancing) Content Knowledge (in this case, about the
Genres and Rhetorics of Digital Communications in the Business/
Professional and Social spheres, such as _______________________________________

***POSSIBLE BONUS (as much as a full-letter grade) for consciously demonstrated Personal and
Practical Knowledge of your own Transfer-ability as a LEARNER who really knows what to DO
every time you enter a NEW rhetorical situation as a writer Business in/and Society (in this case,
including things like demonstrating skill and knowledge about how to transfer things you learned about
nonverbal composition to your resume and cover letter, how to transfer things you learned about
writing a resume to figuring out how to write a cover letter, how to transfer things you learned about
developing a job application packet to developing other types of texts in other rhetorical situations
beyond what weve discussed together in class)

Effective and Satisfactory (75+%)

By Reading/Analyzing your Digital Communications Packet & Analysis, I can

see that you have attempted to develop a complex and cohesive, multi-
text, multi-genre, multi-modal DIGITAL PRESENCE for yourself that can
help you secure a position for which you are/would be applying.

And, by Reading/Analyzing your Digital Communications Packet & Analysis, I

can see that your materials appear to consciously demonstrate some
observable growth in at least THREE of the following categories:

1. Extended and Practical Knowledge of Rhetorical Situation in Business

Writing in/and Social Environments (in this case, ___________________________

2. Extended and Practical Knowledge of Writing Processes in Business
Writing in/and Social Environments (in this case, ___________________________

3. Extended and Practical Knowledge of Writing Conventions/Mechanics
and Style in Business Writing in/and Social Environments (in this case,

4. Advanced (or Advancing) Content Knowledge (in this case, about the
Genres and Rhetorics of Digital Communications in the Business/
Professional and Social spheres, such as _______________________________________

Not Quite There, Yet (50+%)

By Reading/Analyzing your Digital Communications Packet & Analysis, I can

see that you have attempted to develop a complex and cohesive, multi-
text, multi-genre, multi-modal DIGITAL PRESENCE for yourself that can
help you secure a position for which you are/would be applying.

And, by Reading/Analyzing Your Job Application Packet & Analysis, I can see
that your materials appear to consciously demonstrate some observable
growth in at least ONE of the above categories

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