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Fernando de la Lastra Azusa Campus Educ 526 Capstone Experience in Digital Teaching and Learning Professor Dr!

"il#reath 6th "rade $atios and Proportions %2&'%&'(

This unit focuses on the 6th grade common core standard that co*ers $ations+ $ates+ and Proportions! ,tudents sol*e a -ide *ariet. of pro#lems in*ol*ing ratios and rates! To achie*e these o#)ecti*es students -ill use a *ariet. of technologies+ including iPads+ computers+ -e#sites+ and a *ariet. of mo#ile apps! /n order to ensure that all students learn+ this unit -ill also use 0o-ard "ardner1s 2ultiple /ntelligences theor.! These intelligences include *isual+ *er#al+ 3inesthetic&#odil.+ logical&mathematical+ musical+ interpersonal+ intrapersonal+ and natural! ,tudents -ill appl. their 3no-ledge to the completion of classroom pro)ect! /n addition+ the lessons taught in this unit -ill use 4looms Taxonom. to achie*e desired learning outcomes!

Through the 3no-ledge ac5uired from this unit students -ill #e a#le to appl. to e*er.da. life situations! ,tudent 3no-ledge of ratios and proportions can #e applied to s3ills li3e coo3ing+ mixing solutions+ and dail. shopping! ,tudents -ith 3no-ledge of proportion -ill #e a#le to discern price differences on specials -hen shopping! /n addition+ the. -ill a#le to use their 3no-ledge to calculating tra*eling time #. appl.ing ac5uired s3ills on rate of speed!

Learning 6utcomes
,tudents -ill use reasoning a#out multiplication and di*ision to sol*e ratio and rate pro#lems a#out 5uantities! 4. *ie-ing e5ui*alent ratios and rates as deri*ing from+ and extending+ pairs of ro-s 7or columns8 in the multiplication ta#le+ and #. anal.zing simple dra-ings that indicate the relati*e size of 5uantities+ students connect their understanding of multiplication and di*ision -ith ratios and rates! Thus students expand the scope of pro#lems for -hich the. can use multiplication and di*ision to sol*e pro#lems+ and the. connect ratios and fractions! ,tudents sol*e a -ide *ariet. of pro#lems in*ol*ing ratios and rates!

9nit Plan Multiple Intelligences

Fernando de la Lastra :imeo Lin3 https &&*imeo!com&;(<=;5'% Unit Plan EDUC 522 Unit Title: Understanding Ratios, Rates, and Proportions Teacher: Fernando de la Lastra

Grade Level: 6 Subject: Math $bjectives:

,tudents -ill use reasoning a#out multiplication and di*ision to sol*e ratio and rate pro#lems a#out 5uantities! 4. *ie-ing e5ui*alent ratios and rates as deri*ing from+ and extending+ pairs of ro-s 7or columns8 in the multiplication ta#le+ and #. anal.zing simple dra-ings that indicate the relati*e size of 5uantities+ students connect their understanding of multiplication and di*ision -ith ratios and rates! Thus students expand the scope of pro#lems for -hich the. can use multiplication and di*ision to sol*e pro#lems+ and the. connect ratios and fractions! ,tudents sol*e a -ide *ariet. of pro#lems in*ol*ing ratios and rates!

Ti e Fra e: ! "ee#s

%ntelligences: &erbal, &isual, 'aturalist, Musical, (inesthetic, %nterpersonal, intrapersonal, Logical Technologies in the unit: /Pad+ ,mart Phones+ computer >e#sites ?outu#e+ Dirt 4i3e Proportion game -e#site+ "oogle Docs+ >e#5uest+ internet Apps ,ongif.+ "arage 4and+ 4log+ @e.note+ :ines app+ Excel+ Fa3e4oo3+ 0eart $ate monitor+ Po-erPoint+ Thin3ing 4loc3s app )o on )ore standards:

1. Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. For example, The ratio of wings to beaks in the bird house at the zoo was 2:1, because for ever 2 wings there was 1 beak!" For ever vote candidate # received, candidate $ received nearl three votes!" 2. Understand the concept of a unit rate a%b associated with a ratio a:b with b _&, and use rate language in the context of a ratio relationship. For example, This recipe has a ratio of ' cups of flour to ( cups of sugar, so there is ) cup of flour for each cup of sugar!" *e paid +,- for 1hamburgers, which is a rate of +- per hamburger!" 3. Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems e.g. b! reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios tape diagrams double number line diagrams or equations. a. "a#e tables of equivalent ratios relating quantities with whole number measurements find missing values in the tables and plot the pairs of values on the coordinate plane. Use tables to compare ratios.

b. $olve unit rate problems including those involving unit pricing and constant speed. For example, if it took , hours to mow ( lawns, then at that rate, how man lawns could be mowed in '- hours. #t what rate were lawns being mowed.

c. Reading and "riting Standards

6!$P A
9nderstand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to descri#e a ratio relationship #et-een t-o 5uantities! 6 "rade $,T

6!=!follo- precisel. a multistep procedure -hen carr.ing out

experiments+ ta3ing measurements+ or performing technical tas3s! 6!(! Determine the meaning of s.m#ols+ 3e. terms+ and other domainA specific -ords and phrases as the. are used in a specific scientific or technical context rele*ant to "rade 6A; 6 "rade >0,T

4! ,upport claim7s8 -ith logical reasoning and rele*ant+ accurate data and e*idence that demonstrate an understanding of the topic or text+ using credi#le sources! Technolog* standards: Creati*it. and /nno*ation
,tudents demonstrate creati*e thin3ing+ construct 3no-ledge+ and de*elop inno*ati*e products and processes using technolog.! #! Create original -or3s as a means of personal or group expression c! 9se models and simulations to explore complex s.stems and issues

$esearch and /nformation Fluenc.

,tudents appl. digital tools to gather+ e*aluate+ and use information! c! E*aluate and select information sources and digital tools #ased on the appropriateness to specific tas3s d! Process data and report results

Communication and Colla#oration

,tudents use digital media and en*ironments to communicate and -or3 colla#orati*el.+ including at a distance+ to support indi*idual learning and contri#ute to the learning of others! a! /nteract+ colla#orate+ and pu#lish -ith peers+ experts+ or others emplo.ing a *ariet. of digital en*ironments and media #! Communicate information and ideas effecti*el. to multiple audiences using a *ariet. of media and formats

Materials: +digital and non,digital/Pad+ ,mart Phones+ computer >e#sites ?outu#e+ Dirt 4i3e Proportion game -e#site+ "oogle Docs+ >e#5uest+ internet

%ntelligences: :isual+ @inesthetic+ /ntrapersonal+

Apps ,ongif.+ "arage 4and+ 4log+ @e.note+ :ines app+ Excel+ Fa3e4oo3+ 0eart $ate monitor+ Po-erPoint+ Thin3ing 4loc3s app

Logical+ Baturalist+ :isual+ 2usical+ 4odil. @inesthetic+ :isual+ Logical+ /ntrapersonal+ interpersonal+ Baturalist+ :er#al

Procedures: Lesson .: Understanding Ratios and /0uivalent Ratios "ee# . 1a* . '! 4egin #. defining the terms $atios and e5ui*alent $atios for the students! Then use the example music and #eats to help the students understand the concept! 9sing the garage #and app on a ta#let pla. 2 drum #eats and one s.m#ol crash! Then explain to students that the ratio of drum#eats to s.m#ol crashes is 2 #eats to ' s.m#ol crash! Then repeat the drum #eats t-ice to express ( drums #eats to 2 s.m#ol crashes and explain to students that the $atios of 2 ' and ( 2 are e5ui*alent! Then as3 students to *olunteer other potential #eat com#inations! After students gain understanding of the concept and terms the -ill students -ill first define 3e. terms 7$atios and E5ui*alent $atios8 and orall. repeat the terms into ,ongif. app on their ,mart Phones! 2! Bext+ ha*e the students form groups -ith their ta#le partners! The students -ill then demonstrate their understanding of $atios #. uploading a *ideo to ?ouTu#e using their /Pad&,mart Phone -here the. act out examples and sho- real life example of $atios and e5ui*alent ratios! =! 1a* 2, 6nce the students are done uploading *ideos the. -ill continue to -or3 in their groups! >hile -or3ing in their groups+ the students -ill then use the "arage 4and app on the /Pad to model for the -hole class the $atio of drum#eats to s.m#ol crashes then illustrate the ratios in -riting 7all three -a.s to

Musical, verbal, intrapersona l, interpersona l

Musical, visual, %ntrapersona l,

-rite ratios8 using @e.note! (! The students -ill continue -or3 in their groups from the pre*ious da.! 0a*e the students use their ta#lets to Listen and examine a song on ?outu#e+ The students -ill map out the num#er of drum#eats per '% seconds and illustrated them as ratios! ,tudents -ill then illustrate example of e5ui*alent $atios for 2% seconds of music using their Bum#ers app on their ta#let! 5! 1a* !, The students -ill then Listen to a ratio song on ?ouTu#e http &&---!.outu#e!com&-atchC*DAhc$2Ecgp#( then -ith a partner create their o-n ratio song comparing *arious o#)ects&su#)ects as ratios and upload to ?outu#e! The students1 song -ill ha*e at least = examples of e5ui*alent ratios! At the end of the lesson student -ill go on computer and ta3e 5uiz that -ill assess their 3no-ledge of @e. Terminolog.F Their a#ilit. to recognize e5ui*alent $atiosF and their a#ilit. to -rite ratios in = different -a.s Lesson 2: Rates 1a* . .3 / -ill first re*ie- the prior lesson1s 3e. terms ratio and e5ui*alent ratio! Then / -ill explain to the students the 3e. terms for the current lesson are $ate and 9nit $ate! / -ill explain to the student that rate is a measure on one 5uantit. per unit *alue of another 5uantit.! / -ill pro*ide the students -ith the example of one1s pulse #eing measured as a rate! / -ill tell the students that the rate #eing measure -hen ta3ing a person pulse is heart#eats per minute! / -ill then measure m. pulse for 2 minutes and -rite it on the #oard as a ratio in fraction form! / -ill then explain to students that a 9nit $ate has the denominator of one+ for one unit! Therefore+ the num#er of #eats -ritten o*er one minute -ould #e the unit rate 76< heart#eats per 'minute8! / -ill then use the fraction for m. heart#eat and model for the students ho- to simplif. the ratio to a unit rate! 23 After explaining the 3e. terms the students -ill use their smart phones to define the 3e. *oca#ular. terms and express those terms in their o-n -ords in Fa3e#oo3! !3 >or3ing in ta#le groups+ the students -ill use the App 0eart $ate to measure their pulse for one minute! The. -ill then -rite the results and a unit rate! The students -ill then measure the pulse for = minutes! The. -ill then simplif. their 2 minute pulse rates to a unit rate! >hile in "roups students -ill de*elop a Po-erPoint explaining the steps to sol*e a pro#lem in*ol*ing unit rate of speed! 43 1a* 2 / -ill re*ie- the pre*ious da.1s 3e. terms and lesson and then explain to students that unit rate is used to find

interpersona l

&isual, logical, usical, interpersona l,

Logical, &isual, %nterpersona l, intrapersona l, &erbal

%nterperonal, (inesthetic, Logical, 'aturalist, %ntrapersona l &erbal

distance tra*el #. calculating a*erage rate of speed! / -ill tell the student that if .ou 3no- the distance tra*eled and the tra*el time for a mo*ing o#)ect+ .ou can find the a*erage rate+ or a*erage speed! / -ill then model ho- to sol*e&calculate to find the a*erage speed! 53 Then+ -or3ing in groups+ the students -ill go outside and each student -ill run 5% meters+ -hile the group uses the stop-atch app to measure the time! After each student has ran+ the class -ill return and calculate the a*erage distance ran per second! The students -ill then go onto Fa3e4oo3 and discuss the results! "ee# 2 63 1a* !A >or3ing -ith a partner the students -ill go online to research the gro-th per .ear rate of t.pes of plants! The students -ill create a Po-erPoint presentation in -hich the. categorize the = t.pes of plants the. researched and demonstrate ho- to calculated the unit rate of gro-th per month for each plant! The group -ill present the finding to the class! Lesson !: "riting and Solving Proportions 1a* . .3 After re*ie-ing the terms ratios and e5ui*alent ratios from the first lesson+ / -ill define the ne- term Proportion for the students! / -ill explain to students that a proportion is an e5uation that states that to ratios are e5ui*alent! / -ill explain to students that proportions can #e sol*ed #. either using e5ui*alent ratios or proportions can #e sol*ed using Alge#ra! 4efore modeling ho- to sol*e pro#lems using e5ui*alent ratios+ / -ill ha*e students Defining 3e. *oca#ular. students -ill use their smart phones to upload :ines *ideos -here the. -ill film themsel*es using total ph.sical response #. reading&acting aloud the 3e. *oca#ular. terms! 23 After students ha*ing uploaded *ideos+ / -ill tell the students -hat m. heart#eats per minute -as from the first lesson! / -ill then as3 them -hat the. thin3 m. heart rate -ould #e for '% minutes! / -ill ha*e = students *olunteer ans-ers as to -hat the. thin3 the ans-er -ill #e! / -ill then model for student ho- to sol*e the pro#lem using an e5ui*alent ratio! !3 Then -or3ing -ith a partner ,tudents -ill go online to pla. and o#ser*e Dirt 4i3e Proportions game in -hich the. need to #e a#le to identif. e5ui*alent fractions! http &&---!arcademics!com&games&dirtA#i3eAproportions&dirtA #i3eAproportions!html 1a* 2 .3 >or3ing in groups+ the student -ill re*ie- the data from their initial presentation on heart rates! The student -ill then sol*e

%nterpersona l, Logical, 'aturalist, &isual, &erbal

(inesthetic, Logical, Musical, &isual, %ntrapersona l &erbal

%nterpersona l, Logical, &isual

%nterpersona l, %ntrapersona l, Logical

pro#lems using e5ui*alent fractions for their heart rate for '%+ 2%+ and '%% minute increments! 23 Then the students -ill use Thin3ing 4loc3s App+ to create a model and explain to the -hole class the process for setting up and sol*ing proportion pro#lems from the pre*ious da. using e5ui*alent ratios! 1a* ! .3 After re*ie-ing ho- to sol*e proportion using e5ui*alent ratios+ / -ill as3 students if the. had difficulties -ith #eing a#le to finding e5ui*alent ratios to sol*e some of their e5uations! / -ill ha*e = students *olunteer the issues the. had in sol*ing the proportions pro#lems! / -ill then tell students that sol*ing pro#lems using e5ui*alent ratios -ill not al-a.s -or3+ -hich is -h. the. -ill also need to 3no- ho- to sol*e pro#lems using alge#ra! / -ill then use the example pro*ided to me #. the students to model ho- to sol*e pro#lems using alge#ra! >or3ing in groups+ / -ill ha*e the students complete the pro#lem the. -ere una#le to sol*e on the pre*ious acti*it. using alge#ra! Lesson 4: Solving Proportions Using )ross Products 1a* . '! After re*ie- the 3e. terms from pre*ious lessons 7ratios+ e5ui*alent rations+ unit rate+ and proportions8 / -ill explain to students that in addition to sol*ing pro#lems using e5ui*alent ratios and alge#ra+ / -ill explain to student that there is an additional -a. to sol*e proportions called cross products! / -ill explain that cross product is the cross multiplication of t-o fractions&ratios! / -ill tell the student that the cross product of 2 ratios -ill e5ui*alent! / -ill further explain that this is due to the multiplicati*e in*erse! / -ill then ha*e the students define all necessar. 3e. terms 7$atios+ proportions+ e5ui*alent fractions+ simplest form+ multiplicati*e in*erse+ etc8 and catalogue them in their o-n -ords using a "oogle Doc! 2! After completing the "oogle Doc+ the students -ill continue -or3ing in groups and re*ie- the data from their Fa3e4oo3 on the calculations the. did for their a*erage rate of speed the. documented for 5% meters for each group mem#er! The students -ill then sol*e pro#lems using cross product is each student ran '%%+ '25+ '5%+ '<5+ and 2%% meters! The students -ill document their results on Fa3e4oo3! "ee# ! 1a* 2 and ! =! >or3ing -ith a ta#le partner+ the students -ill go online to research -hat each students -eighs on the moon+ and at least = other planets in our solar s.stem! The students -ill then

%ntrapersona l, &erbal, Logical

%nterpersona l, visual, logical

%nterpersona l, %ntrapersona l, &erbal, 'aturalist, &isual, Logical,

ha*e their partner sol*e -hat the. -eighed on each planet #. -riting and sol*ing proportions using cross products! 6ssess ent ! da*s .3 After re*ie-ing ho- to sol*e proportions using e5ui*alent ratios+ alge#ra+ and cross products the students -ill complete a >e#5uest in -hich the. need to research online ads from at least ( different grocer. stores and compare the sale price of produce! The students -ill categorize the different sale prices using excel! 9nderstanding that = fruits -ill #e e5ual to one ser*ing+ the -ill then need to reflect on their findings to determine the cheapest -a. to ma3e a fruit salad the. -ill ser*e a dinner part. of 5% people! The fruit salad must contain at least ( t.pes of fruit! The students -ill create an /2o*ie presentation in -hich the. explain their results! The presentation -ill include at least four examples of ratios 7fruit to fruit+ fruit to -hole8+ unit rate of each fruit+ shoe5ui*alent proportion for at least one fruitF setAup and sol*e four pro#lems using cross product+ the students must include music+ media+ and *oiceo*ers! The final presentation -ill #e uploaded to ?outu#e!

Student "ith 1isabilities 6cco


Lesson 1eliver*7/8pression76ssess ent

Learner )haracteristi cs +List those that appl*-

Range o9 6cco odatio ns




:er#al and *isual com#o! ,implif.ing terms in simple sentences+ highlighted 3e. terms :isual representations+ Tape recorders and relating




D.slexic D.scalculia

concepts to student highlighted stud. experiences+ se5uencing guides ,eating close to teacher to reduce distractions+ pro*ide an o*er*ie- of lesson #efore #eginning ,eat next to& group -ith model students+ pro*ide mo*ement #rea3s+ minimize distractions Presentation of material in small steps+ functional le*el materials Concrete ideas! La.out clear and uncluttered+ #igger font+ tape recorder &erbalA *isual lectures -ith pictures+ -hite #oard to -rite 5uestions or ans-ers ProceduralA repeat step and directions+ -rite pro#lems in linear se5uence Se anticA *isuals+ ha*e






student re*ienotes orall. &isual spatialA pro#lems -ritten in linear se5uence+ space out notes+ repetition of steps and directions Large num#ers+ Posters that are not cluttered and eas. to read! >riting templates for proper alignment of math pro#lems! :isual aids+ 3e. points -ritten on #oard+ read text to student Pro*ide clear and -ellA defined -or3sheets+ gi*e -ritten directions to supplement *er#al instructions+ set realistic and agreed upon expectations for neatness 9se of graphic organizers+ clear and simple directions+ minimize auditor. and *isual






distractions+ select seating "rade onl. on completed class -or3+ credit for class participation and effort >or3 area that is 5uiet and free from distractions! Pro#lems that are not too close together+ and graph paper &erbalA drapictures+ dictate ans-ers ProceduralA repeat step and directions+ -rite pro#lems in linear se5uence+ use graph paper+ extra time Se anticA *isuals+ ha*e student re*ienotes orall. &isual spatialA pro#lems -ritten in linear se5uence+ pro*ide space+ repetition of steps and directions :isualsA diagrams+ colorful -hite#oard mar3ers+ concrete *isuals! 2anipulati*es such as





cuisanaire rods+ #eans+ and #loc3s! 0ighlight important concepts to #e learned in the text of materials+ pro*ide concrete examples :isual demonstrations and&or nGmultiA sensor. materials 9se manipulati*es &erbalA drapictures+ use manipulati*es ProceduralA repeat step and directions+ -rite pro#lems in linear se5uence+ use graph paper Se anticA *isuals+ ha*e student re*ienotes orall. &isual spatialA pro#lems -ritten in linear se5uence+ pro*ide space+ repetition of steps and directions :oca#ular. )ournal+ extra practice assignments+ computer programs+ sensor. #rea3s+




*isual schedules of steps >ritten out step #. step directions 2anipulati*es+ extra time :isual representations+ clear concrete oral and -ritten instruction :isual aids+ appropriate pace+ pro*ide social reinforcement+ clear stepA#.A step *isual and auditor. directions




Student Response +$utput>ritten

Learner )haracteristics

Range o9 6cco odations Templates ma3e aligning pro#lems eas.! E*er.thing is clear and eas. to read! Eliminates confusion! A*oid ha*ing student cop. from the #oard+ manuscript rather than cursi*e "raphic organizers+ pro*ide



ED 4eha*ior D.slexic


additional time+ simplif. directions "raphic organizers+ concrete reinforcement+ minimize distractions+ allo- #rea3s Assignment note#oo3 Calculator &erbalA dra- pictures and use graphs ProceduralArepeat step and directions+ -rite pro#lems in linear se5uence+ use graph paper Se anticA*isuals+ ha*e student re*ie- notes orall. &isual spatialApro#lems -ritten in linear se5uence+ pro*ide space+ repetition of steps and directions Follo- along Follo- along Follo- along Additional time for reading assignments+ read aloud+ $ead aloud Tape recorder to record and pla.#ac3 to re*ie9se of -ords+ Pecs pictures ,hortAans-er+ alloauditor.& *isual support 6ral+ shortAans-er+ modified tests ,hortAans-er+ allo- *isual support $ead or paraphrase su#)ect matter :er#al Communication Paper and pencil+ /pod Touch or ,mart phone+ smart#oard+

$ead 7aloud or to follo-

Autistic ELL ED ADD&AD0D 4eha*ior D.slexic


Autistic ELL ADD&AD0D ED 4eha*ior D.slexic








pointing to correct ans-er+ calculators Tutoring assistance 7peer+ pal+ teacher+ etc!8 4eha*ior chec3 cards+ oneA toA one contact for at least '%A 2% minutes >rite on graph paper+ use scratch paper+ shothrough manipulati*es+ estimate+ calculators Peer tutor+ calculator+ shothrough graphic organizers+ -hite #oards+ ta#lets+ smart phone+ ipod touch and manipulati*es Dictate ans-ers onto smart phone+ shothrough manipulati*es+ paper and pencil or smart phone+ ipod touch

6ssess ent +0uantitative rubric-:


4 Presents 4 ratios comparing fruits Has sales prices from 4 stores Uses at least 4 fruits in designed fruit salad Corrected presents and solves 4 equations using cross multiplication

3 Presents 3 ratios comparing fruits Has sale prices from 3 stores Uses 3 fruits in designed fruit salad Corrected presents and solves 3 equations using cross multiplication

2 presents 2 examples comparing fruits Has sale prices from 2 stores Uses 2 fruits in designed fruit salad Corrected presents and solves 2 equations using cross multiplication

Has data from stores Fruits used Proportions solved

Equivalent Ratios

Presents 4 examples of equivalent ratios Demostrates 4 examples of unit rate Uses music Has at least 4 types of media (music, image, and video)

Presents 3 examples of equivalent ratios Demostrates 3 examples of unit rate

Presents 2 examples of equivalent ratios Demostrates 2 examples of unit rate

Unit Rate

Uses Music Media

Has 3 types of media (music, image, and video)

Has 2 types of media (music, image, and video)

:ibliograph* "ebsites ---!.outu#e!com is a -e#site that is used to upload *ideo files! / chose this -e#site in part #ecause of its popularit. -ith .oung students! / felt that if students uploaded their assignments to this site the. -ould #e more engaged and li3el. to use it as an educational tool! ---!google!docs!com is a -e#site that pro*ides -ord processing+ presentation+ and spreadsheet tools! / selected this -e#site #ecause / felt that it help facilitate colla#oration #et-een students! >ith "oogle Docs+ students are a#le to colla#orate on -riting assessment+ presentations+ and -hile de*eloping spreadsheets! /n addition+ the. are a#le to colla#orate from different locations! ---!#logger!com is a -e#site that students can -rite #logs! >ith this -e#site students are a#le to communicate and colla#orate on class assignments! /n addition+ students are a#le to return to discussions for information or update their discussions! ---!arcademics!com is a -e#site for academic games! / felt that this -e#site helps reinforce necessar. math s3ills -hile still 3eeping them highl. engaged! ---!googleearth!com is a -e#site that pro*ides satellite *ie-s of the earth! /n addition+ "oogle Earth pro*ides maps and other information for users! / selected this -e#site as part of an assignment -here students -ere a#le to map out a trip and then calculate the tra*el time of their trip!

http &&*ineA*ideos!com is a -e#site -here people can upload short *ideo clips! / selected this -e#site in part #ecause it is popular -ith .oung people! /n addition+ #. limiting the length of the clips students could film / feel that the. -ould #e a#le to condense their information to the most pertinent information needed! /Pad Apps "arage 4and This is a music app in -hich students can pla. *irtual instruments li3e+ guitars+ drums+ and pianos! / selected this app in order to model ratios to students! >ith this apps students could create their o-n ratios of drum#eats to s.m#ols crashes! / felt that this app -ould engage students #. ha*ing them acti*el. in*ol*ed! 2ath4oard Fractions This app is an educational app that helps students gain understanding of fractions! / selected this app #ecause / felt that it helped pro*ide students -ith a *isual representation of fractions and also pro*ided a -a. for students to manipulate fractions! Thin3ing 4loc3s This app is an education mathematical app that guides students -ith sol*ing proportions pro#lems! / selected this app #ecause not onl. did it guide students through the process of sol*ing proportion pro#lems+ #ut also ga*e them prompts -hen the. made errors! Also+ / felt that this app -ould #e extremel. engage to students!

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