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Shelby Johnson Unit Analysis: Part II Strengths of the current matter unit: %eeds of learners in the classroom: The

: The unit includes a vocabulary list for essential terms throughout the unit. It maps out a performance assessment for each major lesson. It includes a science it !ith some useful resources to use throughout the unit. "boo s# scale# materials# etc.$ The unit includes some common cores standard connections. "literacy$ There are some charts and reading guides that can be copied for students to fill out during a lesson. There are three students in the classroom !ith I.&.P.s "one is reading# one is math# one is both$ 'ne of these students# J.(.# is a t!in girl. She is diagnosed !ith )o!ns Syndrome. Throughout the day# she is pulled out of the classroom to !or !ith aides. She needs to be reminded of the e*pectations !hen she is present in the classroom. There are about five students !ho are academically lo!er in reading levels than the other students. "they receive additional help !ith reading fluency during intervention$ +e have about five or , students !ho are academically higher than the rest. They receive enrichment after lunch and !or on some e*tra projects that are more challenging for them. They usually finish early !ith !hole class assignments "especially math$. 'ne student is very reluctant !hen it comes to !riting. A.U. !ill often glare or roll his eyes !hen as ed to complete a !riting portion of something# although he is pretty smart. T!o students are on a behavior plan "A.A.# -.).$ .y cooperating teacher or myself must fill out their behavior chart each hour of the day !ith a /# 0# or 1. These are based on the e*pectations of being safe# respectful# and responsible. A.A. !or s best !hen separated from other students. 2e gets bored easily so al!ays needs to have something in front of him that he can !or on. If he is off tas # he needs to be reminded of his behavior chart. -.). probably struggles !ith behavior the most. 2e li es to get up and move around. 2e has a red cushion that goes on his seat to help him move !hile still in one spot. I can tell he !ants to do !ell in school but his an*iety starts to ta e over. 'nce he is around other boys# he usually begins to act up.

2o! the current unit addresses those needs: 2o! the enhanced unit !ill address needs of learners:

2e is allo!ed t!o brea s throughout the day !here he goes into the principal3s office to calm do!n. 'ne student# ..A.# is very reluctant !ith ne! people "especially substitutes$. 2e tends to not do a lot of !or and !ill listen better if it doesn3t seem forced upon him. 2e !ill sometimes hide under his des or in the corner if things are not going his !ay. The students are all diverse. They learn in different !ays# some auditory# visual# or inesthetic. In one lesson# there are five boo s for reading groups# and the reading difficulty is noted in the lesson plan. 'n some lessons# there are optional !ays to e*tend the activity "usually a !riting piece$. There are many sheets available to go along !ith different big ideas in the unit. These can be helpful for students !ho need to have everything !ritten do!n and organi4ed. The unit includes different hands5on or interactive lessons for the students. I thin these are important to help engage students. The enhanced unit !ill include more opportunities to relate the big ideas of the unit to the lives of the students. They al!ays !ant to share personal stories# so I thin that ma ing these connections is a good strategy. If some students are struggling !ith a topic# I can go over the lesson during our intervention period after lunch. I !ill incorporate more technology into the unit. The students in my classroom are really into the technology !e have# and I thin this !ill boost student involvement. It !ill offer opportunities for students !ho finish early to move on to a more challenging idea that involves critical thin ing. The enhanced unit !ill include more student discussions. This approach uses student language# !hich might allo! a student to understand a concept more fully. The unit does not include much for a !rap5up. I !ill create a revie! game on the Smart6oard for the students.

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