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Mellssa Whyman
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Aer Lhls course sLudenLs wlll be able Lo wrlLe a compleLe 8 senLence paragraph. 1hey wlll also
be able Lo Lake LhaL knowledge and broaden lL Lo a 3 paragraph essay/paper form. SLudenLs wlll
also be able Lo ldenufy Lhe proper paragraph sLrucLure as well as Lhe proper 3 paragraph essay/
paper sLrucLure. Along wlLh LhaL sLrucLure sLudenLs wlll be able Lo use speclc deLalls and facLs.
1he sLudenLs wlll also become proclenL ln Lhe use of Lransluons boLh ln Lhe body of Lhe
paragraph and ln Lhe concluslon. 1he sLudenLs wlll sLarL wlLh worklng on a slmple paragraph.
1hen Lhey wlll work Lo develop reasons/facLs for Lhelr deLalls. Cnce Lhey have gouen Lhe
paragraph Lhen Lhey wlll begln Lo work Lowards a 3 paragraph paper. 1he sLudenLs wlll also be
dolng research so LhaL Lhey can use LhaL lnformauon Lo form Lhe 3 paragraph paper. 1he overall
blg ldeas LhaL Lhe sLudenLs wlll be able Lo compleLe wlll be Lo wrlLe a 3 paragraph essay wlLh Lransluons
and deLalls.
1he core conLenL sLandards LhaL wlll be address are:

CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.W.8.2 WrlLe lnformauve/explanaLory LexLs Lo examlne a Loplc and

convey ldeas, concepLs, and lnformauon Lhrough Lhe selecuon, organlzauon, and
analysls of relevanL conLenL.
o CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.W.8.2a lnLroduce a Loplc clearly, prevlewlng whaL ls Lo follow,
organlze ldeas, concepLs, and lnformauon lnLo broader caLegorles, lnclude
formamng (e.g., headlngs), graphlcs (e.g., charLs, Lables), and mulumedla when
useful Lo aldlng comprehenslon.
o CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.W.8.2b uevelop Lhe Loplc wlLh relevanL, well-chosen facLs,
denluons, concreLe deLalls, quoLauons, or oLher lnformauon and examples.
o CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.W.8.2c use approprlaLe and varled Lransluons Lo creaLe
coheslon and clarlfy Lhe relauonshlps among ldeas and concepLs.
o CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.W.8.2d use preclse language and domaln-speclc vocabulary
Lo lnform abouL or explaln Lhe Loplc.
o CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.W.8.2e LsLabllsh and malnLaln a formal sLyle.
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o CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.W.8.2f rovlde a concludlng sLaLemenL or secuon LhaL follows
from and supporLs Lhe lnformauon or explanauon presenLed.

CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.W.8.4 roduce clear and coherenL wrlung ln whlch Lhe developmenL,

organlzauon, and sLyle are approprlaLe Lo Lask, purpose, and audlence.

My over all deslgn declslons were Lo make Lhe course be broken down lnLo weeks. Lach week
was Lo have a speclc aspecL of wrlung covered. Week one was Lhe lnLroducuon and slmple
paragraph. Week 2 goL lnLo Lhe more complex paragraphs. llnally, Week Lhree comblne all Lhelr
knowledge lnLo a 3 paragraph essay. l wanLed Lo deslgn a course LhaL was blended. l have Lhe
sLudenLs ln class and wanLed Lo comblne Lhls aspecL wlLh Lhe onllne plece. l Leach a Leam LaughL
Language ArLs class as well as Speclal Lducauon LA lab classes. WlLh Lhls ln mlnd, l wanLed Lo be
able Lo blend Lhe lnsLrucuon Lhe sLudenLs were recelvlng from Lhose classes lnLo Lhe onllne
formaL for furLher developmenL and explorauon of Lhe over all Loplc.

l Lrled Lo connecL wlLh all four sLages, however, my course was so shorL LhaL l had Lo be brlef
wlLh Lhe developmenL of each. l also would noL llke Lhls shorL course Lo be Lhe rsL course LhaL l
Leach uslng an onllne medlum. l would llke Lhls Lo be more Lowards Lhe second phase of onllne
Leachlng. 8ecause Lhls ls a Lhree week course l Lrled Lo add a few aspecLs of each sLage.
1he rsL sLage ls Course 8eglnnlngs. l posLed a plcLure of my school and added a headshoL of
myself for my prole. l added a descrlpuon of myself Lo make Lhe slLe more personable. l also
uploaded resources LhaL mlghL help sLudenLs. l have lncluded my emall address as a conLacL as
well. now LhaL l have esLabllshed some form of personal Louch l moved on Lo hase 1wo.
hase 1wo covers gemng Lhlngs up and runnlng smooLhly. lL ls seullng lnLo a weekly
rhyLhm." (8oeucher, Loc. 321 of 6340) ln Lhls phase l have seL up a dlscusslon board for
communlLy learnlng and engaglng. 8ecause Lhls ls a blended course my sLudenLs have conLacL
wlLh each oLher boLh ln Lhe physlcal and Lhe vlrLual world. l sLarLed Lo roll lnLo phase Lhree aer
week 2.
hase 1hree ls abouL lemng go of Lhe power. l feel llke l dld Lhls ln my Week 3 lesson plans. l
sLepped back wlLh conLenL and revlew and [usL leL Lhe klds work. 1hey had Lo be accounLable for
Lhelr knowledge wlLh a qulz buL Lhe Leachlng no longer lncludes modellng. lL ls self addressed
acuvlues. ln Lhls week Lhey wlll wrlLe Lhelr paragraphs. 8ecause Lhls unlL ls so shorL hase lour
ls llmlLed.
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hase lour lncludes some reecuon on Lhe wrlung process. l have lncluded a qulz and
supplemenLal acuvlues. 1hey are able Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhelr own learnlng and commenL on lL.
1hls ls how l added phase four Lo Lhe shorL course.

8oeucher dlscusses Lhe Len core learnlng prlnclples as llsLed below:
1ab|e 1: Irom !"# %&'(&# !#)*"(&+ ,-./(/)' 0-(1# (p. 20), by I.V. 8oeucher & Conrad, 2010, San Iranc|sco, CA: Iossey-
All of Lhese prlnclples are lmporLanL aspecLs of onllne Leachlng. l focused on 3 areas o Lhls llsL
Lo be able Lo really comprehend and lmplemenL Lhelr lmporLance.
r|nc|p|e 2: ?ou have Lo know your sLudenLs ln order Lo know whaL Lhey need Lo learn. Cemng
Lo know learners ln a course means gemng Lo know Lhe exlsung knowledge sLrucLure of Lhelr
bralns." (8oeucher, Loc. 773) l wanLed Lo be able Lo know my sLudenLs so l gave Lhe sLudenLs a
pre-LesL ln wrlung Lo see how well Lhey can compleLe an 8 senLence paragraph. 1hls was Lhe
basls for my lnsLrucuon. lf Lhey are able Lo perform aL a hlgher raLe Lhan expecLed Lhen we can
spend more ume golng over Lhe 3 paragraph essay/paper and less ume golng over Lhe baslcs of
[usL one paragraph. 1he prlor knowledge LhaL my sLudenLs need Lo have ls LhaL Lhey know Lo
caplLallze and puncLuaLe a slmple senLence. 1hey also need Lo be able Lo compleLe a slmple
r|nc|p|e 4: All of my sLudenLs need Lo know Lhe core lmporLanL aspecLs of Lhe unlL. 1hey don'L
necessarlly have Lo undersLand every llule plece. 1he need Lo masLer a sllce of Lhe
1en Core Learnlng rlnclples
r|nc|p|e 1 Lvery sLrucLured learnlng experlence has four elemenLs wlLh Lhe learner aL Lhe
r|nc|p|e 2 Learners brlng Lhelr own personallzed and cusLomlzed knowledge, skllls, and
amLudes Lo Lhe experlence.
r|nc|p|e 3 laculLy members are Lhe dlrecLors of Lhe learnlng experlence.
r|nc|p|e 4 All learners do noL need Lo learn all course conLenL, all learners do need Lo learn
Lhe core concepLs.
r|nc|p|e S Lvery learnlng experlence lncludes Lhe envlronmenL or conLexL ln whlch Lhe learner
r|nc|p|e 6 Lvery learner has a zone of proxlmal developmenL LhaL denes Lhe space LhaL a
learner ls ready Lo develop lnLo useful knowledge.
r|nc|p|e 7

ConcepLs are noL words buL organlzed and lnLerconnecLed knowledge clusLers.
r|nc|p|e 8 ulerenL lnsLrucuon ls requlred for dlerenL learnlng ouLcomes.
r|nc|p|e 9 LveryLhlng else belng equal, more ume on Lask equals more learnlng.
r|nc|p|e 10 We shape our Lools, and our Lools shape us.
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ple." (8oeucher, Loc. 823) 1hey need Lo know Lhe core concepL wlLh a llule appllcauon, problem
solvlng, and Lhelr own Lake on Lhlngs. WlLh Lhls ln mlnd l wanLed Lo focus on lnsLrucuon LhaL
was Lo Lhe core of Lhe mauer. 1hey have been LaughL before how Lo wrlLe buL someLhlng dldn'L
suck. l needed my unlL and lnsLrucuon Lo have some sucky Lo lL. 1he mosL lmporLanL parL ls Lhe
Core. eople are LempLed Lo Lell you everyLhlng, wlLh perfecL accuracy, rlghL up fronL, when
Lhey should be glvlng you [usL enough lnfo Lo be useful, Lhen a llule more, Lhen a llule more.
(PLA1P, p. 37) keeplng Lhls ln mlnd, l was able Lo slmpllfy Lhlngs so LhaL Lhey needed Lo focus
on 8 senLences all broken down lnLo Lhelr own small unlLs. lf Lhe sLudenLs could handle LhaL
Lhen Lhey would be seL for success.
r|nc|p|e S: nexL l focused on, Lvery learners experlence lnvolvlng envlronmenL. l wanLed Lo
have a well planned course (LhaL) balances lndlvldual, small, and large group
acuvlues." (8oeucher, Loc. 870) l wasn'L able Lo have a large group dlscusslon because of Lhe
shorL ume frame of my course. l would be able Lo add lL ln lf l was glven anoLher week of
lnsLrucuonal ume. 8oeucher also Lalks abouL havlng real-llfe experlences. l was able Lo connecL
Lo my sLudenLs wlLh real llfe be uslng sLudenL cholce. SLudenLs were glven prompLs LhaL relaLe
Lo Lhelr llves. lf Lhey can connecL Lo Lhe Loplc Lhen Lhe wrlung wlll be easler. l wanL Lhem Lo be
able Lo wrlLe abouL Lhlngs LhaL Lhey have knowledge abouL or care abouL. 1hls wlll help hold
engagemenL and make learnlng a llule easler as well. lf Lhey are focused on Lhe conLenL and noL
Lhe organlzauon Lhen Lhlngs can geL confuslng and focus can be losL. 1he braln remembers Lhe
emouonal componenL of an experlence beuer Lhan any oLher aspecL." (Medlna, 2008, p. 83)
WlLh Lhls ldea ln mlnd, l wanLed Lo make sLudenLs have Lhe opuon Lo wrlLe abouL whaL Lhey llke
and have an emouonal connecuon Loo.
r|nc|p|e 6: 1hls relaLes Lo klds belng ln Lhe zone of proxlmal developmenL. ?ou have Lo know
your klds and Lhelr needs ln order Lo be able Lo know lf Lhey are ready for Lhls nexL sLep. l
wanLed Lo make sure LhaL l had my sLudenLs encounLer problems and concepLs beyond LhaL
whlch Lhey already know,..and helplng Lhem Lo work on Lhelr poLenual
developmenL." (8oeucher, Loc. 893) Pavlng a preLesL and knowlng my sLudenLs lLs and goals, l
was able Lo address lnsLrucuon wlLh poLenual developmenL ln mlnd. l knew whaL Lhey knew buL
Lhen l needed Lo work on whaL Lhey could know.
r|nc|p|e 8: ulerenL lnsLrucuon ls requlred for dlerenL learnlng ouLcomes. l have been
Leachlng wrlung for years. 1he klds are oen so far ln school LhaL Lhey aren'L glven a chance Lo
caLch up wlLh Lhelr skllls once Lhey hlL mlddle school. lL ls my [ob Lo ll ln Lhe gaps Lhey have and
keep Lhem movlng ln Lhelr core classes. 8y dlerenuaung Lhe lnsLrucuon of wrlung, l am able Lo
help my sLudenLs beuer achleve ln Lhe core classes. 1hey are gemng a beuer chance Lo show
whaL Lhey know wlLh a dlerenL learnlng ouLcome Lhan would normally be seen ln mlddle
school. l followed Lhe apprenuceshlp model. (8oeucher, Loc. 943) l gave sLudenLs Lhe chance Lo
acLually wrlLe slmple paragraphs and Lhen bulld Lhem up lnLo more complex senLences. lL ls Lhe
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do and you wlll learn ldea. 1hey were glven lnsLrucuon and Lhen asked Lo do lL. lL ls ln Lhls
acuon LhaL Lhey wlll become beuer learners.

8oeucher llsLs Lhe Len besL pracuces ln Leachlng onllne below:

1ab|e 2: Irom !"# %&'(&# !#)*"(&+ ,-./(/)' 0-(1# (p. 37), by I.V. 8oeucher & Conrad, 2010, San Iranc|sco, CA: Iossey-
Whlle all of Lhese besL pracuces are lmporLanL, l focused my energy on 8 of Lhem ln my shorL

8est racnce 1: 8elng presenL ls easy for me because of all Lhe Lechnology ouL Lhere. l was able
Lo geL noucauons seL up on my phone from Lhe Ldu2.0 slLe. 1hls enables me Lo know when a
sLudenL has a need. l can Lhen log on and be Lhere for Lhem or aL leasL Louch base on when l wlll
be avallable Lo help. l Lhlnk LhaL havlng my commenL on dlscusslon boards also wlll help wlLh
belng presenL. l Lhlnk lL also helps wlLh engagemenL LhaL lL ls a blended course. l wlll see my
sLudenLs face Lo face as well as ln Lhe onllne plauorm. l wanL Lhem Lo feel llke Lhey can conLacL
me onllne [usL as Lhey would ln class. l Lhlnk by allowlng Lhem Lo use Lhe slLe and noucauons
and messages LhaL Lhey wlll be able Lo feel Lhls same connecuon Lo me.

8est racnce 2: Colng along wlLh 8esL racuce 1, bulldlng a sense of communlLy and supporL
can be accompllshed by havlng open and frequenL dlalogue. lf l am a consLanL ln Lhe onllne
world, Lhen LhaL wlll help bulld communlLy and LrusL. l feel LhaL my shorL course ls so shorL LhaL
bulldlng a sense of communlLy has already happened ln our physlcal classroom semng. l would
add more acuvlues Lo engage learners and help Lhem Lo know each oLher lf l had a longer
course Lo Leach. ?ou have Lo glve up some ume ln order Lo help sLudenLs connecL.
1en 8esL racuces for 1eachlng Cnllne
8est racnce 1 8e presenL aL Lhe course slLe.
8est racnce 2 CreaLe a supporuve onllne course communlLy.
8est racnce 3 uevelop a seL of expllclL expecLauons for your learners and yourself as Lo how
you wlll communlcaLe and how much ume sLudenLs should be worklng on Lhe
course each week.
8est racnce 4 use a varleLy of large group, small group, and lndlvldual work experlences.
8est racnce S use synchronous and asynchronous acuvlues.
8est racnce 6 Ask for lnformal feedback early ln Lhe Lerm.
8est racnce 7 repare dlscusslon posLs LhaL lnvlLe responses, quesuons, dlscusslons, and
8est racnce 8 Search ouL and use conLenL resources LhaL are avallable ln dlglLal formaL lf
8est racnce 9 Comblne core concepL learnlng wlLh cusLomlzed and personallzed learnlng.
8est racnce 10 lan a good closlng and wrap acuvlLy for Lhe course.
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8est racnce 3: l am a very sLrucLured person. l loved Lhe ldea of a calendar for my onllne slLe. l
Lhlnk LhaL sLudenLs need Lo know Lhe deadllnes and be able Lo see how much Lhey need Lo
accompllsh ln order Lo be able Lo process Lhe week/course. l belleve LhaL Leachlng ls all abouL
modlfylng. l would seL up my course and follow Lhrough Lhen ask for sLudenL feedback so LhaL
Lhe nexL ume l dld lL Lhe ume managemenL plece mlghL be beuer. l can always add or subLracL
durlng Lhe course Lo make sure Lhe ume ls reasonable each week. l feel llke by semng Lhe
deadllnes ln lnLervals LhaL l have made lL easler for my sLudenLs Lo plan. lf l had a longer course l
would also be expllclL ln Lhe beglnnlng weeks on how Lo manage Lo conLenL each week and
whaL needs Lo be done when. l dld a weekly acuons page for each lesson so LhaL Lhe klds can
geL a snap shoL of Lhe week Lo wrap Lhelr heads around.

8est racnce 4: Clvlng sLudenLs Lhe chance Lo work wlLh peers as well as alone ls very vlLal Lo
developmenL. 1hey need Lo be glven Lhe chance Lo pracuce Lhelr skllls whlle worklng alone,
Powever, Lhey also need Lo work wlLh peers Lo use Lhelr knowledge Lo furLher progress Lhelr
own learnlng. l have seL up dlscusslon boards so LhaL sLudenLs can work wlLh oLhers. l have also
seL up acuvlues Lo do alone. l loL of Lhe lnsLrucuon LhaL ls group orlenLed happens ln class. lf my
course was longer l would be able Lo puL more large group and small group lnLeracuons ln place
wheLher lL be ln dlscusslon boards or peer revlews or even acuvlmes wlLh each oLher.

8est racnce S: 1hls area was one l sLruggled wlLh buL really wanLed Lo Lry and use.
Synchronous and asynchronous acuvlues are helpful ln engaglng sLudenLs, creaung communlLy,
and glvlng sLudenLs a varleLy of learnlng envlronmenLs. l Lhlnk LhaL lL ls very lmporLanL Lo Lhe
learner Lo have boLh. 8ecause my course ls a blended course l feel llke l am able Lo accompllsh
Lhls. l have sLudenLs worklng aL Lhelr own speed and ln Lhelr own worlds. 1hen l have Lhem
worklng LogeLher ln a glven week. 1hey are worklng ln real ume ln a physlcal space however. l
would love Lo be able Lo add a Coogle+ communlcauon acuvlLy Lo my course so LhaL sLudenLs
could dlscuss and engage ln Lhe onllne world ln real ume. l Lhlnk LhaL maklng Lhls posslble also
means you have Lo be really good aL 8esL racuce 3 so LhaL sLudenLs know when and whaL ls
expecLed of Lhem ln Lhls semng.

8est racnce 7: ln Lhe area of dlscusslons and engagemenL wlLh conLenL, l nd LhaL my sLudenLs
wlLh dlsablllues need proddlng. l seL up Lwo dlscusslon boards, one ln Lhe Ldu2.0 slLe Lhe oLher
ln Lhe SplderWeb slLe. 1hls way Lhey are gemng Lwo dlerenL experlences. l wanLed Lo see how
much coddllng l needed Lo do wlLh Lhem on Lhe rsL dlscusslon board and Lhen work my way
lnLo Lhe SplderWeb dlscusslon wlLh posslbly more lnvlung responses. My sLudenLs need
sLrucLure so l feel llke Lhe qulzzes LhaL are ln place allow Lhem Lhls proddlng wlLhouL belng Loo

8est racnce 9: l belleve LhaL l was able Lo achleve Lhls 8esL racuce wlLh Lhe greaLesL ease. l
was able Lo know my sLudenLs and Lhelr prlor knowledge and Lhus lnsLrucL and engage Lhem
wlLh greaLer personal lnLenuons. l gave Lhem cholces and had Lhem compleLe Lasks LhaL were
relevanL Lo Lhem. 8y glvlng Lhem LhaL personal Louch l Lhlnk LhaL Lhe sLudenLs are able Lo beuer
learn and preform Lo Lhe core ouLcomes l deslred.

#$%&BC"*+D38E-=<F D40-

8est racnce 10: 8ecause my course was 3 weeks and only Lhe end Lo a unlL, l creaLed a fun
SplderWeb dlscusslon for my sLudenLs Lo compleLe on Lhelr wrlung process. l feel llke Lhls ls a
greaL way for Lhem Lo close up Lhe unlL noL necessarlly Lhe class. lL was a way Lo capLure
LhoughLs and amLudes aer Lhey compleLed a large essay Lask. l wanLed Lhem Lo feel
accompllshed and glve feedback on how Lhey LhoughL lL wenL. WlLh Lhls feedback l wlll Lhen be
able Lo ad[usL my unlL for Lhe nexL ume l Leach lL. lf lL worked Lhen l can keep Lhe baslcs, lf lL was
a busL Lhen l can Lry agaln. WlLh Lhelr feedback ln mlnd, Leachlng can only geL beuer.

l was able Lo creaLe my 3 week shorL course uslng Ldu2.0. l had used Ldu2.0 as a sLudenL and as
an lnsLrucLor. lL was Lhe reason l declded Lo choose Lhls slLe. l llke Lhe overall ease of Lhe
program. lL has a slmple deslgn and all Lhe aspecLs LhaL l wanL ln an onllne class. lL has a
calendar and easy Lo see lessons. lL has asslgnmenLs llsLed wlLh deadllnes and as easy Lo use
grade book. l llke how you can conLacL Leachers and sLudenLs Loo. lL also has easy Lo creaLe
LesLs, qulzzes, and acuvlues. 1he besL approach for Leachlng onllne for Lhe rsL ume ls Lo keep
lL slmple." (8oeucher, Loc. 1372) 1hls ls exacLly why l chose Ldu2.0.

l also used Lhe ldea 8oeucher has on dlscusslon boards. 8oeucher also Lalks abouL havlng a
place where learners can ask general quesuons." (8oeucher, Loc. 1418) uslng Ldu2.0 Lhls ls a
bullL ln feaLure. 1here ls a place Lo posL rlghL on Lhe home page. 1hls ls very slmllar Lo a
lacebook, myspace, or Llnkedln Lype slLe whlch 8oeucher also recommends. l lncluded anoLher
Lype of dlscusslon board on SlderWeb. 1hls ls [usL anoLher way Lo geL klds Lo express whaL Lhey
are Lhlnklng and learnlng.

8oeucher also Lalks abouL Lhe lmporLance of 8ubrlcs, qulzzes, and peer revlews. l was able Lo
lnclude Lwo dlerenL rubrlcs and qulzzes ln my shorL course. 1he qulzzes are a greaL way Lo
gauge learnlng. 1he qulz Lools wlLhln CMSs are excellenL for keeplng sLudenLs on Lrack,
lncreaslng learnlng, and mlnlmlzlng lnsLrucLor ume on gradlng." (8oeucher, Loc. 2729) 8ecause
Lhey are all done Lhrough Lhe CMS lL makes lL easy on my Lo grade and assess sLudenLs.

l wlll know LhaL my sLudenLs are learnlng because Lhey wlll be produclng wrlung samples
repeaLedly. 1hey wlll be dolng mlnl lessons wlLh lnformal assessmenLs as well as end of Lhe
lesson assessmenLs. All of Lhe assessmenLs wlll be ln a wrluen formaL Lo show whaL Lhey know.
1hey wlll also be paruclpaung ln class whlch wlll be an lnformal way Lo see who ls
undersLandlng Lhe conLenL. 1he nal proof wlll be ln Lhe compleLed essay. l wlll break each Lask
up lnLo a dlerenL assessmenL. SenLences, paragraphs, Lhen muluple paragraph assessmenL
proclencles wlll be needed. SLudenLs wlll demonsLraLe Lhelr undersLandlng by compleung Lhe
glven Lasks: clrcle wrlung sheeL, paragraph sheeL, LemplaLe sheeL, Language! Pouse sheeL, and
nal essay/paper. SLudenLs wlll be [udged on a raung scale. 1hey wlll geL polnLs for each correcL
senLence ln Lhe paragraph Lhey use. 1hey wlll geL polnLs for Lransluonal words. llnally, Lhey wlll
geL polnLs for an lnLroducuon and a concluslon. 1hls scale wlll be Lhe basls for Lhelr proclency. l
#$%&BC"*+D38E-=<F D40-

wlll also use Lhe M? crlLerlon 8 rubrlc Lo score Lhe sLudenLs on Lhelr ablllues. SLudenLs wlll be
able Lo reecL on Lhelr learnlng by wrlung a summary of Lhe wrlung process. 8y Lhlnklng abouL
Lhelr meLacognluon Lhe sLudenLs wlll be able Lo galn lnslghL lnLo Lhelr wrlung process. l wlll also
have Lhe sLudenLs use Splder Web Lo commenL on Lhelr wrlung process. SLudenLs wlll prove
LhaL Lhey can:

WrlLe lnformauve/explanaLory LexLs whlle lnLroduce a Loplc clearly, wlLh organlzed ldeas,
aer ueveloplng Lhe Loplc wlLh relevanL, well-chosen facLs, denluons, concreLe deLalls,
quoLauons, or oLher lnformauon and examples. All Lhe whlle uslng approprlaLe and
varled Lransluons wlLh preclse language and domaln-speclc vocabulary Lo lnform abouL
or explaln Lhe Loplc. When dolng Lhls Lhey wlll also, esLabllsh and malnLaln a formal sLyle
and provlde a concludlng sLaLemenL. Cver all, produce clear and coherenL wrlung ln
whlch Lhe developmenL, organlzauon, and sLyle are approprlaLe Lo Lask, purpose, and
8y compleung all of Lhese assessmenLs sLudenLs wlll dlrecLly be relaung Lo Lhe course ob[ecuves
llsLed above.
8oeucher, !. v., & Conrad, 8. (2010). !"# %&'(&# !#)*"(&+ ,-./(/)' 0-(1#2 ,(34'# )&1 5.)*6*)'
5#1)+7+(*)' !(48. San lranslsco: !ossey-8ass.

PeaLh, C., & PeaLh, u. (2008). 9)1# :7 ,6*;2 <"= ,73# >1#)8 ?(# )&1 %:"#.8 ,-./(/#@ new ?ork:
8andom Pouse.
Medlna, !. (2008). A.)(& B-'#82 CD 5.(&*(4'#8 E7. ,-./(/(&+ )&1 !".(/(&+ ): <7.;F G73#F )&1
,*"77'. Seaule, WA: ear ress.

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