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Roles: Mom, wife, sister, daughter, worker and Christian 1. How are these different roles similar/different?

These roles are similar in that each have responsibilities and make you accountable to others. Even though each have responsibilities, the responsibilities are different depending on the role you are in at that particular time. 2. Are any roles harder than another? Each role is life changing, however, being a Christian has responsibilities of caring and sharing with others not just your husband, child, sister 3. How do these roles feed off each other? As a Christian, I strive to live a godly life and by doing so hopefully enables me to be a better wife, mom, and sister. 4. Are these roles a true representation of you? These roles are a true representation of me. 5. How is being a mom different/similar from being a worker? Even though I have responsibilities to direct my coworkers, they are not mine to raise. My children are for me to guide, direct, and instill Godly principles in their life. 6. Do the different roles cause conflict in a family? These roles do not cause conflict in my family. 7. How is being a Christian a representation of your identity? Being a Christian allows people to know my beliefs and how I stand on different issues. It directs conversations between myself and others. 8. How are you able to balance each role? I am a Christian, mom, daughter, wife, sister 24 hours per day. When I leave my job, I leave it there for the next day. I try not to bring it home with me.

9. Do you feel you put in enough time to each role? No, I do not feel like I put enough time into each role and that allows guilt to creep into my life. 10. Do you feel you have any other roles? I do have other roles. As a Christian, I have responsibilities to help others and get involved in other projects that may help others.

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