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Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 1 (25)

1. Crear una clula del tipo BXC

Primero dibujamos el modelo, asegurndonos de que las partes modeladas tienen su asignacin de piezas (con nivel, material, etc.) correcta y de que hemos dibujado el modelo 3D y el 2D.

Desde el Administrador de Clulas compuestas creamos una nueva Biblioteca de Clulas Compuestas

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 2 (25)

Una vez creada la Biblioteca, iniciamos la tarea de Crear clula compuesta

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 3 (25)

Cuando hayamos seleccionado al menos el 3D, el 2D (Plano) y el origen se activar el botn Crear

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 4 (25) Ahora la clula estar creada y se podr consultar desde el Administrador de Clulas Compuestas.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 5 (25)

Bien, pues ya tenemos la clula TRAFO1 creada en el fichero Transformadores.bxc

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 6 (25)

2. Crear una definicin de catlogo para un nuevo tipo

Iniciamos el Editor de Definiciones de grupo de datos con un proyecto que apunte al dataset en el que queremos incluir la definicin de catlogo

Desde la aplicacin seleccionamos la opcin Nuevo archivo de definicin

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 7 (25) Damos un nombre a este nuevo archivo

Ahora, seleccionando el archivo creado, creamos un nuevo grupo de propiedades, o varios si es necesario.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 8 (25)

Una vez creados los grupos de propiedades, creamos las propiedades dentro de cada grupo:

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 9 (25) A cada propiedad le damos un nombre y definimos el tipo de datos que queremos guardar:

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 10 (25)

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 11 (25)

3. Crear un elemento de catlogo

Una vez definidas todas las propiedades de la definicin, iniciamos el Editor del catlogo del Grupo de Datos con un proyecto que apunte al dataset en el que queremos incluir los elementos del catlogo

Desactivamos la opcin Mostrar elementos de catlogo para poder insertar un Tipo de catlogo.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 12 (25)

Damos un nombre al Tipo de catlogo

Y haciendo clic con el botn derecho sobre el tipo creado, podemos elegir la opcin Vincular Definicin.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 13 (25) Y vinculamos las dos definiciones necesarias: ParaDef, para los parmetros de asociacin del fichero paramtrico y el fichero que acabamos de crear en el punto anterior.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 14 (25)

Una vez vinculados los dos ficheros de definicin, podemos volver a pulsar la opcin Mostrar elementos de catlogo para incluir la definicin de cada uno de los nuevos elementos que vamos a crear.

Seleccionamos la opcin Insertar Elemento de catlogo

Definimos el nombre del nuevo tipo, asegurndonos de crear un nuevo fichero en el que almacenar la definicin de elementos de catlogo, y verificando que elegimos las unidades correctas.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 15 (25)

Y ahora definimos los parmetros de clula y de usuario (valores por defecto) para que la definicin est completa.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 16 (25)

Ya tenemos creado el elemento de catlogo, as que guardamos cambios y cerramos el Editor del Catlogo.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 17 (25)

4. Colocar el elemento con su informacin

Desde la herramienta Poner definido por el usuario, elegimos la nueva categora creada.

Rellenamos los atributos y colocamos el elemento en el modelo..

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 18 (25)

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 19 (25)

5. Crear Leyenda de Inventario

Creamos en Excel la plantilla de la leyenda, preferiblemente en el directorio de las plantillas del Dataset (C:\Program Files\Bentley\WorkSpace\TriForma\ArchDatasetNteES\datagrouplayouts)

Desde la herramienta Explorador del Grupo de Datos revisamos los elementos creados:

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 20 (25)

Con el botn derecho sobre la definicin de la que queremos hacer la leyenda seleccionamos la opcin Guardar.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 21 (25) Le damos un nombre al Diseo de Leyenda

Y ahora revisamos sus propiedades:

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 22 (25)

Y en la seccin plantilla definimos la hoja Excel que creamos como plantilla, la Celda de Inicio de Insercin y si queremos que se ajuste al tamao del texto.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 23 (25) Eliminamos los campos que no estn previstos en la plantilla:

Dejamos los campos que queremos incluir en el orden correcto:

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 24 (25) Guardamos los cambios y colocamos la plantilla

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

Aadir una clula al Grupo de Datos Bentley Architecture 25 (25) Definimos el rango en el plano en el que queremos ubicar la leyenda de inventario.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley.

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