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Students will feel engaged and respond in social and lecture based instruction when felt prompted by the

teachers. Teachers have to remember that student involvement in the classroom is critical to the students understanding and applying what they are hearing and learning. In order to succeed in the classroom and keep the students engaged in the conversation, teachers must utilize various methods to have the students cooperate with each other as well as actively participate in lectures initiated by the teacher. In reading the chapters and competencies, I believe the most important topics discussed that have impacted my learning from this module are the social, guided and lectured based instruction provided by the teacher. Ensuring your students are actively participating in the classroom and during instruction is to have the students split into various social groups to discus and work and assignments in the class. When students are able to collaboratively learn and interact with others in their class, they are able to express their views, opinions and thoughts more freely than they would during discussion with the teacher only. The students feel more comfortable to openly share ideas and critique each other during social interactions in groups. When teachers understand the need to implement different ways to communicate information in the class and utilize social interactions, students are able to learn cooperative learning. Through direct instruction by the teacher, effective learning and cooperation between the classes are achieved. Teachers through direct and clear instruction can make objectives easier and achievable by their students. Breaking apart the objectives for the students and presenting them in phases allows the students to get a better grasp on the subjects at hand. Through guided instruction, teachers must learn to have clear and precise lectures for this students to engage discussions. When teachers can effectively communicate with their students they can reach other areas of this

memory, such as sensory, working and long-term memory. To effectively communicate lectures and discussions with their students, teachers must plan ahead of time. Through guided instruction and lectures, teachers must remember that effectively communication with their students is only part of the equation, there must be communication with the families as well. Keeping parents informed of work or lessons that are going on during the classroom is essential so that parent scan be of assistance at home in helping the students understand the objects being presented to them. Teachers understanding that pre-planning their lectures and instruction methods is essential to their overall goals being met, is necessary. Working together in all these areas, teachers can succeed in ensuring that their students receive and underrated all that is being presented to them. What I have learned and taken from this assessment of these chapters is that teachers must go beyond just planning a lesson plan and presenting it to their class. Teachers must know how and when to effectively communicate with their students. Knowing when and how to instruct them to ensure that they are able to comprehend and utilize the skills taught in the classroom. By working with the families regarding what their children are doing in your class, helps bring instruction from at home to the classroom. Working together helps build the skills necessary in reaching all objectives a teacher presents.

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