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How to install Requites 1 MySQL database 2 Git installed, download git in http://git-scm.com/downloads 3 JRE 1.

1.6 or superior installed This tutorial will teach you how to install visminer in simple steps. Step 1: Visminer is maintained in github, download or clone our repository in https://github.com/visminer/Visminer. Step 2: You need to configure the database. First create a Map<String, String> and put as key the constants of PersistenceUnitProperties class. We use JPA and EclipseLink implementation, so we decided work like this for offer more freedom about database configuration. The configurations values and their supported values can be found in https://www.eclipse.org/eclipselink/api/2.0/org/eclipse/persistence/config/PersistenceUnitProperties .html. Below an example how to configure.

In the example above, we have already created a database called visminer. From second to the fifth lines we have respectively JDBC specification, database URL, database user and database password. The last line will make the tables be created automatically, if the tables already exists nothing is going to happen. Step 3: Create a VisMiner object like this

Now your repository will be analyzed and the informations saved in database. This object will give to you a lot of informations about your repository, for example

Check the documentation for more informations.

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