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Paul R. Murphy
From: Kevin Mede <kmede@co.whatcom.wa.us>
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 3:29 PM
To: Paul Murphy
Subject: Re: i520 426 flags
You have a valid point. I don't know the most efficient answer, but I will try and find out. The only "official" method I'm
familiar with is the old OFS requests for entry, but those are limited in scope and I don't know if anyone uses those
anymore anyway.
I will get back to you soon with what I find out.
>>> Paul Murphy 8/5/2011 3:19 PM >>>
As you're probably aware, I've been researching and accumulating data on known 1%'er OMG members and affiliates
associated with our area. In my research, I've noticed that a number of Hells Angels (red & white) and their support
clubs have been contacted in our area, some of them very frequently, but none of them are flagged as such in the i520
system. The red & gold club members are pretty well identified, but not many (if any) of the red & white club members.
ex: Van Weerdhuizen, Travis Ian 10-16-69 is a confirmed full patch HA member with the Hells Angels Tacoma Chapter,
formerly of the Spokane Chapter, who used to live and work in Lynden and has family ties there still. Most recent ICE
contact in Everson, in 2010.
I'd like to furnish a list of known members and affiliates to records, along with updates as new members are identified,
to be flagged as "GNG", for officer safety purposes, so that ours have an idea of what they are dealing with when these
folks are contacted in the field and so they can be FIR'ed.
How should this request be routed?
Sergeant Kevin Mede
Whatcom County Sheriff's Office
Patrol/Special Response Team
676-6707 x 33134
"Remember the difference between a boss and a leader; a boss says 'Go!' - a leader says 'Let's go!'
-E. M. Kelly

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