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Washington Elementary School Faculty/Staff Bulletin March 10, 2014

Mon!ay, March 10 Mon!ay, March 1" Tues!ay, March 1# Thurs!ay, March 20 Fri!ay, March 21 Mon!ay, March 24 We!nes!ay, March 2$ Thurs!ay, March 2" ,acult Meeting +6+5 Sealants for Smiles this week in the Palace Room ,ire (rill 156-0 ,acult Meeting +6+5 St. Patrick7s (a Science ,amil Night 2655-86+5 2th grade to the 9 of 9 ,irst da of spring* 'nternet Safet )ssembl k-+ :655 --2 :6-5 ,acult Meeting +6+5 "indergarten ;rown ;ag meeting 0th Grade <1an (o= performance at &est !igh Spring Pictures

%olla&orati'e/ ()%s / 1 2 2 4 1 $

o ()%s this *eek+ ,ata meetings *ith Becky as re-ueste!. Mon!ay 12010 Tues!ay 12000 Thurs!ay 12000 Thurs!ay 2021 Tues!ay 2021 Thurs!ay 1040 Mon!ay 1040

Faculty Meeting Minutes %am3us %lean 43 5M an! (M Front ,uty (le!ge Faculty 6oom %lean 43 Take ote

Miller !ines ,ifth !ines ,ifth Grade

1. Notice that we need the Palace Room for Sealants for Smiles this week. Music will be on the stage for one more week.
Mike- please make sure the stage door is closed Sixth Grade- please make sure that the chairs are set up and read to go. !eads up again to "atie and Shawne

#. $hank ou e%er one for cooperating with the &'() team. $here were able to get e%er one tested and the were thrilled with
how we treated them. &a to (emonstrate the &ashington &a *

+. ,ifth Grade writing window closes on ,rida . Please cooperate with these teachers as the work to schedule time in the
computer lab.

-. Please start talking up the Science Night on March 1.th. &e also need to know which teachers will be here to help us. /et me

0. &e ha%e been selected for 1omcast 1ares (a on )pril #2th. Please let me know if ou ha%e 3obs that %olunteers can do that
da as far as cleaning etc. in our rooms.

2. ,4'- &e ha%e ordered a new computer cart with +5 computers that should be here within the next two weeks. $hese are the
computers that ha%e been appro%ed b the district. $he ha%e 1+ inch screens so the will be perfect for testing. $his will expand our instructional and assessment capabilities.

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