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Ad[ecLlves add color Lo our
wrlLlng. Ad[ecLlves are lmporLanL
because Lhey help readers and
llsLeners make clear plcLures ln
Lhelr mlnds.
8y Lhe end of Lhe lesson, sLudenLs wlll be
able Lo wrlLe a senLence uslng ad[ecLlves
Lo descrlbe Lhelr noun.
lcLure cards wlLh dlfferenL food
8rown bags
SLudenLs wlll work ln
heLerogeneous groups durlng Lhe
AsslsLance wlll be provlded Lo LS
sLudenLs as needed.
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Pave sLudenLs wrlLe one senLence abouL Lhelr favorlLe frulL uslng as many
ad[ecLlves as Lhey can.
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Llnk Lo !ourneys unlL: where a person comes from can be used as an ad[ecLlve.
lor example: Amerlcan, lndlan, Syrlan, LgypLlan, LLhloplan, !apanese, alesLlnlan,
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Why ls lL lmporLanL Lo use ad[ecLlves ln our wrlLlng?
ose Lhe quesLlon llke Lhls:
Say you wanL your frlend Lo come Lo your house for a playdaLe. lL's Lhe flrsL
Llme your frlend ls comlng and you need Lo descrlbe your house.
rovlde Lwo examples:
1. My house ls Lhe blg one.
2. My house ls Lhe clean, blg, preLLy, yellow one wlLh a red door and plnk
flowers ln Lhe fronL.
Whlch senLence helps you palnL a clearer plcLure?

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We wlll waLch Lhe bralnpop vldeo on ad[ecLlves.

ulscuss Lhe many caLegorles of ad[ecLlves: ad[ecLlves Lell us:
Slze, color, amounL, emoLlons (happy, grumpy, angry, clever, funny, eLc),
LasLe, Louch (rough, smooLh), sounds, smells, oplnlons (besL, preLLy, dlrLy,
amazlng, poor, rlch), shape (round, square, sLralghL) LemperaLure (cold, hoL,
freezlng), age (young, old), and maLerlal (glass, meLal, plasLlc).

1eacher wlll place a brown bag wlLh a plcLure card lnslde of a food or drlnk
lLem aL each of Lhe four Lable groups.

Pave each sLudenL flll ouL an exlL card (see assessmenL crlLerla above).


Cuess whaL's lnslde Lhe bag? game:

SLudenLs wlll be asked Lo come up wlLh as many ad[ecLlves as Lhey can for Lhelr
lLem ln Lhe brown bag. 1hey wlll wrlLe Lhelr ad[ecLlves down on Lhe sheeL glven.

Lach group wlll Lake Lurns readlng aloud Lhelr ad[ecLlve clues" Lo Lhe resL of Lhe
class and Lhe oLhers wlll guess whaL ls lnslde Lhe bag.

As a class, we wlll complle an ad[ecLlves word wall" (posLer) Lo be dlsplayed ln Lhe

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