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Unit 5---Personal Health & Wellness Lesson 1- Stress Management Grade: 10th & Up

Objectives: Students will list and describe the 4 As of Stress after the lesson is over. Students will be able to recognize and participate in ways to manage stress. Students will identify stress management skills after the lesson is over. Michigan Merit Curriculum Standards: 4.5 Demonstrate the ability to express emotions constructively, including use of anger management skills. 4.10 Demonstrate how to respond constructively to the anger of others 3.6 Apply strategies to access and get help for self or others. Think of a time when youve ever felt stressed out. What did you do? D id it make the situation better or worse? Today you will be learning about the 4 As in stress: alter, adapt, avoid, and accept. Tasks: 1. Check your e-mail. I have shared a google document with you entitled Stress. Each of you will go in and edit the document by adding one situation in which someone experiences stress. For example, getting good grades. 2. There is a 24 hour time frame to complete this activity. It will begin Sunday at 8am and end Monday at 8am. 3. After Monday at 8am you will rate each stressful situation posted on the google doc. This should be done by posting on the class blog. Access the blog: www.fowlerclass.weebly.com 4. Create a post entitled ratings go through the situations on the google doc. + means very stressful, o means neutral and x means not stressful. Next week we will go over the different ratings. Feel free to look at other students ratings and see how everyone views stress differently. 5. View the powperpoint : Four As of Stress Management https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CEIQFjA D&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.personal.psu.edu%2Fbal210%2Fstress%2520management%2520power% 2520point.ppt&ei=vHY9U5yzOILs2gW0lYC4Ag&usg=AFQjCNEw84-uFXh1F-dL23sqS35m_43eA&sig2=hgx04yn_wLb3AmnccWHIkA&bvm=bv.64125504,d.b2I

6. Read the following article on the Four As of Stress: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/stress_management_relief_coping.htm 7. Read the stressful situation examples on this page: http://drgpsych.com/COL101/Stress/Examples%2Bof%2BStressful%2BSituations.pdf 8. pick 5 of the 10 situations to blog about. Post an entry on our class page about the situations. You will need to use the 4 As to describe what the issue is ,and hot to re spond to the stressor. Points will be given on being able to recognize the stressor and identifying skills to cope with it. 9. You need to comment on at least two other students blog posts about the stressful situations.

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