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Lesson Planning Template

Isaac Steffes Lesson Title: ___ ___ Biogeology____ _ Grade:__4__

Goals or Objectives: Students will understand what biogeology is. Students will be able to explain what the lithosphere is and the two parts of it. Students will be able to describe the roc! cycle. Student will be able understand what the two types of crusts are. Students will able to explain what erosion and weathering are. Students will be able to state what a fossil is and they can be used to deter"ine the landscape of an area o#er ti"e. Students will be able to describe four types of earth$s processes. The purpose of the acti#ities is for students to be able to gain a better understanding of biogeology. Grade Level Guide: Content Standards %ontent %urriculu" &ocal 'oints %o""on %ore State ()GSS* Standards 4+,SS-+- Identify e#idence fro" 4I.4.- 4efer to details and patterns in roc! for"ations and exa"ples in a text when fossils in roc! layers for changes explaining what the text says in a landscape o#er ti"e to explicitly and when drawing support an explanation for inferences fro" the text. changes in a landscape o#er 4I.4.5 Interpret infor"ation ti"e. #isually orally or 4+,SS.+- /a!e obser#ations 6uantitati#ely and explain and0or "easure"ents to pro#ide how the infor"ation e#idence of the effects of contributes to an weathering or the rate of erosion understanding of the text in by water ice wind or which it appears. #egetation. 4I.4.7 Integrate infor"ation 4+,SS.+. 1naly2e and interpret fro" two texts on the sa"e data fro" "aps to describe topic in order to write or patterns of ,arth$s features. spea! about the sub8ect 4+,SS3+. Generate and co"pare !nowledgeably. "ultiple solutions to reduce the 9.4.5 Interpret infor"ation i"pacts of natural ,arth presented #isually orally or processes on hu"ans. 6uantitati#ely and explain how the infor"ation contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears. 9.4.: 4ecall rele#ant infor"ation fro" Interdisciplinary %onnections )o connections

experiences or gather rele#ant infor"ation fro" print and digital sources; ta!e notes and categori2e infor"ation and pro#ide a list of sources. 9.4.7 <raw e#idence fro" literary or infor"ational texts to support analysis reflection and research. Academic Language: Geology Biosphere Lithosphere %rust =pper /antle /antle >ceanic %rust Igneous 4oc! Sedi"entary 4oc! /eta"orphic 4oc! ,rosion <eco"position Surface 'rocesses Internal 'rocesses <eposition /olten ,rosion 9eathering &ossils ,arth6ua!e &lood Tsuna"i ?olcano /ag"a La#a Students Needs: Students should ha#e a basic understanding of biogeology. They should ha#e a general understanding that the earth is "ade up of layer that there are fossils and that there are uncontrollable natural occurrences on earth. ,nglish Language Learners Special )eeds (can be a group such as @struggling readersA or indi#iduals* If a student has difficulties understanding and reading the "aterial presented in class then I will pair students with the" to help the" learn to the best of their abilities. I will also "a!e sure they are staying on tas! and understanding what I a" teaching to the class. If students ha#e 1<B< then the acti#ity in class will help the" to use their extra energy in an educational way.

,nglish Language Learners will greatly benefit fro" the pictures that I ha#e included to go along with the "aterial that will be learned in this class session. The tactile learning fro" the acti#ity will also help the ,nglish language learner. If the person that is learning is ha#ing difficulties I will pro#ide papers for the" that are in the language that best suits their needs. I can also pro#ide captions for the #ideo clip that I show if I it is a#ailable.

Materials: Lab aprons protecti#e glasses "ini snic!ers plastic 2ip loc! bags. ?ideo clips #ocabulary0notes sheet and 're2i.

Language unction: Students will be 6uestioned about biogeology. This lesson will be an in6uiry about geology. I will facilitate the studentCs learning by as!ing the" 6uestions such as @9hat is the difference between la#a and "ag"aDA @9hat part of the apple would be the crust of the earthDA @Bow can changes in landscape be deter"ined fro" fossilsDA @9hat are so"e of the solutions to reducing the i"pacts of earth6ua!es floods tsuna"is #olcanoes and other natural earth processes on hu"ansDA Analyze, Argue, Describe, Evaluate, Explain, Interpret, Justify, Synthesize Lesson Plan !e"ore: I will introduce this acti#ity by saying that @we will be learning about biogeology today. 9e will do a fun acti#ity today that will gi#e us a deeper understanding of #arious ele"ents of biogeology.A #uring: I expect the students to pay attention in class and to be engaged in the acti#ity. I also expect the students to answer the 6uestions that are as!ed in class to the best of their abilities so that they "ay gain a deeper understanding of biogeology. I will "a!e sure each child is help accountable by grouping the students for the acti#ities so that they are acti#ely engaged and learning. I will as! the students to "a!e obser#ations during the acti#ity. If students finish early I will "a!e sure that they are helping their class"ates if they need it otherwise I will "a!e sure that they read ahead. I will re 6uestion students in the class if they do not fully understand the "aterial. A"ter: I will as! the class "any 6uestions about what we are learning so that I "a!e sure they are following along and so that they "ay gain a deeper understanding of the "aterial. I will as! the class 6uestions and if they are not sure on the answer I will ha#e the" as! one of their class"ates for assistance. Assessment: I will deter"ine who !nows which ob8ecti#es by seeing how they respond to the 6uestions that I as! the" and fro" the sheets that I gi#e the" during the class period. I will also test the students later on so I !now how well they understand the infor"ation. Type of assess"ent (for"al or infor"al* <escription of assess"ent /odifications to the assess"ent so that all students could de"onstrate learning Students should be able to do the acti#ity because they can as! a partner or the teacher for assistance if they need it. I thin! that the students should be able to do the 6uestion sheet and acti#ity. If a student is ha#ing difficulties I will help the". ,#aluation %riteria+ 9hat e#idence of student learning (related to the learning ob8ecti#es and central focus* does the assess"ent pro#ideD Students should be able to show that they understand biogeology. The assess"ent gi#es the students the opportunity to their !nowledge about. They will be able to connect the assess"ents perfor"ed to their understanding of the world.

Infor"al+ Group acti#ity and #ocabulary0notes sheet.

Students "ust fill in the #ocabulary sheet as the "aterial is being presented to the class.

$esources: http:00www.nextgenscience.org04es+earths+syste"s+processes+shape+earth www.thefreedictionary.co"0lithosphere http:00www.as!.co"06uestion0definition+of+earth+s+"antle http:00www.pinterest.co"0pin0474E7.7F::GG55G530 https:00www.google.co"0H6IigneousJroc!Jdefinition https:00www.google.co"0H6Isedi"entaryJroc!Jdefinition https:00www.google.co"0H6I"eta"orphicJroc!Jdefinition http:00dictionary.reference.co"0browse0erosion http:00en.wi!ipedia.org0wi!i0<eposition_K.:geologyK.7 http:00www.as!.co"06uestion0what+is+the+"antle+"ade+up+of http:00www.as!.co"06uestion0what+is+the+"antle+"ade+up+of http:00www.as!.co"06uestion0what+is+oceanic+crust https:00www.google.co"0H6Iearth6ua!eJdefinition www."erria"+webster.co"0dictionary0flood www."erria"+webster.co"0dictionary0tsuna"i www.thefreedictionary.co"0#olcano http:00www.as!.co"06uestion0what+does+weathering+"ean http:00idahopt#.org0dialogue4!ids0seasonE0fossils0facts.cf" Anal%&ing Teac'ing: To be co"pleted after the lesson has been taught 9hat wor!edD 9hat didn$tD &or who"D 1d8ust"ents
9hat instructional changes do you need to "a!e as you prepare for your next lessonD

'roposed %hanges
If you could teach this lesson again to this group of students what changes would you "a!e to your instructionD

Whole class: Groups of students: Individual students:

9hy will these changes i"pro#e student learningD 9hat research0theory supports these changesD

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