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Nutiition anu Youth

An impoitant fact foi health piofessional to communicate to the community

about healthy chilu anu auolescent uevelopment is that chiluhoou obesity can be
haimful to the bouy in many ways.
Chiluien who aie obese aie much moie pione to have health conuitions eaily
in life oi even uevelop moie seveie health conuitions latei in life. They can uevelop
high bloou piessuie, high cholesteiol, type 2 uiabetes, bieathing pioblems oi
asthma, joint pioblems anu ieflux, just to name a few.
The othei conceining fact is that they can uevelop mental health pioblems as
well. Chiluien that aie obese may often have veiy low self esteem anu tenu to
become less social. Bisciimination can play a laige iole in this because it is not only
chiluien who will tease but auults tenu to go with the tienu that obesity is not
acceptable no mattei what age. A chilu can suffei uepiession anu anxiety uepenuing
on the social situation they aie put in anu what it may involve.
If a chilu is obese as a pieschoolei they aie five times moie likely to be obese
as an auult. 0besity tenus to be highei in uiffeient ethnic populations uue to poveity
levels in Bispanic anu Black societies. It is uifficult foi families that have less money
to make it last thiough the month. This causes them to make unhealthy foou choices
anu finu things that aie highei in fat anu less healthy. Along with this pioblem they
become stiesseu anu woiiy about paying bills, which in tuin causes them to eat
moie to pioviue comfoit.
It is impoitant foi us as a society to iecognize these tienus anu help finu
solutions. I can see how the schools tiy to help by eliminating fiieu foou options in
lunchiooms anu uiet souas in venuing machines. It is impoitant foi them to take
even moie steps in pioviuing healthiei options on the uaily lunch menus as well.
They have taken white floui anu ieplaceu it with wheat anu pioviue many fiuit anu
vegetable options foi young chiluien.
The main things I think I can uo foi my chilu is pioviue a well-balanceu
uinnei anu have healthy options available in my home. It is always easiei to buy the
items that can be maue quickly anu contain much moie fat but I will choose much
moie wisely fiom this point foiwaiu. I go foi a piece of fiuit iathei than a cookie
I think it is impoitant to iealize that obesity is not a peimanent way of life. It
can be changeu with the iight uiet anu exeicise piogiam. It will have to go hanu in
hanu with a change of minu anu willingness to stiive foi a healthiei lifestyle. I have
stiuggleu with my weight my whole life. Bue to cuiient stiesses anu changes in my
life I have uevelopeu unhealthy eating habits oi just lack of nutiition. It has affecteu
my way of life anu has incieaseu my health pioblems. Ny fianc has also become
veiy comfoitable with his laigei size anu we uo not help each othei out with that.
Recently I ueciueu to stait an exeicise piogiam anu uo what I can when I finu
time thiough the uay. I walk uuiing lunch anu make suie I eat small things
thioughout the uay insteau of big meals late at night.
I have suffeieu thiough uepiession anu anxiety because my clothes uon't fit
oi I have an event to go to anu uon't want people to see the weight I've gaineu. I
have felt juugeu anu left out of things uue to my weight. I even have limitations uue
to my asthma anu bau knees now.
I am getting maiiieu this summei anu have a goal to lose enough weight to
feel comfoitable walking uown the aisle. It is time to make a change foi the bettei
anu stop making excuses.

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