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The Greenhouse Hamburger.

A: List the major ideas, concepts or key points- point by point

Producing beef for the table has a surprising environmental cost: it releases prodigious
amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gasses.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), our diets and, specifically, the
meat in them cause more greenhouse gases.
Every greenhouse gas is usually expressed as an amount of CO2 with the same global-
warming potential.
Pork generates the equivalent of 3.8 pounds of CO2; a pound of chicken generates 1.1 pounds
of CO2-equivalent greenhouse gases. And the economically efficient CAFO system.
Individuals, too, can reduce the effects of food production on planetary climate. To some de-
gree, after all, our diets are a choice.
Worldwide meat production (beef, chicken and pork) emits more atmospheric greenhouse gas-
es than do all forms of global transportation or industrial processes.
The largest fraction of the greenhouse effect from beef production comes from the loss of
CO2-absorbing trees, grasses and other year-round plant cover on land where the feed crops
are grown and harvested

B: Summarize the AUTHORs main point or idea- at LEAST 1-2 paragraphs

FAO report found that current production levels of meat contribute between 14 and 22 percent of
the 36 billion tons of CO2-equivalent, greenhouse gases the world produces every year. Beef
consumption is rising rapidly, both as population increases and as people eat more meat. Taking
such factors into account, Subak calculated that producing a pound of beef in a feedlot, or con-
centrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) system, generates the equivalent of 14.8 pounds of
CO2pound for pound, more than 36 times the CO2-equivalent greenhouse gas emitted by pro-
ducing asparagus. World beef production is increasing at a rate of about 1 percent a year, in part
because of population growth but also because of greater per capita demand in many countries.

C: Write a reaction paragraph to the article stating your own thoughts on
the topic, using specific citations from the article to support your views.

People really are a problem, they dont know what they are doing to the environments. This is
showing how bad is too eat meat, but still this is not going to make any changes. This is useless
and it makes me mad, people really love meat and those things that contribute to the damage of
the greenhouse effect. Its affect the ozone, but still this is complicated and I dont like it. i dont
eat much meat, and knowing this makes me think theres not real reason to keep eating it. if I
could change my diet I would. But meat its a source of nutrients, so I dont know what it can be
done to solve this. This is complicated.


Not just chemicals but also meat
(port, chicken, etc) they also contrib-
ute to the pollutant and it can be more
harmful that them. They contribute to
the greenhouse gasses.
Says Who?

Jane Braxton Little, a
freelance writer and photographer based in
Plumas county, California
What If?

If people could chose to change their
diet, tofu for meat the contribution to
the greenhouse gasses would be re-
What does it remind you of?

The article about how the pop-
ulation is changing the way
food portion are giving. Be-
cause in this we are gonna have
to change our diets in order to
reduce the emitted gasses.

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