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Ingls I Prof. Csar Augusto Neves
Nome: ___________________________________________________________________________ Turma: ________
Escreva um texto contando a sua rotina. Considere os seguintes aspectos: o que voc faz, a que horas, para onde
vai, como se desloca de um lugar para outro, quanto tempo demora, etc. Veja o exemplo abaixo:
I usually get up in the morning. I have a shower and then have a breakfast. I do my schoolwork and watch TV
for the rest of the morning. I have lunch at 12:15 and clean the house, and leave home at one o'clock in the afternoon. I go
to work by bus. It takes about 15 minutes.
I work from 1:30 in the afternoon to 10:30 at night. I usually take a ride home, and I arrive home at 10:45. at
home, I have a shower, have dinner, watch TV and chat with my family. Then I go to bed at midnight.
then: ento

for the rest: pelo resto

it takes: demora (toma __ tempo)

take a ride: pegar carona

Perceba o seguinte: advrbios de frequncia (always, usually, sometimes, never) so colocados entre o sujeito e o verbo.
Ex.: I never have breakfast.
Ao descrever por quanto tempo se faz determinada atividade, pode-se usar os termos from...to... e os horrios
correspondentes. Ex.: I study from 7 o'clock in the evening to 10:30 at night.
Ao referir-se parte do dia, preste ateno preposio correta:
...in the morning / ...in the afternoon / in the evening / ...at night.

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