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Annotated Bibliography

A Reasonable Bet on Nuclear Power Editorial New York Times New York Times !
"eb #$$ %eb & "eb #$$ %hile brie'( the editorial in The New York Times is
somewhat skeptical about nuclear power)s impact on the world* +,erall( nuclear
power is supported by the article( but the dangers are laid out plainly( and some
misgi,ings are shown* -pace was a 'actor 'or the piece( so there are se,eral ideas
that are brie'ly touched on but not 'leshed out*
Energy Balances and .+# /mplications World-nuclear.org %orld Nuclear
+rgani0ation #$1 %eb April #$1 The debate o,er whether nuclear energy is a
clean source o' power is ,ery centered around percei,ed emissions* The %orld
Nuclear +rgani0ation has compiled statistics 'rom se,eral countries o,er se,eral
years to show atmospheric le,els caused by nuclear emissions* The numbers
clearly show that nuclear energy is the cleaner source o' power ,ersus 'ossil 'uels*
/nternational Nuclear -a'ety Ad,isory 2roup The .hernobyl Accident3 4pdating o'
/N-A25 /N-A25& No,ember 66# Print* Again( this is a re'erence source that
is not opinionated* /t pro,ides technical in'ormation regarding the disaster at
.hernobyl( including radiation le,els and long term negati,e rami'ications on the
surrounding ecosystem and population*
7ohnson( 2erald 8* The Enthalpy o' "ormation o' 4ranium 9e:a'louride The Journal
of Chemical Thermodynamics ;olume /ssue < =ay 6&6 1!>516$ Print This
article is not opinionated* 9owe,er( it is use'ul in deciphering some o' the more
technical aspects o' the danger or lack thereo' o' spent nuclear 'uel* /t also details
speci'ics o' nuclear 'uel ,ersus nuclear weapon 'uel*
8idd( -te,e New Reactors ? =ore or @essA Nuclear Engineering International
Magaine B#$C %eb 7anuary #$ The Nuclear Engineering /nternational
-ociety is a good place to begin 'inding in'ormation about nuclear energy( both
technical and opinionated* This article outlines the criteria 'or international
nuclear proli'eration( including problems that might arise gi,en the high initial
capital reDuired to build new reactors ,ersus long term costs 'or energy that are
relati,ely cheap* 8idd brings up e:cellent points about the long term bene'its o'
nuclear energy( but doesn)t discuss many negati,es*
8itschelt( 9erbert P* Political +pportunity -tructures and Political Protest3 Anti5Nuclear
=o,ements in "our Eemocracies n*d B*7* Pol* - F <&5!< 8itschelt illuminates
the thoughts on nuclear energy 'rom se,eral countries around the planet* 9is
main points are based around the concept o' nuclear proli'eration and
weaponi0ation i' nuclear enrichment 'or energy sources becomes commonplace*
9e points out that most countries near con'lict hotspots such as the middle east
are against nuclear power( whereas in relati,ely peace'ul countries such as the
4*-* and .hina( nuclear energy is more desirable*
=ac8ay( Ea,id 7*.* -ustainable Energy ? %ithout the 9ot Air 4/T Eec #$$! %eb
7an #$$! =ac8ay does a great Gob incising the 'laws in the global energy plan*
9e breaks down pros and cons o' nuclear energy with a slight bias towards
nuclear energy* 9e breaks down in'ormation 'rom numerous go,ernment
agencies worldwide to show solid logistical reasons 'or his assertion that nuclear
energy is( as a whole( a ,ery sustainable and desirable 'orm o' power*
NE/*org Nuclear Energy /nstitute( #$1 %eb < 7an #$1 %hile sparse( the in'ormation
contained in the en,ironmental pages o' the website was ,ery descripti,e* /t is
clear that the Nuclear Energy /nstitute has thoroughly researched the topic
through long term international studies( and their research shows positi,e
correlations to en,ironmental health i' nuclear energy is used*
Newton( 7ay 4*-* Energy @egislation =ay be HRenaissance) 'or Nuclear Power
Bloomberg @*P* ## 7une #$$< Newton spends most o' his article discussing the
economic bene'its o' a capital in,estment 'or a nuclear power plant in a small
town* 9e discusses the pros and cons o' the massi,e up 'ront costs ,ersus
relati,ely low up 'ront costs o' 'ossil 'uelsI the long term costs 'or 'uel 'or nuclear
plants is relati,ely low ,ersus the consistently high costs o' 'ossil 'uels*
Nuclear Energy3 Assessing the Emissions Nature !e"orts =acmillan Publishers
@imited +ctober #$$! %eb +ctober #$$! As a counterpoint to other claims
about emissions( Nuclear Energy3 Assessing the Emissions takes into account
se,eral secondary or tertiary emissions 'rom the manu'acture and transport o' the
'uel 'or the reactors( among others* /t shows numbers that are higher than what is
recorded by proponents o' nuclear power( but it still shows nuclear energy as a
,ery clean source o' power*
-t* .lair( 7e''rey Nuclear %aste Pools in North .arolina #ro$ect Censored 6 Aug #$$!
%eb ! =ay #$$ A ,ery insight'ul piece about the ,ery real dangers o' nuclear
accidents( -t* .lair 'ocuses on the long lasting e''ects o' a nuclear spill in North
.arolina* 9e cites the short term health concerns o' citi0ens in the area( and the
long term degradations they 'ace 'rom contamination o' the surrounding land* 9e
also dramatically illustrates the di''iculties o' an e''ecti,e clean up with lasting
sa'ety 'or the community*

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