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ueslgn uocumenLs

SubmlLLed Lo ur. eLer Leong`
May 7, 2011
L1LC 643

8rlan nakamoLo, Lleanor 8oblns, and Marl Zeleznlk

Interactive Game Application for Mobile Devices

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Cur Leam proposes Lhe deslgn of a moblle appllcaLlon Lo engage vlslLors Lo 'lolanl alace ln an
lnLeracLlve hlsLorlcal game. 'lolanl alace ls a symbol of Pawallan culLure and hlsLory, as well as a
physlcal remlnder of Lhe beglnnlng of Amerlcan lnfluence on Lhe former lndependenL naLlon. ln Search
of Lhe Cueen: 'lolanl alace ls an lnLeracLlve game LhaL Leaches Lhe hlsLory and culLure of Pawal'l uslng
moblle Lechnology Lo promoLe lnformal learnlng.


1he ldea of Lhe game wlll be Lo locaLe speclflc areas lnslde 'lolanl alace by checklng ln lnlLlally uslng CS
(global poslLlonlng sysLem). Cnce check ln ls compleLed, vlslLors wlll vlew or hear clues Lo Lhe nexL slLe
ln Lhe palace. 1he ob[ecL ls Lo learn more abouL Lhe Cueen and Lhe evenLs LhaL played a slgnlflcanL role
ln Lhe hlsLory of Pawallan culLure and governmenL. 1he smarL-devlce appllcaLlon wlll be made avallable
Lo vlslLors as an opLlon (ln addlLlon Lo or wlLhouL a docenL or audlo Lour). Learners wlll be qulzzed on
evenLs, and rewarded wlLh polnLs and lLems. 8ewards for acqulred polnLs wlll be glven - vlslLors wlll
choose among souvenlrs accordlng Lo Lhe number of polnLs galned aL Lhe end of Lhe vlslL.

-2#.: ;<'.<%'=5

lL's a breezy !une afLernoon ln 1886 when you, a vlslLor, arrlve aL Lhe royal palace of Lhe now
overLhrown Pawallan klngdom. As an up and comlng news reporLer, you have been senL on asslgnmenL
Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe whereabouLs of Cueen Llll'uokalanl. AL check-ln, you wlll choose whlch avaLar you
plan Lo be. A descrlpLlon of each [ournallsL you may play wlll appear when you cllck on Lhe avaLar.
AvaLars may be cusLomlzed, so you may be male/female, llghL/dark sklnned, and
blond/redhead/bruneLLe. ?ou have Lhe cholce of elLher a [ournallsL who has llved ln Lhe naLlon of
Pawal'l for some Llme (komooloo), or a malnland news reporLer who knows llLLle abouL Lhe slLuaLlon ln

A week ago, you goL a [ulcy Llp LhaL Lhe newly proclalmed rovlslonal CovernmenL of Pawal`l had
lmprlsoned Lhe Pawallan Cueen ln her own palace. ?ou wonder how Lhls can be done legally. Several
monLhs ago, Lhe CommlLLee of SafeLy had removed Lhe Cueen from power. Led by buslnessman Lorrln
A. 1hursLon, and supporLed by Lhe unlLed SLaLes mlllLary, Lhe CommlLLee ls rumored Lo have been a
group of wealLhy Amerlcan buslnessmen who dlsagreed wlLh Lhe Cueen's new consLlLuLlon. 8aLher
Lhan be sLrlpped of Lhelr wealLh, Lhe 13 members of Lhe CommlLLee of SafeLy, wlLh Lhe supporL of
marlnes and sallors of Lhe uSS 8osLon, marched on !anuary 17, 1893 Lo remove Lhe Cueen from her
Lhrone. 1he menaclng uSS 8osLon walLed ln Lhe harbor, ln dlrecL and clear vlew of 'lolanl alace unLll
LhaL day.

SpeculaLlon has lL LhaL Lhe 1hursLon had been plannlng Lhe CverLhrow of Lhe Pawallan klngdom for
some Llme. Several sources speculaLe LhaL commlLLee members would proflL lf Pawal'l were Lo be
annexed by Lhe unlLed SLaLes once Lhe Cueen was deposed. 1rade beLween Lhe u.S. and Pawal'l would
lncrease greaLly, maklng rlch men of lnvesLors.

AnoLher Llp has led you Lo belleve LhaL Lhe Cueen ls lmprlsoned somewhere ln Lhe palace. ?our mlsslon
ls Lo flnd Lhe Cueen and reporL Lhe news. 1o flnd Lhe Cueen, you wlll have Lo explore 'lolanl alace and
llsLen very carefully Lo everyLhlng LhaL ls happenlng around you.

Cn your moblle, you may vlew a drawlng of Lhe lnLerlor sLrucLure of Lhe palace. As a [ournallsL, you
musL answer Lhe wbot, wby, wbeo, wbete, now quesLlons uslng 21sL cenLury Lechnology and sLraLegles
Lo flnd lnformaLlon. 8emember you musL llsLen very carefully Lo everyLhlng around you Lo flnd Lhe
Cueen. Clues wlll pop up and lead you Lo Lhe nexL locaLlon, wheLher you Lake Lhe Lour ln order or use
your Louch screen Lo sklp Lo Lhe room you wlsh Lo vlslL flrsL. new quesLlons wlll unlock as you answer
each successlve quesLlon.

>).8'2 ?#@4&)2%#,5

'lolanl alace ls a frequenL sLop for vlslLors Lo Ponolulu, Pawal'l. lL ls lmporLanL LhaL vlslLors, boLh
LourlsLs and locals, galn an undersLandlng of Pawallan hlsLory and culLure. vlslLors should become
famlllar wlLh Lhe slgnlflcanL evenLs LhaL have lead Lo modern Pawal'l. laylng Lhe game wlll requlre
cerLaln enLry-level behavlors, such as access Lo a smarL phone devlce (Lhese may be borrowed upon
enLry), baslc knowledge on uLlllzlng keys, buLLon and sLroke on Lhe devlce. layers wlLh/wlLhouL hearlng
and slghL lmpalrmenLs wlll able Lo read or llsLen Lo mulLl-Lask and en[oy Lhe challenge of Lhe game. no
prlor knowledge of Lhe Pawallan hlsLory ln requlred. 1hls moblle game ls lnLended for Leens Lo adulLs
and ls easlly adapLable Lo Mlddle or Plgh School vlslLs Lo Lhe alace. ApproprlaLe Leachlng maLerlals and
Leacher's gulde wlll be made avallable on Lhe museum webslLe.

+,A2.4/2%#,)& (#)&A5
! lamlllarlze flrsL Llme vlslLors wlLh 'lolanl alace
! 1each Lhe hlsLory of Lhe Pawallan naLlon Lhrough Lhe evenLs aL 'lolanl alace
! Lngage LourlsLs ln an lnLeracLlve learnlng experlence.
! rovlde a fun" learnlng experlence Lo engage vlslLors and lnLeresL Lhem ln Pawallan culLure.
! Lncourage vlslLors Lo learn Pawallan hlsLory.

?'.1#.*),/' ;$B'/2%<'A5

(A): vlslLors Lo 'lolanl alace
(8): wlll answer Lrlvla quesLlons abouL Lhe hlsLory of Lhe palace and Lhe culLure of Pawall
(C): by llsLenlng Lo elLher a docenL or audlo Lour (or llsLenlng Lo/readlng Lhe lnformaLlon on Lhe
moblle devlce).
(u): AL Lhe compleLlon of Lhe vlslL, players should score aL leasL 100 polnLs.
()8,CDA E F<',2A5 +,A2.4/2%#,)& -2.)2'8%'A

GH ()%,%,8 ),9 *)%,2)%,%,8 )22',2%#,5
vlslLors of `lolanl alace wlll have Lhe opLlon Lo play a moblle game LhaL wlll glve Lhem an opporLunlLy Lo
challenge Lhelr knowledge of Pawallan hlsLory. Accompanylng graphlcs and Pawallan background muslc
wlll help keep audlences engaged.

IH -2%*4&)2%,8 .'/)&&5
As a facL/scavenger hunL Lype of game, players are requlred Lo answer quesLlons correcLly, based on
Lhelr respecLlve Lour gulde (docenL/audlo) or lndependenLly wlLh Lhe moblle. lf Lhey answer lncorrecLly,
Lhey wlll be prompLed Lo Lry agaln. lf on an audlo Lour, players can revlew Lhelr answers wlLh Lhe
programmed gulde. rlnLed lnformaLlon near Lhe exhlblLs wlll also conLaln lnformaLlon LhaL wlll help
players answer quesLlons. ln Lhls way, parLlclpanLs wlll begln Lo relaLe palace locaLlons Lo evenLs and
hlsLorlcal personallLles.

JH +,1#.*%,8 20' &').,'.A #1 20' #$B'/2%<'A5
As Lhe vlslLors begln Lhelr Lour and enLer Lhe game, Lhey wlll be lnformed brlefly of Lhe game's
ob[ecLlves on Lhelr moblle devlces. As Lhey reach each room, Lhey wlll vlew or hear a summarlzed
synopsls of whaL happened ln LhaL room.

KH ?.'A',2%,8 20' A2%*4&4A5
As Lhe players proceed Lhrough Lhelr respecLlve Lours, Lhe moblle appllcaLlon wlll prompL Lhem wlLh
clues Lo Lhe nexL locaLlon along wlLh hlsLorlcal Lrlvla LhaL ls noL already a parL of Lhe exhlblLs. lf vlslLlng
'lolanl alace wlLh a group, players may play ln groups or Leams.

LH ?.#<%9%,8 &').,'. 84%9),/'5
Whlle proceedlng from slLe Lo slLe, players may flnd LhaL lL ls noL always obvlous where a proclamaLlon
Look place or where someone was when an hlsLorlcally slgnlflcanL evenL happened. lf Lhe players are
sLumped, Lhey can press hlnL", and wlll be Lold where Lo flnd ouL. layers are also free Lo ask Lhe sLaff
or oLher vlslLors ln Lhe room.

MH F&%/%2%,8 @'.1#.*),/'5
arLlclpanLs can follow Lhe game sLep-by-sLep or go back Lo slLes Lhey mlssed aL wlll. lf Lhey wanL, Lhey
can pass Lhe moblle Lo anoLher member of Lhelr parLy for some of Lhe exhlblLs, and lnform Lhelr famlly,
frlends, or group each Llme Lhey learn someLhlng lnLeresLlng.

NH ?.#<%9%,8 &').,'. 1''9$)/O5
As a player lnlLlally checks lnLo CS, s/he wlll access hlsLorlcal lnformaLlon abouL Lhe slLe, personallLles,
and evenLs. AL wlll, players may choose hlsLorlcal Lrlvla" lf Lhey wanL Lo learn addlLlonal lnLeresLlng
soclal and personal LldblLs abouL parLlcular hlsLorlcal flgures. AfLer each successful response, players wlll
be rewarded and encouraged wlLh poslLlve feedback ln Lngllsh and Pawallan.

PH QAA'AA%,8 @'.1#.*),/'5
1hose parLlclpanLs who compleLe Lhe Lour of 'lolanl alace wlll have learned Lhe baslcs of Lhe evenLs of
Lhe CverLhrow of Cueen Llll'uokalanl and Lhe end of Lhe Pawallan Monarchy, numerous words and
names ln Pawallan, and wlll have learned a number of fun facLs abouL hlsLory, hlsLorlcal flgures, and Lhe
palace lLself.

EH F,0),/%,8 .'2',2%#, ),9 2.),A1'.5
As Lhe players are belng assessed LhroughouL Lhe Lour Lhrough wlnnlng or noL wlnnlng polnLs, revlew
quesLlons abouL lnformaLlon Lhey learned earller wlll pop up. layers wlll noL lose polnLs and Lhere wlll
be no penalLy for guesslng wrong answers. Powever, bonus polnLs wlll be galned lf Lhey can answer Lhe
revlew quesLlons. lf lnLeresLed ln earnlng all of Lhe polnLs, players can reLurn Lo Lhe orlglnal check ln
polnL Lo revlew Lhe lnformaLlon Lo answer Lhe more dlfflculL quesLlons. A flnal, lnformal game of
MadLlbs wlll also relnforce Lhe conLenL.

()*' F&'*',2A #15 +, -')./0 #1 20' 34'',5 R+#&),% ?)&)/'H

?ou arrlve aL Lhe royal palace of Lhe now overLhrown Pawallan klngdom. ?ou are:
A. A news reporLer from Lhe naLlon of Pawal'l, or
8. A news reporLer from Lhe WesL CoasL of Lhe unlLed SLaLes

?ou are lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe lmprlsonmenL of Lhe Cueen and her removal from power on !anuary 17
?ou have also heard LhaL Lhe Cueen ls lmprlsoned somewhere ln Lhe alace.
?our mlsslon: flnd Lhe Cueen and reporL Lhe news. 1o flnd Lhe Cueen you wlll have Lo explore 'lolanl
alace and llsLen Lo everyLhlng LhaL ls happenlng around you. ?our moblle wlll allow you Lo vlew a
blueprlnL of Lhe palace. ?ou musL learn Lhe wbete, wbeo, wby, wbeo, ooJ now Lo everyLhlng around
you Lo be able Lo flnd Lhe Cueen.


As you answer each quesLlon correcLly, you wlll recelve 20 polnLs. lf you answer lncorrecLly Lhe flrsL
Llme, and Lhen answer correcLly Lhe second Llme, you wlll recelve 13 polnLs. AfLer each 23 polnLs you
wlll recelve an lLem represenLlng Pawallan culLure. 1he ob[ecL wlll be descrlbed ln Lngllsh and named ln
Pawallan. AL Lhe compleLlon of Lhe Lour, players wlLh 100 polnLs wlll choose a glfL from Lhe glfL sLore.

Cb[ecL: olnL value:
Courd 23
llshlng neL 30
Spear 73
Pawallan Salllng Canoe 100
Pawallan leaLher Cape 123
Pawallan leaLher Peaddress 130

1he ob[ecLlve of Lhe game ls Lo learn Lhe PlsLory of Lhe CverLhrow of Lhe Pawallan Monarchy. layers
wlll be gulded as Lo how Lo use CS, or Lhey can opL Lo sklp Lhe explanaLlon lf Lhey already are famlllar
wlLh Lhe sysLem. As players move from one 'lolanl alace slLe Lo Lhe nexL, Lhey are prompLed Lo search
ouL lnformaLlon (by llsLenlng Lo Lhe Lour audlo Lhrough Lhe devlce, asklng Lhe docenL, readlng prlnLed
lnformaLlon near exhlblLs, or by readlng/llsLenlng Lo Lhe moblle game). Craphlcs on Lhe devlce screen
wlll acL as clues and provlde lnformaLlon abouL each exhlblL. Pearlng -lmpalred vlslLors can play Lhe
game by chooslng Lhe LexL opLlon. 1hose who have vlslon lmpalrmenLs can perform Lhe vlslL and Lhe
game by llsLenlng Lo Lhe accompanylng audlo Lrack. More deLalled oral descrlpLlons wlll be glven Lo
descrlbe ob[ecLs and aLmosphere ln Lhe museum. vlslLors earn polnLs by correcLly answerlng hlsLorlcal
quesLlons abouL Lhe rooms and Lhe evenLs Lhey are seelng/llsLenlng. As [ournallsLs, Lhey see hlsLorlcal
evenLs as wlLnesses, raLher Lhan as sLudenLs of hlsLory. 8ecause of Lhe Louch screen, players can
backLrack or follow Lhe game on Lhelr own raLher Lhan Laklng Lhe audlo or docenL Lour

()*' 7'8%,A5

Check-ln: Maln LnLrance.
Sample quesLlons:

34'A2%#, G5 S0)2 does 'lolanl mean?
A) Peavenly hawk
8) 8lrds' eye vlew
C) lood served here
Answer: A

34'A2%#, I5 Somewhere ln Lhe palace, Lhe Cueen held a gala flL for Lhe klngs and queens of Lhe naLlons.
Powever, Lhls gala was noL for Lhe klngs or queens buL for whom?
A) 8uslnessmen
8) Chlldren/kelkl
C) naLlve Pawallans
Answer: 8

34'A2%#, J5 1here once was a room ln Lhe palace ln whlch Lhe greaLesL Lreasures and gold of Lhe
Pawallan klngdom were kepL. AfLer Lhe CverLhrow, members of Lhe rovlslonal CovernmenL sold or
aucLloned off Lhe lLems kepL ln LhaL room. Whlch room ls lL?
Answer: klng kalakaua's bedroom. llnd Lhls room.

34'A2%#, K: ln Lhls room, Lhe Cueen composed Lhe famous song Aloha Ce'. Whlch room ls lL?
Answer: 1he Muslc 8oom.

34'A2%#, L: ln 1893, weapons were found burled ln Lhe gardens of WashlngLon place. 1he Cueen was
accused of havlng knowledge of Lhe uprlslng and was placed under house arresL. ln whaL room was she
A) 1he Muslc 8oom
8) 1he 1hrone 8oom
C) 1he lmprlsonmenL 8oom
Answer: 8

7#,4A 34'A2%#,5
AL Lhe end of her lmprlsonmenL, Lhe former Cueen llved ouL Lhe resL of Lhe days of her llfe ln Lhls
locaLlon, alLhough she spenL mosL of her Llme Lravellng Lhe world.
A) `lolanl alace
8) earl Parbor
C) WashlngLon lace
Answer: C

>.%<%) 34'A2%#, Q5 WhaL was Lhe moLLo of Cueen Llll'uokalanl?
A) 8e sLeadfasL ln Lhe seeklng of knowledge. oolpoo l ko lml oooooo.
8) Alobo Oe
C) ln language ls llfe and deaLh, waLch whaL you say. Alo l ko 'olelo ke olo, olo l ko 'olelo ko
Answer: A

>.%<%) 34'A2%#, 75 WhaL was Lhe color of Lhe relgn of Lhe Cueen?
A) Creen
8) ?ellow
C) 8lue
Answer: 8

?ou have flnlshed your Lour of Lhe 'lolanl alace. ?our only duLy ls Lo wrlLe your fronL-page arLlcle on
Lhe palace and Lhe Cueen's whereabouLs. ?ou have Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe vlewpolnL/slanL of your arLlcle
and you have a declslon Lo make before you sLarL wrlLlng. Who do you Lhlnk ls rlghL? Should Lhe
CverLhrow of Lhe Pawallan Monarchy be upheld or should Lhe lslands be reLurned Lo Lhe Cueen? llll
ouL Lhe poll afLer compleLlng Lhe Mad-Llbs. CpLlonally, vlslLors can send a copy of Lhelr game answers
and score Lo Lhemselves or Lo Lhelr Leachers. 1hey may also posL Lhelr lcons/scores on lacebook or
oLher soclal medla slLes.

-)*@&' ")9 T%$A5
1. ln 1893, ______________________were found on Lhe grounds of whaL ls now Lhe Covernor's
Manslon. (noun)
2. klng kalakaua was Lhe Cueen's ________________________. (noun)


1he followlng poll wlll make lL posslble for us Lo sLudy Lhe daLa from all players of Lhe game. ?ou wlll
recelve 20 bonus polnLs for fllllng lL ouL.

1. Whlch [ournallsL are you? lf from Lhe naLlon of Pawal'l, choose ?es. lf noL, choose no.
2. lf reporLlng Lhe CverLhrow from Lhe malnland, choose ?es. lf noL, choose no.
3. Wlll you wrlLe ln favor of Lhe Pawallan Monarchy and Lhe Cueen? ?es or no
4. Wlll you wrlLe ln favor of Lhe rovlslonal CovernmenL? ?es or no
3. Wlll you Lry Lo persuade people Lo supporL Lhe Monarchy? ?es or no
6. Are your sympaLhles wlLh Lhe Cueen? ?es or no
7. Are your sympaLhles wlLh Lhe men lnvolved ln Lhe CverLhrow of Lhe Pawallan Monarchy? ?es or
8. Wlll you walk away and leave Lhe sLory for someone else Lo Lell? ?es or no
9. uo you feel you have learned from our lnformal learnlng game? ?es or no

"''2%,8 ()*' F&'*',2A5

ln Search of Lhe Cueen: 'lolanl alace allgns wlLh many of Lhe besL game elemenLs proposed by Cee and
8ouse. lollowlng each elemenL, Lhere ls a shorL descrlpLlon of wheLher/how Lhe game meeLs or does
noL meeL Lhe crlLerla.

! AchlevemenL prlnclple: lnLrlnslc rewards are provlded as Lhe learners compleLe Lhe game (Cee,

! AfflnlLy group prlnclple: All players of Lhe game share an afflnlLy (Cee, 2003).

! AmpllflcaLlon of lnpuL: layers learn more Lhan Lhey puL ln (Cee, 2003).

! Avoldlng repeLlLlon: Cnce a quesLlon ls correcLly answered, lL wlll noL pop up agaln (8ouse,

! 8oLLom up baslc skllls prlnclple: Skllls are learnlng ln conLexL (Cee, 2003).

! 8ragglng rlghLs: LlmlLed: layers may save Lhelr polnLs ln Lhe game or may brag abouL how well
Lhey dld and how much Lhey learned. 1hey can also brag abouL Lhelr scores ln Lhe MadLlb
secLlon or posL Lhelr lLems/scores on soclal medla slLes (8ouse, 2003).

! Challenge: ALLendlng Lo and reLalnlng lnformaLlon needed Lo answer quesLlons and Lo flll ouL
Lhe MadLlbs aL Lhe end of Lhe Lour (8ouse, 2003).

! Cholce of avaLar/[ournallsL:
o Allows vlslLors Lo Lake on Lhe role of parLlclpanL ln hlsLory, Lhus provldlng Lhe 'hook' Lo
lnvolve Lhe learner ln Lhe game/learnlng (CslkszenLmlhalyl, 1993).
o Allows players Lo make declslons abouL polnL of vlew and lnvesL ln Lhe learnlng process
o rovldes a memorable learnlng experlence (lne & Cllmore, p. 104).
o ersonallzed learnlng: Allows players Lo be lnslders as [ournallsLs (Cee, 2003).

! CommlLLed learnlng: vlslLors who are lnLeresLed ln hlsLory or [ournallsm may commlL Lo
learnlng more abouL Pawallan PlsLory (Cee, 2003)

! CulLural learnlng models: As [ournallsLs, players are lnLeresLed ln compleLlng Lhe lnvesLlgaLlve
Lask and can Lhlnk abouL Lhe Lask ln Lhe real world as well as lnworld wlLhouL havlng Lo change
Lhelr percepLlon (Cee, 2003).

! CulLural world models: As Lhe players lnvesLlgaLe Lhe palace, ln Lhe role of conLemporary
flgures, Lhey accompllsh a real world Lask ln flndlng Lhe necessary lnformaLlon aL Lhe Llme Lhe
evenLs occur (Cee, 2003).

! CulLural models abouL learnlng: As Lhey answer quesLlons and galn polnLs, players galn
confldence ln Lhelr ablllLy Lo flnd lnformaLlon and succeed ln learnlng Lhe hlsLory of Lhe
CverLhrow and ln Lhe game (Cee, 2003).

! ulscovery prlnclple: 1he players make dlscoverles on Lhelr own ln Lhe game (Cee, 2003).

! ulsLrlbuLed and lncremenLal play: rogress ln Lhe game ls made quesLlon by quesLlon, alLhough
Lhe quesLlons do noL need Lo be llnear. AfLer Lhe lnlLlal check-ln, players declde where Lo sLarL
by plcklng a room (Cee, 2009, 8ouse, 2003).

! ulspersed pracLlce: Learners do noL share Lhe knowledge wlLh oLher players lngame (Cee,

! uo noL waLch: layers can play lndlvldually or ln palrs/groups (8ouse, 2003).

! uynamlc lndlvldual experlence: layers on Lhelr own can become lmmersed ln Lhe game and
vlslL (8ouse, 2003).

! LmoLlonal experlence: 1he game allows players Lo experlence and empaLhlze wlLh hlsLorlcal
flgures, especlally Cueen Llll'uokalanl. An emoLlonal experlence may noL ensue for all players,
buL mosL wlll Lhlnk abouL wheLher Lhe CverLhrow was a legal and eLhlcal evenL (8ouse, 2003).

! Lngaglng Lhe flve senses: ln Search of Lhe Cueen: 'lolanl alace engages, slghL, hearlng (muslc,
sound Lrack), and Louch (CslkszenLmlhalyl and Permanson, 1993).

! LxploraLlon: layers may explore Lhe museum aL wlll or follow Lhe audlo/docenL. MosL wlll
probably follow Lhe game and Lhe normal museum vlslL order (8ouse, 2003).

! lanLaslze: Came and vlslL allow vlslLors Lo fanLaslze abouL hlsLory and hlsLorlcal characLers. 1he
game allows players Lo be presenL aL Lhe Llme of Lhe evenLs. Lveryone would llke Lo Lry llvlng ln
anoLher age (8ouse, 2003).

! Came world boundarles: ConslsLenL lnworld and museum world boundarles (8ouse, 2003).

! Culdance/dlrecLlon and expllclL lnformaLlon on demand: layers are remlnded onscreen of
progress and of slLes Lo vlslL ln Lhe museum. PlnLs are provlded on demand lf Lhe players are ln
need of help (Cee, 2003, 8ouse, 2003). 1here ls no way Lo geL sLuck wlLhouL any ldea of how Lo
proceed (8ouse, 2003).

! ldenLlflcaLlon: layers ldenLlfy wlLh Lhelr chosen avaLar/hlsLorlcal flgure lLs physlcal appearance
(Cee, 2009).

! lmmerslon: lL ls posslble for players Lo become compleLely lmmersed ln Lhe sLory hlsLory Lells ln
Lhe game. 1he game provldes acLlve and crlLlcal learnlng of Pawallan PlsLory (8ouse, 2003).

! lncremenLal Lasks: layers earn polnLs quesLlon by quesLlon (8ouse, 2003).

! lnLeracLlve game: 1he Louch screen allows non-llnear play, players can move quesLlons around
lf Lhey are vlslLlng wlLhouL Lhe audlo or docenL Lour once Lhey have passed Lhe lnlLlal CS
checkpolnL (8ouse, 2003).

! lnLerLexLual prlnclple: undersLandlng Lhe LexL of hlsLory wlll connecL Lhe learners Lo oLher
hlsLorlcal lnLerLexLs" (Cee, 2003).

! lnLulLlve knowledge prlnclple: Culck responses are honored (Cee, 2003).

! MaLerlal lnLelllgence: 1hlnklng, problem solvlng, and knowledge are sLored" ln powerful
ob[ecLs and lcons (Cee, 2003).

! MeLa-level Lhlnklng abouL semloLlc domalns. vlslLors may be led Lo crlLlcal Lhlnklng abouL
hlsLory (Cee, 2009).

! MulLlmodal prlnclple: layers learn Lhrough words, symbols, lnLeracLlons, absLracL deslgn, and
sound ln Lhe game (Cee, 2003).

! MulLlple rouLes: none. 1he game ls a slmple one, alLhough Lhe quesLlon bank can be enlarged
so LhaL dlfferenL quesLlons are asked. layers may choose Lhe order of Lhelr vlslL, buL Lhe game
ls noL compllcaLed enough Lo offer mulLlple rouLes Lo Lhe goal (Cee, 2003).

! number of players: Cne player or groups/palrs of players collaboraLlng. no compeLlLlon
posslble excepL by scores (8ouse, 2003).

! Cngolng learnlng prlnclple: Lach quesLlon ls a new challenge, buL players are noL requlred Lo
adapL Lo changlng condlLlons (Cee, 2003).

! olnL and Lool rewards: olnLs provlde rewards and moLlvaLlon Lo players, whlle lLems acqulred
provlde exLrlnslc moLlvaLlon ln Lhe form of glfLs for Lhose who score over 100 polnLs
(CslkszenLmlhalyl & Permanson, 1993).

! oslLlve feedback: 1he game provldes a pleasanLly frusLraLlng experlence for players and
encourages Lhelr conLlnuaLlon (8ouse, 2003).

! racLlce prlnclple: Learners en[oy Lhe game and Lhe learnlng process (Cee, 2003).

! roblng rlnclple: layers creaLe hypoLheses abouL hlsLory and wlll LesL Lhem (Cee, 2003).

! sychosoclal moraLorlum: no real world rlsks are lnvolved (Cee, 2003).

! 8eglme of compeLence: Some quesLlons may seem harder Lo answer Lhan oLhers Lo players, buL
all answers are readlly avallable. 1he game may challenge, buL ls doable (Cee, 2003).

! Self-knowledge prlnclple: As players succeed Lhey may develop self-knowledge abouL Lhelr
afflnlLy/ablllLy for learnlng and/or hlsLory as Lhey become more confldenL (Cee, 2003).

! SemloLlc domalns: PlsLorlcal and place knowledge are acqulred Lhrough playlng Lhe game. 1exL,
symbols (lLems), plcLures, sound, and graphlcs are lncluded ln Lhe game (Cee, 2004, 2009).

! SemloLlc learnlng: Cb[ecLlves and learnlng are lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe game Lhrough varlous
modallLles (Cee, 2004).

! SlLuaLed Meanlng rlnclple: 1he game world ls consLanL, buL ls also Lhe ouLslde world ln hlsLory.
All meanlngs are embodled ln Lhe game (Cee, 2009).

! Soclallzlng: layers can play Lhe game ln a group as Lhe vlslL conLlnues by sharlng Lhe devlce.
layers can also soclallze wlLh oLher vlslLors and Lhe docenLs. layers may soclallze onlllne
Lhrough comparlng Lhelr prowess by posLlng Lhelr lLem/score rewards on soclal medla (Cee,
2009, 8ouse, 2003).

! SLory/sLoryLelllng: lnvolves players ln a real" and lmmerslve learnlng experlence by brlnglng
characLers and evenLs Lo llfe, maklng hlsLory meanlngful and relevanL (CslkszenLmlhalyl &
Permanson, 1993, 8ouse, 2003).

! SubseL prlnclple: Learnlng Lakes place lnworld ln a slmpllfled verslon of reallLy (Cee, 2003).

! Success/lalr chance/AchlevemenL: All players have an equal chance of success even lf Lhey have
no knowledge of Pawallan hlsLory when Lhey enLer 'lolanl alace (8ouse, 2003).

! 1ask CompleLlon: Lach hlsLorlcal quesLlon answered correcLly represenLs an accompllshed Lask.

! 1exL rlnclple: ?es. 1exL ls embodled ln experlence (Cee, 2003).

! 1ransfer: ?es. layers Lransfer skllls/meLhods of flndlng lnformaLlon Lo game quesLlons as Lhey
appear and become qulcker aL flndlng Lhe lnformaLlon (Cee, 2003).

! unlque soluLlons: no unlque soluLlons ln Lhe game (8ouse, 2003).

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As can be seen above, many, buL noL all of Lhe game elemenLs fulflll Lhe suggesLed learnlng and game
quallLles by 8lchard 8ouse lll and !ames Cee. Slze and Llme consLralnLs have had an effecL on boLh game
deslgn and gameplay ln our game. A vlslL Lo 'lolanl alace ls llkely Lo lasL from abouL 30-40 mlnuLes,
excepL for vlslLors who have an lnLeresL ln a parLlcular aspecL of Lhe museum. AddlLlonally, Cee's frulLful
prlnclples of learnlng from Lhe arLlcle Learnlng by ueslgn: good vldeo games as learnlng machlnes"
may help deslgners creaLe games LhaL are llkely Lo encourage learners (Cee, 2003).

co-Jeslqo ltloclple.

Cee explalns LhaL when players' acLlons affecL Lhe game, Lhey feel empowered and more moLlvaLed.
ueslgnlng games Lo be lnLeracLlve glves learners Lhe lmpresslon LhaL Lhey are affecLlng Lhe game, and
Lhey are, buL noL Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL Lhey are co-deslgners. ln Search of Lhe Cueen: 'lolanl alace allows
players Lo choose an avaLar represenLlng a [ournallsL from Lhe naLlon of Pawall or from Lhe WesL CoasL
of Lhe Amerlcan ConLlnenL. layers may also choose Lhe physlcal appearance of Lhelr avaLar.

leotoloq by ueslqo.
1he lnLerplay beLween players, game, oLher players, and dlfferenL Lra[ecLorles make Lhe game
lnLeresLlng and engaglng. ln Search of Lhe Cueen: 'lolanl alace allows vlslLors Lo play lndlvldually or Lo
share Lhe devlce and play ln palrs or groups.

layers may cusLomlze Lhe avaLar. lf Lhey answer lncorrecLly, Lhey can Lry agaln or ask for a hlnL.

Cee descrlbes Lhe way ln whlch players or learners creaLe an ldenLlLy LhaL alds Lhem ln deep learnlng. ln
Lhe gulse of [ournallsLs, players Lake on Lhe role of wlLnesses. 1hey are Lhus able Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe
evenLs as lf Lhey are presenL.

Moolpolotloo ooJ ulsttlboteJ koowleJqe.
Cee's prlnclple of manlpulaLlon and dlsLrlbuLed knowledge vlews 'vlrLual percepLlon' of Lhe self as equal
Lo physlcal percepLlon. layers Lake on a new role, sLreLchlng Lo flL Lhe onllne persona LhaL occuples a
dlfferenL hlsLorlcal place.

ltoblem 5olvloq/ well-otJeteJ ltoblems.
As vlslLors, players are noL expecLed Lo know Lhe evenLs of Pawallan PlsLory. Learners are drawn lnLo
Lhe game and Lhe search for lnformaLlon.

lleosootly ltosttotloq.
As ln good games, educaLlonal slLuaLlons requlre doable Lasks LhaL learners feel Lhey can approach. ln a
learnlng slLuaLlon, feedback ls essenLlal, lL provldes guldance for Lhe learner, makes Lhe Lask more
doable, and valldaLes progress. ln Search of Lhe Cueen: 'lolanl alace ls a doable game and lL does
provlde poslLlve feedback.

cycles of xpettlse.
Cee's cycle of experLlse beglns wlLh exposure Lo new knowledge, lLs acqulslLlon, and Lhe relnLroducLlon
of lnformaLlon. Lach Llme new lnformaLlon ls lnLroduced, Lhe players lnLegraLe lL and Lhen repeaL Lhe
cycle. As vlslLors/players advance ln Lhe museum Lour, Lhey musL lnLegraLe each new plece of
lnformaLlon and ad[usL Lo a new reallLy as lL unfolds.

lofotmotloo Oo uemooJ ooJ Iost lo 1lme.
ln Search of Lhe Cueen: 'lolanl alace provldes hlnLs aL Lhe push of a buLLon any Llme a player needs
guldance or help.

llsb 1ooks. Nooe ptovlJeJ ot oeeJeJ.

5ooJboxes. Cur moblle game does noL provlde a sandbox, as lL ls a relaLlvely slmple formaL.

5kllls os 5ttoteqles. Cur moblle game does noL requlre Lhe developmenL of skllls.

uoJetstooJloq 5ystem 1blokloq.
Accordlng Lo Cee, learners acqulre skllls and sLraLegles besL when Lhey see how Lhey flL lnLo a sysLem.
1hls prlnclple does noL apply Lo our game.

Meooloq os Actloo lmoqe.
ulfferenL players have varylng experlences wlLh hlsLory and Lhelr undersLandlng of human evenLs ls noL
Lhe same. 1he experlence players brlng wlll have an effecL on how Lhey percelve Lhe evenLs of Lhe

CrlLlcal Lhlnklng skllls are developed, players as lndlvlduals are aL dlfferenL polnLs on Lhe conLlnuum. A
game such as ln Search of Lhe Cueen may be a sLep ln Lhe rlghL dlrecLlon. lL ls an educaLlonal game LhaL
may lead Lo a deepenlng lnLeresL ln PlsLory.


ln Search of Lhe Cueen: 'lolanl alace was concelved for 'lolanl alace, a Llny museum devoLed Lo Lhe
hlsLory of Pawal'l. 1he game ls presenLly llmlLed Lo a few evenLs, mosLly surroundlng Lhe CverLhrow of
Lhe Pawallan Monarchy. 1he game beglns wlLh a CS check-ln. Crlglnally, we had wanLed Lo have
players check ln Lo every room or slLe as Lhey arrlve, buL CS llmlLaLlons caused us Lo reLhlnk Lhe
proposal. 1he museum ls qulLe small, and CS does noL dlfferenLlaLe beLween slLes closer Lhan 200 feeL
LogeLher. Lach correcL answer leads Lo Lhe nexL quesLlon Lhe [ournallsL/player musL lnvesLlgaLe.
AlLhough C8 codes have been suggesLed, Lhese usually [usL call up LexL or a webslLe. uslng Lhe game
lLself Lo enable Lhe vlslLors Lo conLlnue Lhe Lour Lhrough pop up quesLlons and dlrecLlons seems Lhe
mosL loglcal move.

Cur lnLeracLlve learnlng game for moblle devlces has proved Lo be allgned wlLh many of Lhe Lheorles we
have sLudled Lhls semesLer. AlLhough lL ls a very slmple game compared Lo some oLhers, lL ls an lnformal
learnlng game deslgned Lo engage vlslLors ln learnlng essenLlal hlsLorlcal facLs abouL 'lolanl alace. 1he
game ls well grounded ln Lhe learnlng Lheorles of Cagne, ln Lhe game Lheorles of Cee & 8ouse, and ln
museum learnlng Lheorles of CslkszenLmlhalyl & Permanson, and lne & Cllmore. We feel LhaL our
game could be developed for use ln 'lolanl alace Lo engage vlslLors ln an lmmerslve lnformal learnlng
experlence (lne & Cllmore, 1998).



CslkzenLmlhalyl, M. & Permanson, k. (1993.) lnLrlnslc moLlvaLlon ln museums: WhaL makes vlslLors
wanL Lo learn? Moseom oews. 74(3), 33-37 and 39-62.

Cee, !.. (2009). Cames, learnlng, and 21sL cenLury survlval skllls. Iootool of vlttool wotlJs keseotcb.
2(1), 4-8.

Cee, !.. (2003). Learnlng by ueslgn: good vldeo games as learnlng machlnes. -leotoloq 2005, 2(1).

Cee, !. . (2004). SlLuaLed language and learnlng: A crlLlque of LradlLlonal schoollng. London: 8ouLledge.

Cee, !.. (2003). WhaL vldeo Cames Pave Lo 1each us abouL Learnlng and LlLeracy. new ?ork: algrave

lne & Cllmore. (1998). Welcome Lo Lhe Lxperlence Lconomy. notvotJ 8osloess kevlew, 76(4), 97-103.

8ouse, 8. lll (2003). Came deslgn: Lheory and pracLlce, second edlLlon. lano, 1exas: Wordware
ubllshlng, lnc.

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