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Burnley 1

Zzzzah-Zzaz Burnley
Professor Havey
English 114B
9 May 2014
Social Networks and Relationships
Many people wonder why relationships do not last, but they broadcast their lives online.
Relationships tend to not last as long as they should because social media is present. Everyone
exposes their business and that gives others the chance to interfere, problems are not handled
face to face and things get misinterpreted. Social networks do not do relationships any good,
rather it is pushing people apart. Many relationships do not last very long when social media is
present because trust becomes a problem and jealousy is created.
Whether we choose to admit it or not, we are all a bit insecure in relationships. We go on
our boyfriends or girlfriends Facebook wall from time to time to see what posts we have missed
or read the comments from his or her recent status updates. We check to see who has liked their
photos and became suspicious when we notice that it is the exact same girl or guy every time. In
the article How Facebook Affects Your Relationship, McDonald states that when we decide to
privately message an ex, or scavenger through our partners pictures because we sense
infidelity we are already ruining or relationship, and possibly creating a problem that was
never there from the start. I agree with McDonald, People become so paranoid thinking that their
partner is doing something that they should not be doing that they start to not trust their girlfriend
or boyfriends and trust is broken. We place more importance on social media than we do on
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actual relationships. We worry too much about what happens on Facebook instead of putting that
time into improving relationships.
Sometimes we take social media to the extreme and set alerts for our partners, meaning
that whenever he or she posts a status or any kind of update we are notified immediately. Social
networks do not allow individuals in relationships to have their own space because we are
constantly watching every move that the other makes. We become too worried about the next
person that we stop giving our relationships the attention they deserve. In the article 5 Ways
Social Media Is Ruining Relationships, researchers say that there are harmless but similar
gestures made that we look too much into and it results in the feeling of insecurity. We become
victimized by this, and it is a headache that takes forever to go away.
Many people do not realize how much of an affect social networks have on relationships.
A study on cyber psychology and behavior from the Mayborn School of Journalism at the
University of Texas states how Facebook can create jealousy and suspicion in romantic
relationships. For example, I recently posted a picture of myself on Facebook and within an hour
or so an ex boyfriend commented on it saying cute as f***. I did not want to delete the
comment because I felt that it was not serious and it would cause no harm. Before I had the
chance to even respond to his comment my boyfriend comments and says Thank you. At this
point I became irritated because I did not see why he felt the need to speak for me when I could
of just as easily said thank you. When I asked him why he did it, he said I cant say thank you,
and we got in a small argument, but I realized afterwards that he was jealous of the attention I
was seeking. We made up, of course. Not only does social networks create additional problems
for a couple who may already be struggling, but for powerful couples as well.
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Being on Facebook all the time is no good for a powerful or struggling couple. It only
adds extra pressure to the relationship and takes away quality time from a couple. In the article
Excessive Facebook Use Can Damage Relationships, Russell Clayton, a doctoral student at the
University of Missouri School of Journalism, found that individuals who use Facebook
excessively are more prone to experience Facebookrelated conflict with their romantic partners,
which then causes negative relationship outcomes including emotional and physical cheating,
breakup and divorce. People who are constantly on Facebook get caught up in a mix of things.
They are more likely to connect or reconnect with other Facebook users, including previous
partners. Why is that necessary anyways? I feel like people who are constantly on Facebook
when in a relationship are tempted to cheat. It means they are always snooping around on their
partners wall or someone elses. Honestly, there is nothing else to do on Facebook but go on
others walls and consume information. I can testify to that.
Although we cannot stop our partners from looking at other guys or girls in public or
online, there should be a level of respect we must adhere to when we are in a relationship, taken
from the article How Does Instagram Ruin Relationships. Instagram is an online photo-
sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and
videos and show off to all of their followers. A person who is on Instagram has the ability to
connect with almost anyone. They can follow whoever they please and like wichever photos they
choose to as well. However, there is a boundary that we should not cross in a relationship.
Looking is one thing, but to engage in a conversation can take things to a whole other level. For
example, when someone who is in a relationship posts a picture and someone comments on it
with heart eyes, that is seen as a sign of flirting. They should not be used by someone who is in a
relationship because it only brings that person closer to cheating. They can constantly be liking
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this persons photos and their partner may never know about it because if someone deletes a post
on Instagram it will never be seen again as opposed to Facebook, where things people post never
disappear from the internet. Instagram also has a direct messenger where people can send private
photos to each other and have private conversations. The only thing private needs to be ones
relationship. A private messenger only increases the likelihood of someone wanting to private
message another person. Then eventually that causes problems when one of the partners figure
out that their girlfriend or boyfriend is showing interest in someone else. The overall issue is that
we seek too much attention from outside people. When relationships are not going so well,
people look to others to replace what is missing and to hopefully make them feel whole again.
Even when our relationships could be rock solid we turn to social media to help boost our self
According to The Huffington Post, the golden rule of Facebook while committed is that
on FB, as in life, you should not be doing anything that you would not want your partner to see.
We should not do anything we would not want our partners to do period. It is not okay for one to
be able to do something but not the other. For example, on Facebook people create these posts
which say LMS for a good morning and a rate. I do not understand why people in relationships
post this. If two people are together why does one feel the need to be told good morning and
given a rate by someone who is not their boyfriend or girlfriend.
Social media can also create self-esteem problems. If someone were to rate a person a 4,
they would probably feel upset and think they are not pretty enough. This could go through
their minds for a few days or more, and later lead into their relationship. We may say we do not
care about what others think, but in reality we do. This could lead into us feeling unwanted in a
relationship and beginning to doubt everything our partners tell us. A girl who once thought she
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was the most beautiful girl in the world could just as easily feel ugly. The only opinion that
should matter in a relationship is our partners, but we give others the opportunity to affect our
No one needs to know what all goes on in someone elses relationship. What goes on
between two people is no ones business but theirs. I wish people would understand that no one
cares about their relationship, so why spread personal information. When people allow other
people to intervene in their relationships it only causes unnecessary problems and eventually
break ups. Rather than bringing people closer apart, Facebook and Instagram secretly are
breaking bonds. If social media is what not present may relationships would last longer and be
much stronger today.

Burnley 6

Works Cited
"5 Ways Social Media Is Ruining Relationships." www.mensxp.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr.
"Eagle Strategies Blog." : How Facebook Affects Your Relationship. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr.
Facebook, Zsa-Zsa D-aamonet, Zzzzah-Zzaz Burnley, N,p., n.d. Web.27 Apr.2014.
"How Does Instagram Ruin Relationships - Paperblog." Paperblog. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr.
"News Bureau." MU News Bureau Atom. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.

Burnley 7

Burnley, Zzzzah-Zzaz
Professor Emily Havey
English 114B
9 May 2014
To rely on bringing one to a perfect place, it must be created. My city would be about the
size of Los Angeles. Unlike LA, everything would not be as close as they are. I would have lots
of variety when it comes to restaurants, because no one enjoys eating the same foods over and
over again. I would have murals painted on every street and also a lot of flower gardens to add
beauty to the city. There would be shopping malls, and tons of clothing stores for those who love
to shop. Parking would be available everywhere and parking meters would not exist because the
city can make their money other ways. The three main aspects of my city would be jobs, laws
and schools. Not only does everyone have the right to an education, but everyone would have a
right to a job in Zionsville. Many people wonder how the city they live in would change if they
were given a chance to recreate it. A perfect city will not ever exist, but why not imagine.
Try picturing a city where no one did anything. It wouldnt be a city, right? A city must
be running all the time, similar to businesses. All cities need jobs. Jobs are what keep the
economy running. Depending on how big a city is determines the number and growths of jobs
available. Jobs coincide with the demand for goods and services. The more the people want, the
more we must produce (Dobson). Businesses as well must be competitive to keep running,
because no matter what there will be another business in another city which will try to put yours
Burnley 8

out of business. For example, Subway and Quiznos, both similar; are healthy and cheap.
Although many people prefer Subway because of their $5 foot longs and their various locations,
as opposed to Quiznos who is a bit more expensive, has further location, but is still healthy. Jobs
support our living as well. We need jobs to make money, and we need money to live off of to
provide for our families. Life as a whole is centered around money. We need money to buy the
things we want and need. We work to make money, and we need money to make it to the
workplace. Dobson states, we have based our economic system on money and have been made
to think it is essential to our way of life. But it's not really money that we need; It is just the labor
of others. This artificial construct of money allows us to be manipulated, and leaves us extremely
vulnerable. In order to make money, we must spend money, and in order to spend money, we
have to find a way to get it first, and the only way to make legal money is to have a good paying
job. Theres an old saying which states that all money isnt good money, and good money is the
kind we have to go out and grind to make. We all want to be rich or even wealthy. The kind of
rich where we can walk onto a car lot and be able to buy whatever car we want with cash. No
one wants to struggle financially. The overall goals, and desires in life are to be happy and to
have lots of fun. Trust me, its no fun being broke. Why settle for less when one can work hard
and go on lavish vacations and shopping sprees.
Imagine there being no consequences for negative actions. What would life be like if
there were no rules or regulations? If you killed someone, should you be able to get away with it,
or if you drove through a red light, should it be okay? What if there was no government? Laws
must be in place to protect all citizens and everyone who resides within a city. Laws make it fair
for all citizens, because all punishments are the same.
Burnley 9

If two people do the exact same thing or commit the exact same crime they will have the
same exact consequence. It doesnt matter what your sexual orientation is , race, gender, how
much your income is, the same laws will apply to each of us. Article 7 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights states that "All are equal before the law and are entitled without
any discrimination to equal protection of the law." This means everyone is pushed equally
regardless of race or gender. No person will have a longer sentence because of their skin color.
Laws are used to protect the freedom of everyone as well as their rights. No matter how
the law was made, it is important to make sure the laws are fair and are applied fairly to
everyone. That is the job of the government. If a law is not fair it may be changed, (United for
Human Rights). For example, if two people are doing the same exact job, why should one be
paid more than the other? Feminists protest against this because it is a matter of gender, and
according to the Declaration of Human Rights, no one has the right to be treated unfairly because
of their gender in the workplace.
If there were no laws everyone would live in fear. Life would be totally different if no
laws were present. We would wonder who would break into our homes or rob an old lady for her
purse without there being a consequence. People would be able to do whatever they want, no
matter how bad, and we would be forced to suffer. People who break laws should be punished.
Whether that is getting a ticket, or being sent to prison. Although there is a penalty for
committing a crime, the United Nations Declaration of Independence states that we are always
innocent until proven guilty, which makes it fair for everyone. 1. Everyone charged with a penal
offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public
trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense.
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2. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission
which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it
was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the
time the penal offence was committed(Source).
My perfect city would consist of elementary schools, secondary schools, high schools,
and colleges. School is important to learn and get qualifications for the future. Who wants to be
at home all day anyway? Not only is school a place to learn, but a place to socialize, create bonds
and meet new friends. I would make school to where students would enjoy attending. If we are
forced to go, it should be some sort of fun and we shouldnt have to dread going there. Instead of
going to school from 8 am to 3pm as usual, students would be able to attend from 8:00 -12:30
every day, that way their afternoons and evenings are more free. There would be no homework
assigned on the weekends unless someone wants or needs extra credit. I think that works out
really well because no one likes to spend their weekends doing homework anyway. Winter and
summer breaks would be longer than what they are and no homework would be assigned over
the breaks. Students would be allowed to wear whatever they want because who really cares,
unless it is distracting or seen as a problem to administrators. Responsible students will be given
the privilege to eat off campus because everyone gets tired of county food. Assigned seats
wouldnt exist because that is the dumbest thing. Why should someone be forced to sit
somewhere they do not want to. School is a place to learn, not a place to feel like youre in a jail.
There would be tons of field trips to keep the students entertained. Honestly school bores me,
and I dont want it to be boring to everyone else as well.
Burnley 11

Throughout life people will be laid off from their jobs while others get promoted to
higher positions. Education will continue to be the motive so everyone can advance in life, but
schools will always have their ups and downs, and laws are made to be broken. Perfect means
having all of the desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics. Therefore, perfect will never
exist and that is okay.

Burnley 12

Works Cited
Money Is Just a Tool to Separate Us from Our True Power. The Zeitgeist Movement Official
Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb.2014.
Studyzone.org. Studyzone.org. Oswego City School District, 2001-20011. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.
UN Declaration of Human Rights, Innocent Until Proven Guilty, Videos: United for Human
Rights. UN Declaration of Human Rights, Innocent Until Proven Guilty, Videos: United for
Human Rights. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2014

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