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The sinister US-ordered and Nato-backed Ukrainian military assault

against the civilians of eastern Ukraine suffered a setback when one

of its combat assault helicopters (above) was shot down near the town
of Slaviansk (Sloyvansk).
spokesman for the !iev fascists admitted that an "i-#$ helicopter
gunship% or assault helicopter% was hit by automatic gunfire from the
ground and it crashed into a river. &owever% the crew managed to
survive the incident. This is the third% or possibly fourth loss of a
military assault helicopter since armed protesters started taking over
several cities in eastern Ukraine in pril% following numerous dark
threats% blatant blackmail and ridiculous ultimatums from the fascists
and their backers in 'ashington. n (agreement) hastily cobbled on
*+th pril has been largely ignored by all sides including the people
underwriting the very devious and illegal fascist takeover of Ukraine.
The use of helicopter gunships or assault helicopters by the Ukrainian
fascist regime against its own citi,ens is totally unacceptable% and is
comparable to the use of anti-tank rockets against babies and children
by the US military and the US -.. /ussia must help the citi,ens of
eastern Ukraine by sending "N01S e2uipment to the people there.

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