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English IIXL / Shakely Log #____(do not number until Quarterly collection)

PV Log: (circle one) Poem / Movie / Picture / Lyric

Date _____/_____
Title ___________________________________
Author / Director / _________________________________
Context (Where Found / Viewed / Read?)
Content / CD / Summary / Precis (Say? Plot? Setting/Situation? Key lines/phrases scenes, etc? )
Content / CM / Meaning? / Theme(s)?
Form (Diction? Construction Terms? Symbolism?)
Commentary (What do you want to say? Why like? Questions? Synthesis / Allusions-Connections /
Relevance to personal experience, to literature, 20Qs? etc.)? Poetic Traits?
over (do not mix logs; e.g., no poem log in front, and movie log on back)

The poem is talking about the challenges and struggles that get in the way of a person and his or
her dreams. There is a "wall" that is growing between the writer and his/her dream, and the speaker
is trying hard to break through. Eventually, the speaker breaks through and the so called darkness
that has arisen due to the wall is broken and spread out into a "thousand lights of sun." The theme
of this poem is most denitely a theme of perseverance. The speaker persevered and broke through
the "wall" that was placed between him/her and her dream, and was able to reach it again. After the
dream was reached, the dream was also not only just a dream, it had transformed into something
spectacular and amazing.
Found on a list of top 500 poems; Viewed at school in English class
"And then the wall rose,
Rose slowly,
Between me and my dream."
The poem is called as I GREW older, and in the poem, the wall is GROWING in between him and his
dream. Maybe the wall is a physical interpretation of age, and how age gets in the way of a person and
his/her dream.
This poem is interesting and puts a lot of aspects into question. For example, the primary question is of age.
Why does age complicate the many dreams we have as children? Is a dreamer really only a child who never
grew up? Is age only but a number? The answers are never found in the poem, yet put out there for the
reader to think about. Another message is shown too when the speaker breaks through the "wall." The
dream turns into something greater after the wall is broken, which is what the author is trying to. Dreams
can turn into great things when reached.
English IIXL / Shakely Log #____(do not number until Quarterly collection)
PV Log: (circle one) Poem / Movie / Picture / Lyric
Date _____/_____
Title ___________________________________
Author / Director _________________________________
Context (Where Found / Viewed / Read?)
Content / CD / Summary / Precis (Say? Plot? Setting/Situation? Key lines/phrases scenes, etc? )
Content / CM / Meaning? / Theme(s)?
Form (Diction? Construction Terms? Symbolism?)
Commentary (What do you want to say? Why like? Questions? Synthesis / Allusions-Connections /
Relevance to personal experience, to literature, 20Qs? etc.)? Poetic Traits?

Poe is expressing his loneliness in his early years up to the present and the damage it has done
to him. He talks about how di!erent he was even from the beginning, saying "From childhood's
hour I have not been. As others were; I have not seen. As others saw; I could not bring. My
passions from a common spring." The rest of the poem is about the damage this has done to
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view"
Common poem with a dark and somber tone or dark tone. There is a symbolism in this poem of which I'm
not sure the meaning. He speaks of a "demon in his view" which I can only take in as the loneliness chasing
This poem is a prime example of the damage loneliness can do an individual and the harm it can do
long term. I like this poem because it is a kind of forewarning to all against being alone and forcing
others to. Nobody likes to be alone. I am still wondering what the last line is hinting at or talking
about. The "Demon" in his view could be interpreted as the loneliness coming back to him that he is
running forever and trying to overcome.

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