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Sraval - Kalyana Varma

Index of Chapters with Captions for Important

1. Birth of Horstra
Author's prayer and introduction
2. Meaning of Hor
3. Ri Description
Description of the 12 Ris, limbs of Kalapurusha and their use,
synonyms of Ris and Houses, zodiacal halves, their Lords and
effects. Ri and Nava rulers, importance of sub-divisions,
Vargothamamsa, Lords of decanates, Horas, Trimsamsas and
Sapthamsas, different Vargas, benefic and malefic Ris,
Gandantha, directions of Ris, DigBala and KalaBala, day and night
Signs, Sirodara & Prishtodara Signs, strength of Ri, synonyms of
Bhavas, additional synonyms, Kendra, Apoklima and Panaphara,
Upachaya and Anupachaya, exaltation and fall, long, medium and
short ascensions of Signs, favourable Ris for journey and colours
of Ris
4. Planetary Characters
Kalapurusha's soul etc., limbs from decanates, planetary portfolios,
directions and nature, synonyms of planets, planetary colours,
deities, sex, caste, elements, robes, substances, periods and Ritus,
Lords of Vedas and Worlds, description and nature of the planets
from the Sun to Saturn, planetary friendship permanent and
temporary, five kinds of consideration of these, planetary aspects and
strengths, directional and positional strengths, temporal and motional
strengths, Ayana, Drekkana, Tribhaga and Naisargika Balas

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