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Crosby's Fourteen Steps

Phil Crosby (1979) developed a fourteen-step program for quality improvement:

1. MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT - op-level vie! on quality sho!n to all employees.
". THE QUALITY IMPROVEMENT TEAM - o pursue the quality regime throughout the business.
#. QUALITY MEASUREMENT - $nalysis of business quality performan%e in a meaningful manner& for
e'ample late deliveries& budgeted to a%tual sales(deliveries(%osts(et%. )eep it simple for all to
*. THE COST OF QUALITY - +a,e sure everyone in the business understands the need for a quality
system& and the %osts to the business if there is no quality system in pla%e.
-. QUALITY AARENESS - $gain ma,e everyone in the business a!are of the impa%t of quality
.. CORRECTIVE ACTION - /nsure a system is in pla%e for analy0ing defe%ts in the system and
applying simple %ause and effe%t analysis& to prevent re-o%%urren%e.
7. !ERO "EFECTS PLANNING - 1oo, for business a%tivities to !hi%h 0ero defe%t logi% should be
2. SUPERVISOR TRAINING - 3et your supervisors trained in both quality logi% and 0ero defe%t
appre%iation !hi%h they %an apply to their business a%tivities.
9. !ERO "EFECTS "AY - $ quality event by !hi%h all members of the effe%ted se%tion be%ome a!are
that a %hange has ta,en pla%e.
14. GOAL SETTING - 5n%e a %hange has been implemented in a se%tion of the business& the ne't step is
to get the employees and supervisors in that se%tion to set goals for improvement to bring about
%ontinuous improvement.
11. ERROR CAUSE REMOVAL - Communi%ation pro%ess by !hi%h management are made a!are that
set goals are diffi%ult to a%hieve in order for either the goals to be reset or help given by management to
a%hieve the goals.
1". RECOGNITION - +anagement must re%ogni0e the employees !ho parti%ipate in the quality s%hemes.
1#. QUALITY COUNCILS - 6sing both spe%ialist ,no!ledge and employee e'perien%es to bring about a
fo%used approa%h to business quality regime.
1*. "O IT OVER AGAIN - Continuous improvement means starting from the beginning again and again.

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