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EDMA201: Assessment 2- Developing a Parent Information Session

EDMA201: Assessment task 2-
Developing a Parent Information Session

Critical Review:

In early primary concentrating on a traditional arithmetic based
curriculum can discourage the generalisation and thinking processes
required for algebra. The thought processes involved in algebraic
problems necessitate the use of balancing strategies and reasoning
skills, requiring students to look at the problem or equations as a
whole, flexible expression. Often curriculums are overly focused on
individual numbers and finding answers (Stump, 2011), inhibiting the
aforementioned thought process that students require to engage in
algebraic mathematics. It is beneficial for students to be introduced
to this kind of algebraic thinking early in their school career; at this
level, algebra involves examining the structure of problems and
looking for patterns and relationships (Warren & Cooper 2005;
Windsor, 2011). This may aid students ability to develop the
generalisations that are essential for understanding and engaging
with algebraic mathematics (Carraher, Schliemann, Brizuela, &
Earnest, 2006).

Functional thinking involves looking at the relationships
between quantities, their value and how they can affect each other as
well as how this relationship can be expressed using variables
(Warren & Cooper,2005, 2006 ). This kind of thinking strongly assists
students undertaking work involving algebra. Teachers can foster this
kind of thinking with younger students by extending work with
patterns. One way of achieving this is to ask the students to record in
a table the number of times different elements occur in the pattern
and then examine the resulting data sets. By reading across the table
This section shows
that I have
included teaching

EDMA201: Assessment 2- Developing a Parent Information Session

students can observe the relationship between the different data
sets. Teachers should encourage focussed discussions to help
students to notice and record generalisations. For example in the
pattern: AAB AAB AAB students can see that the numbers in the A
column go up by twos and in the B column they go up by ones. They
may then make the generalisation that the relationship between the
A value and the B value is that there are two A's for each B. this
provides a solid base for later algebraic reasoning (Warren &
Cooper,2005, 2006 ).

Success with algebra requires students to understand ideas of
equivalence (Baratta, 2001) and develop thinking that leads to
making generalisations. As teachers we need to focus on the meaning
of the equals sign, as a common misconception among students is to
interpret the equals sign in a purely operational way (Baratta, 2001;
Baroudi, 2006; Falkner et al, 1999; Warren & Cooper, 2006).
Students with an operational view of the equals sign view it as a
signal that an answer is to follow or as a sign to compute rather than
the true meaning, that both sides of the equals sign hold the same
value (Van de Walle, 2004). This misunderstanding makes learning
algebra difficult, for example when students are trying to isolate an
unknown by subtracting from both sides of the equal sign (e.g.2x+12
= 32). For this to make sense students need to know that they can
subtract 12 from both sides of the equation and it will remain true
(Falkner, et al, 1999). The way that teachers use language may also
have an impact on students' misconceptions around the equals sign,
using phrases such as two and three make five to illustrate the sum
2+3=5 can reinforce the misconception that the = symbol is where
the made answer, or result of numbers is placed (Carraher, D., et
al., 2006). It may be preferable to say 7+3 is the same as 10
(Baroudi, 2006; Falkner et al, 1999). Similarly, multiple ways of

EDMA201: Assessment 2- Developing a Parent Information Session

writing number sentences may also aid students understanding,
rather than the equals sign always being placed at the end of a
sentence (3+6= ) suggesting it is a sign to compute. If we switch
around the equation so it is 9= 3+6 instead of the traditional
equation format we are reinforcing the concept that = is flexible
within the structure of the expression, so long as both sides remain
the same.

As is the case with all mathematical areas, the more time
students spend developing their skills and practicing them, the
greater the benefit to their learning outcomes. Due to the nature of
algebraic reasoning, the use of balance scales can be highly beneficial
for students to visualise and conceptualise solving algebraic
expressions. However using balance scales is impractical and often
impossible, Baratta (2001) suggests the use of computer program's
that demonstrate balancing strategies to further develop
understanding of solving expressions. These programs are valuable in
conjunction with hands on experience, explicit instruction and
problem solving for meaning making.

[Word count- 746]


As students engage with the Fun!-ction Machine Game they are
encouraged to notice the mathematics involved. The Fun!-ction
Machine Game will assist the players to build their mathematical
content knowledge by using algebraic processes to construct their
own equations. By getting the students to create their own equations,
they are able to understand their structure in more depth. As it is
necessary for them to understand the elements within an algebraic
This section
shows that I have
knowledge of a
range of
resources that
engage students
in learning

EDMA201: Assessment 2- Developing a Parent Information Session

equation before being able to successfully construct one. The game
also gives students practice vocalising and recording equations, once
given and input and output numbers.
This game is suitable for home use as the materials needed are
readily available and students are able to play individually or with
multiple players, making this game and the learning of mathematics
enjoyable for all. The benefits of this game are extensive as it can be
easily be adjusted to suit the changing abilities of the players that are
engaged with it.
[Word count- 159]

Plan for presentation:

To start the presentation we are going to get the parents to sit
down and briefly introduce the game to them. We will have four or
five stations of the game set up so after the brief explanation we can
split them up into groups and get them to play the game. This will
allow them to encounter any difficulties that they face with the game
prior to playing it with their children and will also give context to the
subsequent discussion.
We will distribute the pamphlet so parents have the opportunity
to follow the presentation as well as raise any issues that they may
have with the game. We will go through the recommended questions
highlighting the language and mathematical benefits of asking them.
In regards to the pamphlet itself, we felt it was important not
to overwhelm parents with jargonistic language as some of them may
feel hesitant to play mathematics games with their children as they
may lack confidence with mathematics.
[Word count- 164]

This plan
demonstrates how
we will involve
parents/carers in
the educative

EDMA201: Assessment 2- Developing a Parent Information Session

Reference list

Baratta, W. (2011). Linear equations: equivalence = success.
Australian Mathematics Teacher, 67(4), 6-11.

Baroudi, Z. (2006). Easing students' transition to algebra. Australian
Mathematics Teacher, 62(2), 28-33.

Carraher, D., Schliemann, D., Brizuela, B. & Earnest, D. (2006).
Arithmetic and algebra in early mathematics education. Journal
for Research in Mathematics education, 37(2), 87-115.

Falkner, K., Levi, L., & Carpenter, T. (1999). Childrens
understanding of equality: A foundation for algebra. Teaching
Children Mathematics, 6(4), 232-236.

Stump, S. (2011) Patterns to develop algebraic reasoning. Teaching
Children Mathematics, 17(7), 410-418.

Warren, E., & Cooper, T. (2006). Using repeating patterns to explore
functional thinking. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom,
11(1), 9-14.
Warren, E. & Cooper, T. (2005). Introducing functional thinking in
year 2: A case study of early algebra teaching. Contemporary
issues in early childhood, 6(2), 150-162.
Windsor, W. (2011) How problem solving can develop an algebraic
perspective of mathematics. Australian Primary Mathematics
Classroom, 16(4), 8-12.

EDMA201: Assessment 2- Developing a Parent Information Session

Van de Walle, J. A., Karp, K. S., & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2004).
Elementary and middle school mathematics: Teaching
Developmentally (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

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