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Top 10 Ways

Burn Calories
Without Exercising

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Table of Contents
Top 10 Ways to Burn Calories Without Exercising 5
Eat Regular Meals 5
Eat Fiber 5
Drink Plenty of Water 6
Get Up and Move for at Least 5 Minutes Every 90 6
Visualize Exercise 7
Breathe Deeply 7
Think Thin 7
Get Enough Sleep 8
Get Some Sun in the Morning 8
Eat Healthy Meats and Fish 9

Choline Punch 10
Kick Start Your Morning Without Feeling Nervous or Jittery 12
Give Your Brain the Power of Total Recall and Extreme Alertness 13

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 2

That’s The Realization I Had 14
Getting More Choline is Essential –
Your Brain Needs it for Thinking and Remembering 16
Clinical Studies Prove Connection Between Choline and Memory 19
Burn through Your Crossword with Lightning Speed… 20
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Health 21
Here’s Another Mental Boost: Confidence 24

Primal Lean 28
Take Up to 6 Inches off Your Belly in Just 10 Weeks 29
Reset Your Body Clock and Burn Fat Like You Did Years Ago 29
This Miracle Nutrient Helps Burn Fat Away… 30
Fat Signal #1: Burning Fat for Energy – Naturally 31
Fat Signal #2: Controlling Sensitivity to the “Fat Hormone” 32
Fat Signal #3: The Bad Guy… Turning Blood Sugar into Fat 32

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 3

As Soon as I Discovered this Breakthrough Fat Buster 34
I Called a Few of My Patients… 34
Lose Your Urge to Overeat… 37
Japanese Researchers Discover Fucoxanthin By Accident 39
I’m Very Excited about Primal Lean – The Results are Impressive 41
I Want You to Feel this for Yourself… 42

Vitamin D3 Can Help Prevent the Flu 45

The Sunshine Pill. 45

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 4

Top 10 Ways to Burn Calories Without Exercising
By: Vaughn Gray

Of course, you still need to exercise, but......

1. Eat Regular Meals

Regular meals translate into a higher metabolism and
more calories burned though your day. Skipped meals slow
metabolism and make your body think that it is starving,
encouraging it to hold on to fat. When you miss meals, you
end up gaining more weight in spite of eating fewer calories.
Shoot to eat three or four meals per day, and avoid snacking
in between.

2. Eat Fiber
Fiber cleans our your digestive tract, and a clean digestive tract is critical to proper digestion.
Since improperly digested food is more likely to end up being stored as fat, eating enough fiber

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directly prevents fat storage. In addition, fiber both fills you up, meaning you consume fewer
calories, and slows down the digestion of carbohydrates, which also helps prevent fat storage.
Finally, processing fiber through your body actually burns calories.

3. Drink Plenty of Water

Fat gets burned through a process called ìhydrolysisî which
literally translates as ìbreaking with waterî. Every molecule of fat
in your body has to go through this process before you can burn it
for energy. As a result, if you aren’t properly hydrated, your body
can’t burn fat as efficiently. Drink 3 to 4 liters of quality water per
day to keep your fat burning biochemistry working at full speed.

4. Get Up and Move for at Least 5 Minutes Every 90

Ok, so this is technically exercise, but were just talking about walking here. The point isn’t
to burn fat directly by walking around for five minutes that won’t happen. But a brief walk every
90 to 120 minutes will keep your metabolism up, meaning you’ll burn more fat across the course
of your day.

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5. Visualize Exercise
Seriously, this works! The doctors and trainers for the US Olympic team have
knows for decades that closing your eyes and picturing exercise activates many
of the same nerves and muscles as actually doing exercise, resulting in some of
the same changes in the body. Daily exercise visualization sessions can increase
cardiovascular health, and even raise metabolism, helping to reduce fat stores.
Check out The Power of Visualization for tips on how to put visualization to work
in your life.

6. Breathe Deeply
Your body cannot burn fat without oxygen. Shallow breathing leads to
low levels of oxygen in your blood, and less efficient fat burning. In addition,
shallow breathing elevates stress hormones, which cause your body to hold
on to fat. Check out our Breathing Tutorial for more.

7. Think Thin
Have you’ve heard of the placebo effect? Basically, the idea is that if you
are given a fake medicine, but you believe that it is real, it will have some of
the effects of a real drug. Placebo weight loss drugs which are nothing but

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 7

salt pills actually help people lose weight in medical studies. This is an unequivocal testament
to the power of our minds over our bodies. Picture your body the way you want it to be, will it to
change, and put the placebo effect to work!

8. Get Enough Sleep

Deep sleep leads to a healthier metabolism, which translates
into more calories burned throughout your day. In addition, sleep is
the time when your body recharges your biochemistry, including the
chemicals you need to burn fat. Lack of sleep will interfere with all of
your health and fitness goals.

9. Get Some Sun in the Morning

Natural sunlight in the morning tells the body that it’s time to get up and go. All sorts of
biochemical changes take place in response to the sun in the morning, and just about all of
these result in an increase in metabolism. It’s difficult to wake up fully without a little sunlight, and
if you don’t wake up fully, you won’t burn as many calories during the normal business of your
day. If you can’t get access to real sunlight in the morning, think about buying a sun square, Ott
lamp, or another source of full spectrum light.

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10. Eat Healthy Meats and Fish
Many meats and fish are rich in chemicals that have positive effects on metabolism. The
Omega 3 fats in wild caught (not farm raised) salmon and the stimulatory ammino acids in pork
can both help you burn more calories. Beef is rich in a chemical called L-Carnitine that helps
your body convert fat into fuel. Some studies have shown that supplementing with L-Carnitine
can aid efforts to lose weight. But getting it straight from the natural source is best. Find some
steak or ground beef that is either, organic, or, best of all, grass fed. Cows are meant to eat
grass, rather than the diet of soy, corn, and other processed grains that most cows are fed.
Cows raised on grains are overweight and sickly (just like people who are raised on processed
grains). A healthy diet of grass leads to a healthier cow with healthier meat. Think about eating
a serving (3-5oz, about the size of a deck of cards) of organic or grass fed beef each week.
Meats are great for most people’s metabolism in moderation. They only lead to weight gain and
ill health when eaten in excess. For most people’s metabolism, 3-6 servings of meat/fish per
week is ideal. Your free ReEvolution Fitness Action Plan can help you figure out exactly how
much meat is best for you.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 9

Choline Punch

Letter from Doctor Al Sears:

Dear Garey ,

When I was hiking through the Amazon Rain Forest last

year, I had a first-hand experience with a remarkable
healing herb…

Sacred to the nearby Guarani tribe, it was literally a gift

from the gods. According to tribal folklore, the Indians
of the Amazon River Basin have been using it to prevent
fatigue and increase physical endurance since before
recorded history.

I took it in the early morning before we hit the trail.

After 18 hours through the jungles of Peru my mind was

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 10

crystal clear and I had no feeling of fatigue. Looking back, I had covered 15 miles
of rugged terrain without feeling tired or worn out.

I realized that combining this ancient herb with cutting edge brain nutrients
would create a powerful new formula. Not only would it give you more energy
without crashing, it would help your memory too.*

But the story gets better… After I got home, I started putting the pieces together.
Working nights and weekends I had a trial formula within the first six weeks.
Using myself as a test subject, I gave it a try.

Right from the start I knew I was on to something. I tapped into a deep source of
mental energy, heightened memory and a laser-like focus throughout the day.

All the individual components of my formula are backed up by modern clinical

studies. And now for the first time, you can feel the startling results for yourself.

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Here’s how it works.

Kick Start Your Morning Without Feeling Nervous or Jittery

The Amazon herb that kept me alert yet relaxed comes
from a seed called Paullina cupana. The active compound is
guaranine, a member of the caffeine family. But unlike regular
caffeine, it’s full of healthy fatty acids.

The good fat gives guaranine a slow release. Its effect will
gradually increase over a period of hours. It doesn’t pick you
up and throw you down like quick release caffeine. There’s no
crash with this stuff… and you don’t get any of the nervous, jittery
energy you do with caffeine.

Caffeine gets a bad rap sometimes but it’s the most widely
used drug in the world. And it’s a proven mental performance
booster. The studies number in the hundreds. One published in
Neurology found that three cups of coffee a day cuts your risk of
mental decline by over 50%.1

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But there’s a catch. Coffee gives you a short burst of energy, but overheats and excites your
body. Guaranine has a cooling action that revitalizes and relaxes.The end result is more beneficial
to your body. You get all the energy and alertness but remain calm, cool and collected.*

A team of Brazilian scientists studied the effects on rats. Their results were not surprising.
Guaranine increased their physical activity, increased their physical endurance under stress and
improved their memory.2*

But like I said, the story gets even better…

Give Your Brain the Power of Total Recall and Extreme Alertness
The effect of the Paullina cupana seed was amazing. It me gave the endurance to trek
through the Amazon and left me with a wonderful feeling of clarity. But I was starting to see the
bigger picture.

The Rain Forest herb works its magic by releasing acetylcholine in your brain. Acetyl-choline
is a neurotransmitter. It’s the brain chemical that lets your nerve cells fire through the synapse
or gap that exists between the trillions of neurons in your brain.

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If you have lots of acetylcholine, your mind is sharp and your memory is clear. When you drink
coffee in the morning, the release of acetylcholine gives you the buzz that gets you going.*

But there’s a problem… coffee will burn you out because it depletes your reserve of
acetylcholine. Guaranine is slow acting with none of the caffeine side effects but it works in the
same way. Eventually you lose your reserve of acetylcholine.

But if you trigger a release of acetylcholine and then rebuild your reserves you can sustain
the amazing rush of clarity over the long term.*

That’s The Realization I Had

While Hiking Through The Forest…

I knew I could get the best of both worlds if I combined guaranine with powerful
brain nutrients. One of them is choline, the building block required for the
synthesis of acetylcholine. Introduce choline into the mix and you give your
body the ability to manufacture this incredibly powerful neurotransmitter.

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When you combine choline and guaranine you get a bigger release of
acetylcholine – even more than taking guaranine on its own. That’s what gives
you the feeling of energy and mental power. But instead of depleting your
reserves and burning out, you build them up.*

That means you can take my formula every day and get the same effect every

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Getting More Choline is Essential – Your Brain Needs it for Thinking and Remembering
Your brain has a huge appetite for choline. It’s the primary building block for acetylcholine.
You burn it up 24/7 as your brain uses it to maintain clear communication between trillions of

You need it for all the basics like thought, memory and sleep. It even controls how you move.
Your muscles receive commands from your brain via acetylcholine. That means your sense of
balance and stability is controlled by this key transmitter.

Like many nutrients, your supply of choline drops as you get older. As this happens, you can
expect some or all of these symptoms:

Poor recall and memory loss

• Fatigue or lack of energy

• Brain fog and/or a sense of confusion
• Problems falling asleep, tossing and turning

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• Unable to catch on, or learn new things
• Feeling distracted or irritable
• Walking with a wobbly or shaky gait, unable to stay balanced
• When Your Brain Doesn’t Get Enough Choline
• It Starts to Destroy Itself…

To survive, your body will scavenge materials from other sources when it can’t get enough
from its main supplier. When choline levels drop off, your brain goes on a scavenger hunt and
extracts choline from nerve cell membranes. This last resort is called “auto-cannibalism” and it’s
very dangerous.

In the short term, your brain will use this technique to keep your memory and other functions
up and running. But in the long run, your nerve cells end up badly damaged.

In the graph below, you can see how the nutrients DMAE and choline turn into the key
neurotransmitter acetylcholine. DMAE is another powerful brain nutrient I will tell you about a

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 17

little later. It’s also in my formula. First, I want you to see the direct connection choline has to its
end product acetylcholine.

As you can see, choline is one small step away from acetylcholine. Put more choline into
your body and your brain gets more of the neurotransmitter that keeps your mind alert and your
memory fresh.*

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Clinical Studies Prove Connection Between Choline and Memory
It’s very possible you’ve never heard of choline. Most people haven’t. But it’s one of the most
important nutrients on the planet. And it’s well researched. There are dozens of studies testing
both animals and humans.

Here are just a few:

• Researchers who gave rats a choline supplement found they developed a sharper and
longer memory than rats that didn’t have extra choline. On day one, both groups of rats
were performing their tasks successfully. This included avoiding electric shock as they
moved through a maze.
• On day two, the rats that didn’t have the extra choline forgot about the electric shock
and got zapped. But the rats that had the extra choline remembered the booby traps
and successfully avoided getting shocked.3
• In a human study, researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago tested people
with a choline deficiency. They gave them a series of memory tests and found below
average scores. In the next stage, they divided the same people into two groups. One
group received extra choline, the other didn’t.

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After 24 weeks, both groups repeated the memory tests. Not surprisingly, the group with the
extra choline performed with flying colors and their results showed a dramatic improvement over
the first round. The group that received no extra choline performed poorly. Their results showed
no improvement over the first round.4*

Burn through Your Crossword with Lightning Speed…

My unique blend of choline and guaranine is like rocket fuel for your brain. Not only does
it give you a better boost than your morning cup of coffee, it gives you the clarity of a mental

You’ll notice the lift right away. If you do crosswords you’ll finish them in a fraction of the time.
Things like organization, recall and comprehension just fall into place.

When you read something, you “get it.” When someone is explaining something, you
understand what they’re getting at before they even get to the point. You move into a feeling of
extreme alertness. You’re aware of everything and it’s all so clear.

The processing speed of your brain gets a twin-turbo boost. It’s like stepping up to one of
those super-computers NASA uses for space flight.

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One of the experiences I appreciate most is the “alert but calm” feeling. Your mind can relax
and let go. Your focus becomes almost laser like. And it lasts throughout the day. It’s not a short-
lived spike like coffee or other caffeine drinks.

I could have stopped there… choline and guaranine are enough to repair and rejuvenate
your aging brain. But there’s another key brain booster essential to my formula.*

Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Health

There’s one more thing you need to know about this formula… It has a very unique and
clinically proven “side effect”: It supports your heart and brain health.*

How is this possible?

Boosting the level of choline in your blood has a powerful effect on

homocysteine and C-reactive protein (CRP). If you’re a regular reader
you’ve probably heard about these powerful markers. They are both
better indicators for heart and brain health than anything else – including

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 21

Research has demonstrated that homocysteine causes oxidative stress to the vascular
endothelium and that maintaining healthy levels of homocysteine is important for heart health.*

Your body produces C-reactive protein as part of its overall defense. When part of your body
is injured, it sends signals to the rest of your body for help. Your immune system then sends out
white blood cells and inflammatory molecules including CRP to the injured area.

Once there, the defense cells try to fix damaged areas and fight off the intruder. But this
defensive response causes inflammation. The inflammatory response needs energy in the form
of oxidative “fire” which can damage surrounding tissues.

Spikes in CRP levels are an early sign of inflammation in your body. That’s why CRP is such
a good indicator. We can evaluate heart health using CRP levels better than with cholesterol

The New England Journal of Medicine published a massive study on CRP. Almost 28,000
people participated in the trial. Researchers discovered that CRP predicted cardiovascular
health better than LDL cholesterol.10

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 22

Here’s the good news: The choline in my formula brings down your levels of both homocysteine
and CRP.*

Here are a few of the studies that back this up:

• An experiment published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition followed two

groups of men. One group ate a diet with no choline. The other group took a choline
supplement. The men with no choline saw a steep rise in homocysteine. After just 10
days, their homocysteine went up by 35%.11*
• Researchers discovered that people who consume higher amounts of choline have
lower levels of homocysteine and CRP. The study followed two groups of people. One
group averaged less than 250-mg of choline a day. The other group averaged more
than 310-mg of choline a day. The group who averaged above 310-mg saw their CRP
drop by 22%.12*

Not only does choline ramp up your mental energy and protect your memory, it helps wipe
out the two predictors of coming disaster.*

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 23

Here’s Another Mental Boost: Confidence
If this is the first time you’ve heard about choline, you may be surprised to hear it does so
much. But once you feel the results for yourself you’ll understand.

After taking my choline formula, many of my patients tell me they feel more confident about
the future. Instead of sitting around the house worrying about what might happen, they feel like
they’re back in the driver’s seat. That’s what happens when you have real options.

Knowledge is power. But I wouldn’t be surprised if sometimes you feel like you’re being kept
in the dark. Many doctors make their patients feel like children or fools. Or both. They hand out
prescriptions and give you an attitude if you ask questions. I’ve always believed real medicine is
about empowerment. Not secrecy.

With this blend of super nutrients, you have the power to keep your mind clear and strong
as you age. It keeps your brain young and well fed. And when it’s working in peak condition your
risk of problems drop dramatically.*

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 24

Greet the Morning with a Clear Head and a Warm Smile

Since I’ve been using my choline formula I haven’t touched a cup of coffee. I
don’t need to. The feeling of “awakeness” I get is far better than anything from

And the effect lasts all day.

To get your own taste of clarity, just choose your offer below.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, M.D.

Garey says: I have been taking it every morning for a week now and
I love it!

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 25

You SAVE 20% when you order 3 bottles of Choline Punch for just $94.95. Plus FREE
shipping and handling. That’s a Total Savings of $69.82. You’ll also get Repair Your Aging Brain
in Just 15 Minutes A Day and Brain Food For a Youthful Mind just for ordering today.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 26

Click HERE to Start Today

• Ritchie, K., et al. The neuroprotective effects of caffeine: A prospective study (the Three City
Study). Neurology 69. 2007 Aug 7:536-545.
• Espinola EB, et al. Pharmacological activity of Paullina cupana in laboratory animals. J
Ethnopharmacol. 1997 Feb;55(3):223-9.
* Gossell-Williams M, et al. Choline supplementation facilitates short-term memory consolidation
into intermediate long-term memory of rats. West Indian Med J. 2006 Jan;55(1):4-8.
* Buchman AL, et al. Verbal and visual memory improve after choline supplementation. JPEN J
Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2001 Jan-Feb;25(1):30-5.
* Dean Ward M.D. ‘Anti-Aging Nutrient Review and Update Part 4: DMAE Cognitive-Enhancing, Life
Extending Nutrient’ Vitamin Research News, September 2004, Vol. 18, Number 8, p. 1-4.
* Coleman N., Dexheimer P., Dintascio A. Redman W. And Finnerty R., ‘Deanol in the treatment of
hyperkinetic children’, Psychosomatics 1976, 17:68-72.
* Geller S. J., ‘Comparison of a tranquilizer and a psychic energizer’ JAMA 1960, 174:89-92
* Oettinger L., ‘The use of Deanol in the treatment of disorders of behavior in children. J Pediat 1958,
* Ibid.
* Ridker P., et al. Comparison of C-reactive protein and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in
the prediction of first cardiovascular events. NEJM 2002 Nov 14; 347(20): 1557-1565
* Choline deficiency in mice and humans is associated with increased homocysteine concentration.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Feb;81(2): 440-444.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 27

* Detopoulou P, et al. Dietary choline intakes in relation to concentrations of inflammatory markers:
the ATTICA study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Feb;87(2):424-30.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Primal Lean
Letter from Doctor Al Sears:

Dear Garey ,

This newly discovered West African herb is the closest you’ll get to effortless
weight loss.

It may be the most successful weight loss compound ever tested.

I’ve never seen anything like it. And it’s 100% natural and completely safe.

Let me explain…

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 28

Take Up to 6 Inches off Your Belly in Just 10 Weeks
When the rest of the world catches up – this little-known West African herb could become
recognized as the most effective weight loss supplement ever discovered.

But you can start using it to drop pounds – and lose inches – RIGHT NOW.

My own enhanced version of this formula is ready today. It’s even more effective than the
compound researchers used in the clinical tests. I’ll show you how to get started in this letter.

First, I want you to see the results.

The people in this study – which was published in the medical journal Lipids in Health and
Disease – lost an average of 28 pounds and 6 inches off their belly. And they didn’t change their
diet or exercise habits.1

Reset Your Body Clock and Burn Fat Like You Did Years Ago
There’s an all-natural herb that grows deep in the forests of West Africa. And it resets your
body’s “fat signals” to the point where you naturally and easily resist the production of new fat

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 29

cells – just like you did when you were in college.

Remember those days? When you could eat anything you wanted, and nothing made you
fat. It’s easy when you’re young. But as you age, things get thrown off balance.

Our modern diet is processed and full of additives and other toxins. Combine that with
getting older and you throw off your body’s “fat signals.” These signals tell your body how much
fat to make and store.

That’s why it’s hard to lose weight as you age… even when you try your best to eat right and

This herb improves those signals and resets your body’s delicate machinery. When it regains its
balance your body has the ability to control fat production – just like it did when you were younger.

This Miracle Nutrient Helps Burn Fat Away…

Staying lean and trim as you age is not easy. You can eat right and exercise and still end up
with a “spare tire” around your belly. It doesn’t seem fair.

But if you know why this is happening you can do something about it.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 30

The West African herb – called irvingia gabonensis – can help you get that extra weight off.
It’s one of the all-star nutrients in my new slimming formula Primal Lean.

How does it work?

Your body has a “signal network” that controls your fat cells.

If this communication system breaks down, your fat cells get bigger and bigger… and you
get more and more of them.

As you age that’s exactly what happens.

Fat Signal #1: Burning Fat for Energy – Naturally

When things are running smoothly, your fat cells produce leptin. This messenger sends out
two signals: One, it tells your brain you’re full. That shuts down your hunger. Two, it tells the fat
inside your cells to breakdown into a kind of fat that can be burned as energy.

When these signals are working, you don’t get hungry as often and your fat gets burned

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 31

But when too many fat cells build up, a protein called CRP sticks to the leptin and prevents
it from delivering its message to your brain. Signal lost.

This is called leptin resistance. The bottom line is you’ll always feel hungry and the fat inside
your cells will stay there forever.

When this happens it triggers a series of other signal problems.

Fat Signal #2: Controlling Sensitivity to the “Fat Hormone”

Another messenger – adiponectin – controls your sensitivity to insulin. When you have lots
of adiponectin, your body responds well to insulin and everything is fine – your waist is small,
your heart is healthy and your arteries are clear.

But as you age, your levels of this critical fat signal drop… then you’re more likely to get
bigger and fatter.

Fat Signal #3: The Bad Guy… Turning Blood Sugar into Fat
The 3rd messenger is actually a bad guy you want to get rid of… it’s called glycerol-3-
phosphate dehydrogenase. This enzyme turns blood sugar into fat. Not what you want.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 32

The magic behind Primal Lean is its ability to restore your body’s signal network. After a few
weeks the leptin signal to your brain is reconnected, adiponectin levels rise and the bad guy –
the fat making enzyme – gets cut off.

Problem solved.

You see, as you age these fat signals get thrown off. No matter how much you exercise or
how well you eat you could always be vulnerable to age-related fat gain.

Unless, of course, you have a communication network that’s firing on all cylinders. When it
does, it’s a beautiful thing to see. Extra weight and fat simply begin disappearing – in a matter
of weeks!

How many years have you been fighting the love handles… the pot belly? Probably decades.
In 10 weeks or less you’ll drop a good chunk of that extra fat… I guarantee it.

Compared to years of struggle 10 weeks seems to happen overnight.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 33

As Soon as I Discovered this Breakthrough Fat Buster
I Called a Few of My Patients…
I read this study back in December. Within days I had a dozen sample bottles. As the
Christmas holiday approached I already had a few volunteers.

One my patients – Arlene H. – started taking this weight loss herb on December 18, 2008.
Here’s an excerpt from her letter:

“I’m always interested in new Dr. Sears formulas so I was excited – although a bit
skeptical – to hear about this new weight loss herb from Africa. I started taking it
right before the holidays, so I was probably eating more than I normally do, but
I noticed an effect within a few weeks. My hips and waist started to feel tighter.

My ‘love handles’ were the big deal for me… it was the only place I really felt
self-conscious. I have this favorite pair of white, Capri-style jeans and I could not
get them on. They were so tight I just left them in the closet. After a while I broke
down and bought a few other pairs of jeans that were a few inches bigger in the
waist. These were my new ‘fat clothes.’

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 34

But luckily, after about 7 or 8 weeks I didn’t need them anymore. I slimmed
down and in spite of all the holiday food I got back into the Capri pants… Even
better, my “fat jeans” started to slide right off me… it feels like a real victory. But
honestly I didn’t do anything. I didn’t change the way I eat and I didn’t really
exercise… After the ten-week period I asked Dr. Sears if I could keep going. I
didn’t want to give up this new fat loss secret… who would?!”

Arlene H.; Wellington, FL

This is a typical response. Everyone who tries it has something good to say about it… And
when they run out they always want more. No one wants to stop taking it.

When you have a good thing going, why stop?

Primal Lean may be one of the best ways to firm up and tone down – without spending hours
in the gym or forcing yourself to eat bird food.

Before the study, the group taking the herb in Primal Lean averaged 215 pounds. After the
study they averaged 187 pounds – for a net average loss of 28 pounds.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 35

The control group started at 212 pounds and went to 211 pounds. They lost an average of
one pound, which means nothing happened.

But hold on a sec, there’s more to this than burning fat.

Remember… This bombshell study first appeared in the journal Lipids in Health and
Disease. “Lipids” means “fatty acids,” like cholesterol. The editors of this medical journal were
more interested in the remarkable way this herb normalizes blood fats.

Recognize any of these names?

Total cholesterol… HDL… LDL… Blood glucose… C-reactive protein…

These are some of the terms you’ll find on your blood tests when you go to a doctor. Like the
“fat signals” that normalize your body’s natural fat burning, this West African herb has the power
to “normalize” other parts of your body too.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 36

This kind of herb is called an adaptogen. An adaptogen is a natural substance that helps
your body adapt to stress and exerts a normalizing effect on bodily processes. Ginseng is a
good example.

But this potent weight loss herb is more powerful. It’s more than just a tonic you take for
increased energy. It has very specific talents. It ramps up your body’s ability to burn fat and may
help promote normal cholesterol and c-reactive protein levels.

That makes it a monumental find.

If you take this herb by itself you’ll get great results.

But there’s a way to make it better… a way to make it stronger and more effective.

Lose Your Urge to Overeat…

I didn’t just take an herb and put it in a bottle. I made it my own.

If I limited Primal Lean to the West African herb I discovered in the study you would have
heard about it back in December.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 37

That’s not the case. I have something better.

I found out about this new herb while I was working on another fat buster called fucoxanthin.
(Pronounced: fu co ZAN thin) This is a seaweed extract with powerful fat burning properties.

And it quiets your appetite almost immediately.

When you’re not hungry it’s much easier for irvingia gabonensis to do its job. And of course,
it’s easier to lose weight.

Here’s what a few of my patients are saying:

Since I started taking Primal Lean about three weeks ago, I have noticed the
appetite suppressant right away! I really like how I feel and not having those
cravings is awesome. I take it 15 minutes before I have a meal. When I get
stressed out, I will usually have cravings and snack on food a lot. Since I have
been taking the Primal Lean, that is not an issue any more. Now, I enjoy eating

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 38

and the cravings have disappeared. That really helps me out with not gaining
extra weight and staying healthy!”

– Penny M.; Wellington, FL

“[After taking Primal Lean] I felt my appetite disappear right away, no doubt
about it. I just wasn’t hungry anymore. I don’t snack anymore… I don’t want to
and I don’t need to. And my pants are too big, that’s another great thing. I had to
go digging in my close and pull out a pair of jeans I hadn’t worn in years… and
they fit! Amazing stuff.”

– Cindy L.; Wellington, FL

Japanese Researchers Discover Fucoxanthin By Accident

When a group of Japanese marine biologists fed their study animals with fucoxanthin
something remarkable happened… a microscopic protein – called UCP1 – suddenly became

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 39

This protein turns up your metabolic furnace and lets your cells burn fat for energy – not
during exercise but while you’re resting.

This nutritious and very safe seaweed extract actually flips your metabolic switch and “turns
on” your body’s fat burning machinery.

Clinical tests suggest fucoxanthin is a powerful fat buster. Many are animal tests but there
are some very exciting human tests too.

The Japanese researchers were startled by the results. So they went work. In a series of
experiments they gave two groups of mice the same diet, but one group supplemented with

In the fat tissue of the mice that supplemented with fucoxanthin the researchers found high
levels of the fat-burning protein UCP1. As a result, those mice lost a significant amount of fat. In
the control group there was no difference.2

The same researchers later discovered that fucoxanthin even prevented potential fat cells
from “growing up” and becoming mature fat cells.3

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 40

Not only does fucoxanthin help you burn fat you already have… it helps prevent the formation
of future fat cells. It stops fat dead in its tracks.

Clinical studies suggest fucoxanthin may be effective for people too. The trials were finished
last year and the studies have been submitted for publication. From what I’ve seen, they look

In the test group, people taking fucoxanthin lost an average of 15 pounds in four months.
The people in the control group lost just three pounds. These results have not been published
yet, but those are good numbers.4

I’m Very Excited about Primal Lean – The Results are Impressive
Primal Lean is setting records in my office. It’s safe and effective. And everyone who tries it
wants to stay on it.

Just keep in mind… it takes eight to ten weeks before you feel the whole effect. You will
probably notice something before that. Many of my patients do. (And the appetite suppressant
kicks in right away.)

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 41

But in the spirit of full disclosure I want you to understand that it takes a couple of months
to really kick in.

There’s a reason for that.

Primal Lean is not a drug. It’s a safe and natural remedy that resets and rebalances key
systems in your body. It takes time for these systems to return to normal.

But like I said, if you look back and consider all the years you’ve tried every new idea that
came along… ten weeks feels like nothing!

I Want You to Feel this for Yourself…

I sent you this special invitation so you could experience first hand the amazing results
Primal Lean can offer – without risk or regret.

Take my 10-week Primal Lean challenge. Lose all the fat you want. If it disappoints you I’ll
pick up the tab. I’ll pay for the whole thing.

As my loyal reader I’ve chosen you to be the first one who gets this new formula… and your
results are guaranteed.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 42

The look of gratitude and satisfaction on the faces of my patients is a powerful

I want the same for you.

Accept my invitation!

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, M.D.

1 Oben JE, et al. Irvingia gabonensis significantly reduces body weight and improves metabolic
parameters in overweight humans. Lipids in Health and Disease. 2009, 8:7
2 Maeda H, et al. Fucoxanthin shows antiobesity effect through UCP1 expression in white adipose
tissues. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Jul 1;332(2):392-7.
3 Sugawara T, et al. Antiangiogenic activity of fucoxanthin. J Agric Food Chem. 2006 Dec
4 Ramazanov, Z. Effect of fucoxanthin on energy expenditure in obese women: a double-blind,
randomized and placebo-controlled trial. Submitted for publication 2008.
* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 43

*To get your special discount, just enter the number of bottles you want in the “Quantity” box.
Your discount will be calculated automatically!

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 44

Vitamin D3 Can Help Prevent the Flu

The Sunshine Pill.

Vitamin D3 is responsible for many functions in the body and one
thing is for certain, we are not getting enough. Lifestyle is one reason
and Autumn/Winter sun restrictions is another. In early October 2009, I
listened to three medical radio shows back to back on local radio. All three
shows were about Vitamin D3. One of my favorite doctors, Dr. Bill Pawlek
recommends 4000 IU of Vitamin D3 a day as the main preventative to
H1N1 (and instead of the vaccine being offered that was rushed through
with minimal human testing.)

While conservative convention says 2,000 IU a day is sufficient, many

believe this is off the mark. We suggest 3 tablets of 1,500 IU a day for a
healthy adult. This may be the single most effective flu prevention out there.
While its true you can get the flu even if you are doing everything possible,
we still feel that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 45

There is a vast body of science showing the many health benefits of vitamin D.
You may be surprised to learn the important role that vitamin D plays in your
health. When considering Vitamin D as a supplement, it’s important to know
that Vitamin D3 is best absorb by the human body.

Maintains Your Calcium Balance

Maintenance of blood calcium levels within a narrow range is vital for normal functioning of
the nervous system, as well as for bone growth, and maintenance of bone density. Vitamin D is
essential for the efficient utilization of calcium by the body.

Aids Your Cell Differentiation

Cellular differentiation results in the specialization of cells for specific functions in your body.
In general, differentiation of cells leads to a decrease in proliferation. While cellular proliferation is
essential for growth and wound healing, uncontrolled proliferation of cells with certain mutations
may lead to diseases like cancer. The active form of vitamin D, inhibits proliferation and stimulates
the differentiation of cells.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 46

Boosts Your Immunity

Active vitamin D is a potent immune system modulator. There is plenty of scientific evidence
that vitamin D has several different effects on immune system function that may enhance your
immunity and inhibit the development of autoimmunity.

Blood Pressure Regulation

Adequate vitamin D levels may be important for decreasing the risk of high blood pressure.
More studies on vitamin D and hypertension are necessary.

Vitamin D and Diseases

According to the National Institutes of Health, vitamin D may play a role in the following

Vitamin D and Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is most often associated with inadequate calcium intake. However, a deficiency
of vitamin D also contributes to osteoporosis by reducing calcium absorption. While rickets and
osteomalacia are extreme examples of vitamin D deficiency, osteopororsis is an example of a

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 47

long-term effect of vitamin D insufficiency. Adequate storage levels of vitamin D help keep bones
strong and may help prevent osteoporosis in older adults, in those who have difficulty walking
and exercising, in post-menopausal women, and in individuals on chronic steroid therapy.

Vitamin D deficiency, which is often seen in post-menopausal women and older

Americans, has been associated with greater incidence of hip fractures.39-41 In
a review of women with osteoporosis hospitalized for hip fractures, 50 percent
were found to have signs of vitamin D deficiency. Daily supplementation with
20 800 IU of vitamin D may reduce the risk of osteoporotic fractures in elderly
populations with low blood levels of vitamin D. The Decalyos II study examined
the effect of combined calcium and vitamin D supplementation in a group of
elderly women who were able to walk indoors with a cane or walker. The women
were studied for two years, and results suggested that such supplementation
could reduce the risk of hip fractures in this population.

Vitamin D and Cancer

Laboratory, animal, and some preliminary human studies suggests that vitamin D may be
protective against some cancers. Several studies suggest that a higher dietary intake of calcium

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 48

and vitamin D correlates with lower incidence of cancer. In fact, for over 60 years researchers
have observed that greater sun exposure reduces cancer deaths. The inverse relationship
between higher vitamin D levels in blood and lower cancer risk in humans is best documented
for colon and colorectal cancers. Vitamin D emerged as a protective factor in a study of over
3,000 adults who underwent a colonoscopy to look for polyps or lesions in the colon. There was
a significantly lower risk of advanced cancerous lesions among those with the highest vitamin
D intake.

Additional clinical trials need to be conducted to determine whether vitamin D deficiency

increases cancer risk, or if an increased intake of vitamin D is protective against some cancers.
Until such trials are conducted, it is premature to conclude you should take vitamin D supplements
for cancer prevention.

Vitamin D and Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is associated with an increased risk of hip fractures because many
Alzheimer’s patients are homebound, frequently sunlight deprived, and older. With aging, less
vitamin D is converted to its active form. One study of women with Alzheimer’s disease found that
decreased bone mineral density was associated with a low intake of vitamin D and inadequate
sunlight exposure. More investigation on vitamin D and Alzheimers Disease is necessary.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 49

Other Diseases Vitamin D Deficiency May Affect

Autoimmune Diseases - Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis, are each

examples of autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases occur when the body
launches an immune response to its own tissue, rather than a foreign pathogen.
Treatment with vitamin D has beneficial effects in animal models of all of the
above mentioned diseases. Studies have found that the prevalence of diabetes,
multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis increases as latitude increases,
suggesting that lower exposure to sun light and associated decreases in vitamin
D synthesis may play a role in the development of these diseases.

The results of several studies also suggest that adequate vitamin D intake may
decrease the risk of autoimmune diseases. Evidence from animal models and
human studies suggests that maintaining sufficient vitamin D levels may help
decrease the risk of several autoimmune diseases, but more studies are needed
to draw any solid conclusions.

At present, data from controlled clinical trials are too limited to determine
whether vitamin D supplementation will be effective in lowering blood pressure
or preventing hypertension.

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 50

Vitamin D Toxicity

It is very rare to have a vitamin D overdose. Vitamin D toxicity induces abnormally high serum
calcium levels (hypercalcemia), which could result in bone loss, kidney stones, and calcification
of organs like the heart and kidneys if untreated over a long period of time. When the Food and
Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine established the tolerable upper intake level (UL) for
vitamin D, published studies that adequately documented the lowest intake levels of vitamin D
that induced hypercalcemia were very limited. Because the consequences of hypercalcemia are
severe, the Food and Nutrition Board established a very conservative UL of 2,000 IU/day (50
mcg/day) for children and adults. (see table below)

Research published since 1997 suggests that the UL for adults is overly conservative and
that vitamin D toxicity is very unlikely in healthy people at intake levels lower than 10,000 IU/day.
Vitamin D toxicity has not been observed to result from sun exposure.

Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for Vitamin D

• Infants 0-12 months- 1000 IU

• Children 1-18 years- 2000 IU
• Adults 19 years and older- 2000 IU

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 51

Vitamin D3 Supplements

It is not always practical to get your vitamin D from sunshine, and quite difficult to get adequate
amounts from your diet so for many people, a vitamin D supplement is a practical way to ensure
adequate levels of this important protector are always available in your bloodstream.

1st Bottle is Free!

Vol. I No. 5 November 2009 page 52

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