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Digital Pathways Art Arttalk Chapter 1 Review Questions

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After reading the PDF Arttalk Chapter 1, please define the following vocabulary terms and answer the following questions in
the space provided. Save this to your Z: drive or Google drive, print it out and place into the correct class basket for grading.
Vocabulary (Please define the following vocabulary terms)
1. Artwork

2. Perceive

3. Symbol

4. Subject

5. Composition

6. Content

7. Credit line

8. Medium

Questions (Please answer the following questions)
9. List the three benefits of learning the language of visual art

10. List the seven elements of art

Mariana Hernandez
The visual expression of an idea or experience created with skill.
To become deeply aware through the senses of the special nature of a visual object.
Something that stands for, or represents, something else.
The image viewers can easily identify in a work of art.
The way the principles of art are used to organize the elements of art.
The message the work communicates.
A list of important facts about a work of art.
The material used to make art.
The three benefits of learning the language of visual art are:
1. It will increase your ability to understand, appreciate, and enjoy art.
2. It will increase your ability to express yourself clearly when discussing art.
3. It will improve your ability to produce artworks.
1. Line
2. Shape
3. Form
4. Space
5. Color
6. Value
7. Texture
Digital Pathways Art Arttalk Chapter 1 Review Questions

11. Explain how artists use the principles of art

12. How can a person develop perceptual skills?

13. List the three basic properties of works of art

14. Identify five sources of inspiration that artist use

15. List five common functions of art

16. Creative individuals who use imagination and skill to communicate in visual form are called

17. An image that viewers can easily identify in a work of art is the

18. The message that the work of art communicates is called the

19. The visual expression of an idea or experience created with skill is a

20. People used to create art to record ideas long before people used words - TRUE or FALSE ?
Artists use the principles of art by organizing the art elements for specific effects.
A person can develop perceptual skills by creating a sense of wholeness when putting the
elements and principles of art together.
The three basic properties of works of art:
1. Subject
2. Composition
3. Content
1. Nature
2. People and Real World Events
3. Myths and Legends
4. Spiritual and Religious Beliefs
5. Creative Techniques
1. Personal Function
2. Social Function
3. Spiritual Function
4. Physical Function
5. Education Function

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